Author Mahdi Riduansyah
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RUMUS 16 TENSES SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT PERFECT CONTINUOUS To Be + Ving Have/Has + V3 Have + Been + Ving PRESENT Simple Present Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Verbal (+) S + V1 + s/es (+) S + (is/am/are) + Ving (+) S + (have/has) + V3 (+) S + (have/has) + been + Ving...


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RUMUS 16 TENSES Mahdi Riduansyah

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RUMUS 16 TENSES SIMPLE PRESENT Simple Present Verbal (+) S + V1 + s/es (-) S + (do/does) + not + V1 (?) (do/does) + S + V1 Nominal (+) S + (is/am/are) + 3C (-) S + (is/am/are) + not + 3C (?) (is/am/are) + S + 3C PAST Simple Past Verbal (+) S + V2 (-) S + did + not + V1 (?) Did + S + V1 Nominal (+) S + (was/were) + 3C (-) S + (was/were) + not +3C (?) (was/were) S + 3C FUTURE Simple Future Verbal (+) S + (shall/will) + V1 (-) S + (shall/will) + not + V1 (?) (shall/will) + S + V1 (/) S + (is/am/are) + going to + V1 Nominal (+) S + (shall/will) + be + 3C (-) S + (shall/will) + not + be + 3C (?) (shall/will) + S + be + 3C PAST Simple Past Future FUTURE Verbal (+) S + (should/would) + V1 (-) S + (should/would) + not + V1 (?) (should/would) + S + V1 (/) S + (was/were) + going to + V1 Nominal

(+) S + (should/would) + be + 3C (-) S + (should/would) + not + be + 3C (?) (should/would) + S + be + 3C

CONTINUOUS To Be + Ving Present Continuous (+) S + (is/am/are) + Ving (-) S + (is/am/are) + not + Ving (?) (is/am/are) + S + Ving (+) S + (is/am/are) + 3C (-) S + (is/am/are) + not + 3C (?) (is/am/are) + S + 3C Past Continuous (+) S + (was/were) + Ving (-)S + (was/were) + not + Ving (?) (was/were) + S + Ving (+) S + (was/were) + 3C (-) S + (was/were) + not + 3C (?) (was/were) S + 3C Future Continuous (+) S + (shall/will) + be + Ving (-) S + (shall/will) + not + be + Ving (?) (shall/will) + S + be + Ving (/) S + (is/am/are) + going to + V1 (+) S + (shall/will) + be + 3C (-) S + (shall/will) + not + be + 3C (?) (shall/will) + S + be + 3C Past Future Continuous (+) S + (should/would) + be + Ving (-) S + (should/would) + not + be + Ving (?) (should/would) + S + be + Ving (/) S + (was/were) + going to + V1 (+) S + (should/would) + be + 3C (-) S + (should/would) + not + be + 3C (?) (should/would) + S + be + 3C

PERFECT Have/Has + V3 Present Perfect (+) S + (have/has) + V3 (-) S + (have/has) + not + V3 (?) (have/has) + S + V3 (+) S + (have/has) + been + 3C (-) S + (have/has) + not + been + 3C (?) (have/has) + S + been + 3C Past Perfect (+) S + had + V3 (-)S + had + not + V3 (?) had + S + V3 (+) S + had + been + 3C (-) S + had + not + been + 3C (?) Had + S + been + 3C Future Perfect (+) S + (shall/will) + have + V3 (-) S + (shall/will) + not + have + V3 (?) (shall/will) + S + have + V3

PERFECT CONTINUOUS Have + Been + Ving Present Perfect Continuous (+) S + (have/has) + been + Ving (-) S + (have/has) + not + been + Ving (?) (have/has) + S + been + Ving (+) S + (have/has) + been + 3C (-) S + (have/has) + not + been + 3C (?) (have/has) + S + been + 3C Past Perfect Continuous (+) S + had + been + Ving (-) S + had + not + been + Ving (?) Had + S + been + Ving (+) S + had + been + 3C (-) S + had + not + been + 3C (?) Had + S + been + 3C Future Perfect Continuous (+) S + (shall/will) + have + been + Ving (-) S + (shall/will) + not + have + been + Ving (?) (shall/will) + S + have + been + Ving

(+) S + (shall/will) + have + been + 3C (+) S + (shall/will) + have + been + 3C (-) S + (shall/will) + not + have + been + 3C (-) S + (shall/will) + not + have + been + 3C (?) (shall/will) + S + have + been + 3C (?) (shall/will) + S + have + been + 3C Past Future Perfect

Past Future Perfect Continuous

(+) S + (should/would) + have + V3 (-) S + (should/would) + not + have + V3 (?) (should/would) + S + have + V3

(+) S + (should/would) + have + been + Ving (-) S + (should/would) + not + have + been + Ving (?) (should/would) + S + have + been + Ving

(+) S + (should/would) + have + been + 3C (-) S + (should/would) + not + have + been + 3C (?) (should/would) + S + have + been + 3C

(+) S + (should/would) + have + been + 3C (-) S + (should/would) + not + have + been + 3C (?) (should/would) + S + have + been + 3C






SIMPLE Simple Present - Kebiasaan / sering dilakukan - Kebenaran umum - Jadwal umum - Judul berita - Perintah / permintaan singkat - Menyatakan sifat / karakter - Deskripsi suatu prosedur Always, never, every, usually, seldo , ofte , so eti e, o … Simple Past - Kejadian di masa lampau - Kebenaran umum masa lampau - Kebiasaan di masa lampau

Yesterday, last night, the day before, two days ago Simple Future - Suatu kejadian yg akan dilakukan/terjadi di masa depan - Pendapat, prediksi, dugaan - Permintaan - Ajakan, saran Tomorrow, later, soon, if, e t … Simple Past Future - Kejadian yg telah diprediksi di masa lampau - Pengandaian - Perintah/permintaan scra halus Yesterday, last …

CONTINUOUS Present Continuous - Sedang berlangsung / dilakukan - Pasti / segera akan dilakukan - Kejadian yg masih berlangsung walau tidak sedang dilakukan - Aktivitas yg sudah terjadwal - Akt. durasi lama tapi sementara - Kebiasaan buruk yg berulang Now, right now, at present, soon, today, tonight, this morning, etc. Past Continuous - Kejadian yg sedang berlangsung di masa lampau - 2 kejadian yg sedang berlangsung bersamaan di masa lampau - Kejadian bertahap As, when, while

PERFECT Present Perfect - Selesai / baru saja dilakukan, tanpa menyebutkan waktu - Menghubungkan lampau – sekarang - Sudah dilakukan pada waktu lampau tapi masih terjadi sampai sekarang - Sudah dilakukan tetapi masih dilakukan / belum selesai Just, already, once, twice, since, for a month, for a year Past Perfect - Sudah selesai dilakukan - 2 kejadian yg telah terjadi di masa lampau - Indirect speech

Future Continuous - Suatu kejadian yg akan sedang dilakukan/terjadi di masa depan

Before, just, already, after, as soon as, until Future Perfect - Suatu kejadian yg akan sudah dilakukan/terjadi di masa depan

When, if, while, at this time 2morrow

By tomorrow, by sunday, in two days

Past Future Continuous - Menyatakan suatu rencana / kejadian yg akan berlangsung, tapi pada waktu spesifik di masa lampau To orrow, o … , e t …

Past Future Perfect - Menyatakan suatu kejadian (pengandaian) yang tidak mungkin terjadi, karena peristiwanya sudah lewat O /i … last … , at … esterda

PERFECT CONTINUOUS Present Perfect Continuous - Sudah dilakukan pada waktu lampau tapi masih terjadi sampai sekarang - Sudah dilakukan tetapi masih dilakukan / belum selesai - Lebih fokus terhadap waktu kejadian

Since, all day, a long day, for, the whole day, all afternoon, etc Past Perfect Continuous - Kejadian yg berlangsung di masa lampau dan masih terus berlanjut - Suatu kejadian yg berlangsung sebelum kejadian lain terjadi di masa lampau When, since, for, before, after Future Perfect Continuous - Suatu kejadian yg akan sudah dilakukan/terjadi di masa depan tetapi masih berlangsung - (Penekanan pada durasi waktu) B the e d of … Past Future Perfect Continuous - Menyatakan suatu kejadian yg akan berlangsung, tapi pada waktu spesifik di masa lampau dan masih terus berlanjut B last … , b the e d of …...

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