Sample Speech Assignment PDF

Title Sample Speech Assignment
Author Milene Ortega
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Speech Assignment #1 Informative (Topical) Rhetorical situation: Pick a social issue that you would like to be involved with, (unemployment, childhood obesity, environmental issues etc…) and present its background and facts about it to your classmates. Your goal is to increase the other students’ fa...


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Sample Speech Assignment Milene Ortega

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Speech Assignment #1 Informative (Topical)

Rhetorical situation: Pick a social issue that you would like to be involved with, (unemployment, childhood obesity, environmental issues etc…) and present its background and facts about it to your classmates. Your goal is to increase the other students’ factual knowledge about that social issue. Pick your topic wisely, as it will be your topic for all assignments this semester. The issue you choose can be any issue that you find relevant to your life, interesting, most pressing in today’s society or that you can truly care about. This assignment will aid in reaching the following course goals: This assignment will aid students in (1) applying principles of effective, ethical public speaking and (2) applying information literacy and critical thinking and listening to speech formulation and delivery. Guidelines Topics Due: Topics: ·

Students will be penalized if they have not posted topics in advance.


When you post your topic, please put the social issue in the subject bar of your post. In the body of the post the student should put their specific purpose and central idea of the speech. E.g.: [Social issue] Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about [social issue] Central Idea:


If you are having issues selecting a topic, do not hesitate to email me, I am always ready to help guide you to a topic that will suit your interests.


A few example topics are, but not limited to: Teen pregnancy, childhood obesity, homelessness, animal abuse, education, domestic violence, environmental issues etc… if you have any questions on a topic you are considering feel free to email me for help.


Keep in mind that this first topic selection will guide your topics for speech 2 and 3. You will only be permitted to switch topics if you can provide a valid and well reasoned argument for why you want to and should be permitted to change topics.

Speaking Order Students will randomly be assigned to speaking days/times by me. If you know of any issue with your given speaking day contact me in advance. Speech Dates: · ·

Time Guidelines and Penalties · ·


Time: 4-6 minutes As a means to help students adhere to these time limits, instructors will provide a minimum number of time signals to students during their speech. Additionally, on each speech a 30 second “grace period” will be afforded to every student; if the student goes over or under the time requirement by 30 seconds or less there is no penalty. Students will be penalized 3 points for going 31-60 seconds over the grace period, and another three points for every 30 second increment beyond that up to a total of 30 points.

Source Requirements and Penalties ·

Students must use a minimum number of 3 published sources. Two of these sources must be available in print. Be sure that there are an adequate number of sources before you submit the topic for approval. Failing to utilize 3 published sources in your preparation outline, bibliography, AND speech (oral citations) will result in a penalty of up to 10 points.


Students are allowed one internet source.


Students are prohibited from using Wikipedia,, and and will receive a failing grade (50%) on the speech assignment should they do so.


Additionally, although encouraged, dictionaries, atlases, and unpublished interviews do not count toward the minimum number of sources.

Preparation Outlines Due: Wednesday, June 13th Preparation Outlines ·

The outline must follow the guidelines for speech outlines provided by the lab instructor. The outline must be typewritten, 12pt Times New Roman font, stapled, double-spaced and including a reference page in APA format. Instead of creating your own cover page, please use the rubric as a cover page. Student’s name and section number should appear on the upper right hand corner of the first page and the student’s last name should appear on the upper right hand corner of each additional page. Points will be deducted if these directions are not followed.


Pay special attention to the organization of this speech. Follow the guide for organizing a topical speech provided in Chapter 9 of your text book.


These outlines account for 20% of a speech grade.


All students must turn in the outlines for their speech on the due date, regardless of when they are speaking. Students may not give their speeches if they have not handed in their outlines on this day and will receive a 0 for that speech.


The preparation (full sentence) outline is to be considered a final project. Although minimal changes may arise, the speech must be fully written (including a reference page and in text parenthetical citations) when the outline is turned in. A preparation outline without a reference page will not be accepted.


Email submission will not be accepted unless approved in advance by the lab instructor.

Speaking Outlines (Due immediately following your speech) ·

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Students must speak from a 2pg maximum typed speaking outline (1 inch margin, 12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, one side of paper). This will be turned in immediately following your speech. Students may not use note cards, manuscripts, or full sentence outlines when at the podium. Anything taken to the podium will be collected and graded as the speaking outline. Students who speak directly from a manuscript and not the assigned speaking outline will receive a “0” for their speech.

Late Speeches ·

If you do not present your speech on your designated speech day due to an absence excused by the lecturer, you will be given the opportunity to make up the speech without penalty. This makeup date will be subject to my availability.


If you do not present your speech on your designated speech day due to an unexcused absence you will NOT be given an opportunity to make up the speech and will receive a “zero” for that assignment.


Email submission will not be accepted unless approved in advance. In advance means that the instructor must have approved an email submission before the day the outline is due. If an email submission is approved the instructor must then have it in their email inbox before the class period the day outlines are due are over.


NO preparation outline will be accepted late unless, and until, the absence is excused by the lecturer.


Please see the syllabus for other concerns regarding this issue.

Other Guidelines ·

Students will approach speech assignments in a professional manner. Consider topic selection, language use and appearance carefully while planning your speech. If you have questions regarding whether or not something is appropriate, please see me.



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Keep in mind that some of these topics can, and will, become somewhat controversial. If at any time the speaker becomes overly or deliberately offensive they will be asked to sit down and further actions may be taken if the situation warrants it. It will also be understood that some of these topics may become emotional, and very personal to some students and even the speaker, students will have respect for one another and will NOT laugh, criticize or degrade other students based on their topic selection or reaction to other’s topics. Students will be graded using the rubric (attached). You are encouraged to review the rubric in advance. Visual aids will not be permitted for this speech. Students will demonstrate respect for their peers at all times. Students will refrain from making any distractions during a fellow student’s speech. Distractions include, but are not limited to, entering or leaving the classroom during a speech, making noise of any kind, texting, sleeping, a cell phone ringing or vibrating, packing up and making excessive movements. A 5 point penalty will be deducted from a student’s speech grade if a cell phone is out of a student’s bag or goes off. A 5 point penalty will be deducted if: a) a student enters the classroom during a speech, b) is seen talking during another students speech, c) laughs during another students speech, or d) is outwardly rude at any point during another student’s speech. You are encouraged to visit office hours or email me with a rough draft of your speech. I will make corrections and suggestions and return it to you in every effort to help you to do the best you can in this class. Please keep in mind that the final product is a result of the effort put into the speech and that showing me an outline does not guarantee a perfect score on the assignment.

If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK!...

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