Saturday Climbing - God analyserende tekst. PDF

Title Saturday Climbing - God analyserende tekst.
Course Engelsk
Institution Gymnasie (Danmark)
Pages 3
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Ibraim Asani English A Assignment “Saturday Climbing”

Saturday Climbing By W.D. Valgardson “Saturday Climbing” is a short story about a father and daughter that have some personal issues at home. The father named Barry has a young daughter at 16-year-old named Moira who cares so much because Mr. Barry is worried about her daughter can take care of herself and make her own decisions, so she does not end up in a fantasy world. If we explain the relationship between the father and the daughter, we can see that the situation is intense. We can clearly see that the father and daughter are not equal because they constantly discuss whether she can take responsibility for herself and do not hurt herself. The father tries everything he can to make her daughter realize that she repeatedly mistakes. The father is arguing to go out and climb with his daughter and choose not to tell her that they will go out and climb only later because he is nervous that she will refuse to come. After the father has paid and arranged the trip, he chooses to tell his daughter that they are going out together in hopes that he can attach to his daughter and restore their father's daughter relationship. After Mr. Barry tells her daughter that they are going on a trip together, Moira chooses to be very angry at her father and she does not want to attend the climb. We know Mr. Barry will do everything for his daughter and that he is a sweet dad who tries to make his best for his daughter and while he is careful, the daughter chooses to scold him out every time.

The novel begins in medias res, in Mr. Barry’s home and the reason that the novel begins in medias res is because the novel hasn’t an introduction the beginning. The first two characters we are introduced to, are the main character, Mr. Barry and his daughter, or more specifically his daughter, Moira1. We know that the story is written in third person narrator because we get an insight into Mr. Barry's feelings along the way and his feelings for his daughter Moira. At one point, Mr. Barry is up in the cliff with her daughter and suddenly they encounter a problem. Mr. Barry loses concentration and asks her daughter for help “Sixty feet up the cliff, the toe of his (…) at the foot of the cliff, his daughter let out the golden line of rope that joined them.” (P.107.ll. 1+4). After Moira has helped her father, Mr. Barry remembers the same pain / sensitivity as his exwife left him. All the bad episode that happened to his then wife has led him to overreact on all

1 Assignment B 1g aflevering ”Artemis Fowler”

Ibraim Asani English A Assignment “Saturday Climbing” things. He overprotects his daughter and accuses her of not being mature enough “ever since his wife had left him (…) providing unhesitating for leadership for his daughter.” (P. 109.ll. 8-9*).

Climbing in the rocks is of great importance to the father because he believes that it can link with his daughter and get a better relationship. Already at the beginning of the text, when we read the title, we can sense that something is happening and that the trip will not be a nice trip because they become obsessed in being able to perform their climbing. The climbing reflects a part, among other things, that they want to have a good relationship between each other. Along the way like Mr. Barry and his daughter climb into the rock, he is sucked into his own imagination as to why he does this with his daughter. He perceives his daughter who is still his father's little daughter because he says in the text that his daughter must start at high school far away from where they live, and the father's biggest concern is, among other things, Moira is getting older and because she is going to attend the parties. The reason the daughter wants to move home from and participate in several parties with her friends is because it's the only freedom the daughter can get there and not at home because her father sets out strict requirements for her daughter. Mr. Barry tries to do everything he can to actively join her daughter and fight bravely to achieve her climbing goals. During the climb as I mentioned earlier, he can see his past through the episode, but available Mr. Barry has some experiences and handles it well, partly because he has got more advice through university life.

The text is very descriptive and there is constant usage of symbolism because that are associated with the danger, especially in the end of the story. The father has done almost anything he could to handle the climb, but he realizes that he cannot, and chooses to let go of it. He compares the climb with his daughter life because he can no longer take care of her as he wishes. Mr. Barry has become very scared and fearing that the feeling of paralysis and evil will take over him. “He had been scared many times (…) the way he felt he imagined was the way a wounded animal felt when it finally gave up fleeing and allowed itself to be killed” (P.108. ll. 26-30) he connects the wound animal with himself and will give up and let it all come as it comes and wait for an end. The father perceives the episode as being a lesson for himself. The father still does not understand that her daughter can act on her own behalf. Along the way he understands the pain and relates to the wounded animal. The symbolization is that Mr. Barry is supposed to be the animal.

Ibraim Asani English A Assignment “Saturday Climbing” It is really important part to notice in the last section is the story about the father think about in the middle of his relentless fight with her daughter. Mr. Barry is doing every think he can, and it seems like that he can’t do anything about it. Unfortunately, because the father had to struggle with his problems up in the cliff, he had to stress for himself that he could not cope with anything. This could be the narrator's way of describing a lost battle against the father’s upbringing for Mr. Barry and his daughter, Moira....

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