Author Janilyn Catalogo
Course Humanities and Social Sciences
Institution Arellano University
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SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETYCATALOGO, JANILYN G.BPA 1 AINSTRUCTOR: BENJIE G. REBOTONMODULE 2LESSON 1 HUMAN FLOURISHING IN SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGYMOTIVATIONACTIVITY #1 : Picture Analysis. Write your answer in your assessment notebookWhat can you see in the picture?I see in the picture is a half robot...





What can you see in the picture? I see in the picture is a half robot, half human being.

Q: Can human be replaced by robots? Yes or No? And why? Yes, robots will replace humans for many jobs, just as innovative farming equipment replaced humans and horses during the industrial revolution. Factory floors deploy robots that are increasingly driven by machine learning algorithms such that they can adjust to people working alongside them.

LEARNING A ACTIVITIES CTIVITIES ACTIVITY # 2: Questions for Reflections Instruction: Explain each of the following questions in 5-10 sentences. You may refer to the rubrics provided on how your work will be graded.

1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

Development in science and technology is the face of progress in human civilization. According to Heidegger, technology is a mode of revealing because it shows so much more about the human person and the world. By doing this, truth will be brought forth

2. In your daily experience of Technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its function? We do not own our time anymore. It seems like technology has taken it away from us. Instead of talking to friends personally, we choose to talk digitally because of its convenience. We now lack real touches is someone else’s life. Technology has its downside after all.

3. Why should technology be questioned? I think technology should be questioned because of its two faces. People only see the good in it. But little do we know, future with technology is chaos. Our information would leek freely. Even from what I watched, time will come that the minds of human will be implanted with chips. We can be a robot to greedy people. Who would know what will happen in the future? 4. How is Questioning the piety of thought? For questioning is the piety of thought.” Heidegger's “The Question Concerning Technology” can thus aptly be described as a comprehensive attempt to interrogate the idea of technology in order to gain an understanding of the essence of the thing, rather than merely understanding it as an instrument or a means 5. How does art provide a way out of enframing? Art provides us with a way out of enframing by bringing us closer to poieses and further away from techne. Art activates human sensitivity if it even exists in an individual. The use of imagination and actually seeing things the way they are is part of poieses. Modern technology, on the other hand, challenges everything in its desire to prepare for the future, in other words, it destroys and disrupts the natural world. It is now part of our life causing it to be an enframing factor in it. To get away from it from time to time and indulge in the arts reacquaints us to our past reality that is increasingly being forgotten today

ACTIV CTIVITY ITY # 3 : T Tec ec ech h in a Pic Form five groups and pick a work of art that you feel best revels technology. Reflect and discuss among yourselves how the artwork describe and reveals technology. Ground your discussion from the concept learned in this chapter.

AWAKEN 1- Brixels Kinetic Art Installation by BREAKFAST The word “technology” might evoke images of laser beams, modern computers, and streams of data, but innovative engineering spans decades. Artists have always used technology as new ways to express themselves. Without the invention of the paint tube, perhaps the Impressionists would never have painted en plein air. And where would Andy Warhol have been without silkscreen printing? Over time, art and technology have become more and more intertwined, with many contemporary artists adopting new types of media to create their work. From laser-printed ceramics to codegenerated paintings, digital artists are using technology to push the boundaries of traditional practices. This past year, we’ve seen artists use machinery to generate exciting new artwork, such as New York based BREAKFAST, who invented its own, motorized medium called Brixels. This year has also shown us how advanced artificial intelligence is and what that means for fine artists and photographers. Ultimately, there’s no denying technology’s influence on the arts today. Awaken is a Mirrored Stainless Steel, painted aluminum, custom mechanical motor system, custom motion tracking software, camera, computer 10 x 4 x 1 ft Executed in 2019 Edition of 5 plus 3 artist's proofs On view at Empires Stores in Brooklyn, NY, through September 2019. Awaken is an interactive kinetic art sculpture made from BREAKFAST’s custom Brixels medium. As one moves their hand in front of the piece, each Brixel is brushed awake, then slowly settles back to its previous, somber state. The sculpture is an exploration of human interaction with a robotic medium, with the medium expressing a reaction to a person’s movements.

Awaken is made of 168 Brixels—a medium developed and created by BREAKFAST—which uses silent motors to quietly and smoothly rotate the Brixels to precise locations. BREAKFAST is a New York-based art collective that combines science, mechanical engineering, and aesthetic beauty to create interactive installations. The team invented their own kinetic medium called Brixels—motorized brick-shaped “pixels” that can rotate in either direction. In one of their 2019 pieces, titled Awaken 1, BREAKFAST created a mirrored wall made up of 168 Brixels that move according to a person's movements. The mesmerizing piece can be used as a canvas by “drawing” with your hand in the air, and explores human interaction with robotics. Watch Awaken 1 in action above.

ASSESSMENT Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your assessment notebook.

D1. A German philosopher who question technology and see beyond people’s common understanding of it. a. Aristotle b. Horlins c. Martin Luther d. Martin Heidegger

A 2. It is employs the best scientific and technological principles to come up with cures for disease and ways to prevent illnesses to ensure a good quality of life. a. Medical Research b. Incubator Invention c. Respirator d. Hospitals

C 3. A Philosopher who urged people to envision technology as a mode of revealing as it shows so much more about the human person and the world. a. Martin Luther b. Aristotle c. Martin Heidegger d. Leonardo Da Vince A 4. It is a way of bringing forth or making something. a. Technology b. Science

c. Society

D 5. The following are Heidegger’s ancient Greek concepts EXCEPT? a. Techne b. Aletheia c. Poeisis

d. none of the choices

d. Truth

A 6. What does Aletheia means define by Heidegger? a. means unhiddenness or disclosure b.Defined as bringing forth c. Means skill, art, or craft d. It means making or predicting something for a purpose.

B 7. What does Poeisis means define by Heidegger? a. means unhiddenness or disclosure. b. Defined as bringing forth. c. Means skill, art, or craft d. It means making or predicting something for a purpose.

D 8. What does Poeisis means define by Aristotle? a. means unhiddenness or disclosure. b. Defined as bringing forth. c. Means skill, art, or craft d. It means making or predicting something for a purpose.

A 9. In Heidegger’s work, technology is defined as _________ that discloses or reveals the truth. a. Techne b. Aletheia c. Poeisis d. Truth

A 10. Is an example of modern technology that challenge forth and brings about the setting upon of land. It extract mineral from the earth and forcefully assigns the land as a mean to fulfill the neverending demand of people. a. Mining b. Computer c. Cellphone d. Iphone

C 11. A German philosopher, Martin Heidegger introduces a way of thinking in order for a human person to reflect on something. What way of thinking is this? a. Calculable Thinking c. Reflective Thinking b. Developmental Thinking d. Meditative Thinking

D 12. With modern technology, revealing never come to as end. The revealing always happen on our own terms as everything is on demand EXCEPT? a. Information at our fingertips c. Gravity defied flying off to space b. Food harvested even out of season d. Work with the rhythms of nature

D 13. The progress of human civilizations throughout history mirrors the development of science and technology. The human person should play the ______ science and technology. a. Bearer and beneficiary c. Holder and bearer b. Bearer and holder d. Beneficiary holder A 14. To be able to appreciate the fruits of science and technology, we must examined not only for this function and instrumentality, but for the? a. Greater impact on humanity as whole b. Greater influence to humanity

c. Greater contribution to humanity d. Greater benefits for human

C 15. Field of Science that employs the best scientific and technological principles to come up with cures for disease and ways to prevent illnesses to ensure a good quality of life. a. Medical Nanotechnology b. Medical Technology

c. Medical Research d. Medical Science

D 16. With modern technology, revealing never come to as end. The revealing always happen on our own terms as everything is on demand EXCEPT? a. Information at our fingertips b. Food harvested even out of season c. Gravity defied to fly off to space d. Work with the rhythms of nature

B 17. The following are modern technology described by Heidegger EXCEPT? a. Age of Switches c. Standing reserve b. Food harvested even out of season d. Stockpiling for its own sake

A 18. The way of revealing in modern technology is an _________ that challenges forth and sets upon nature is a way of looking at reality.

a. Enframing

b. Revealing

c. Training

d. Giving

A 19. It is one orders and puts a system to nature so it can be understood better and controlled. a. Calculable Thinking c. Controller Thinking b. Meditative Thinking d. Personal Thinking

B 20. It is one let nature revealed itself to him/her without forcing it. One kind of thinking is not in itself better than the other. a. Calculable Thinking c. Controller Thinking b. Meditative Thinking d. Personal Thinking

D 21. In his seminal work, Martin Hleidegger usages us to question technology and see beyond people’s common understanding of it. a. The Piety of Science c. The question of Science b. The Piety of Technology d. The question of Technology

B 22. The way of revealing in modern technology is an? a. Poeises c. Questioning b. Enframing d. Reaveling of truth

A 23. What will happen if we allow ourselves to get swallowed by modern technology? a. we lose the essence of who we are as beings in this world b. It will boost our self towards reality identity? c. The more technology we had the more friends we gain? d. None of the above

A 24. Art as a way out of Enframing the mode of revealing in modern technology tend to be? a. Block Poeisis b. Block techne c. Block Alethiea d. Block propaganda

A 25. The following are the Aristotle’s conception of the four causes was mechanical and explained by Hiedeger EXCEPT? a. the causa naturalis b. the causa formalis c. the causa finalis d. the causa effeciens

A 26. In modern technology, the way of revealing is define as? a. no longer poetic b. no longer dramatic c. no longer Epic

d. None of the above

D 27. Flourishing in human as stated by Aristotle it is as a results of different components EXCEPT? a. phronesis b. friendship c. wealth and pow d. Family

A 28. Sometimes it is used to refer to poetry and composition. a. Poiesis b. Aiton c. Aletheia

d. Techne

C 29. Characterize by Martin Heidegger as a challenging forth since it is very aggressive.

a. Science Technology b. Biotechnology c. Modern Technology d. Technology in Society D 30. A Causa that brings about the effect that is the finished, actual chalice, in this instance, the silversmith. What technology is, when represented as a means, discloses itself when we trace instrumentality back to four fold causality. a. the causa naturalis b. the causa formalis c. the causa finalis d. the causa effeciens A 31. A term coined by renowed greek philosopher Aristotle to describe the pinnacle of happiness that is attainable by humans, often translated into “human flourishing”? a. Eudaimonia b. Phronesis c. Ethics d. Good work

A 32. In Ancient Greek Society, they believe that acquiring these qualities will surely bring the seekers happiness. What are those four qualities? a. Friendship, Phronesis, Wealth and Power c. Wealth, Health, Phronesis and Friendship b. Friendship, Health, Wealth and Power d. Power, Health, wealth and Friendship

C 33. The following is the reason of people live more comfortably EXCEPT? a. Explore more places c. wasting time and money for self satisfaction b. Develop more products. d. makes more money and repeating the process in full circle

B 34. What theory is the earliest criterion that distinguishes philosophy and science? a. Falsification Theory b. Verification Theory c. Horlins Theory Theory

B 35. Consider as one of the most poetic. a. Mining b. art

c. nature

d. Big Bang

d. Robots


MO MOTIV TIV TIVA ATION ACTIVITY # 1. Name tha thatt countr country y. Instruction: Match column A with column B to name the country based of their flag. Write your answer in your assessment notebook. Column A

Column B

C 1.

a. UAE

E 2.

b. Qatar

D 3.

c. Ireland

A 4.

d. Singapore

B 5.

e. Norway

Lear Learning ning Activities Instruction: Explain each of the following questions in 5-10 sentences. You may refer to the rubrics provided on how your work will be graded. Write the letter of the correct answer in your assessment notebook.

ACTIV CTIVITY ITY #2: Questions ffor or R Reflection eflection 1. Why must we change our paradigm of growth and consumption to that of “de-development”? We must shift to a paradigm of growth because we don’t want our country or an organization be deteriorated with state of dis-improvement and anything would fall to a hopeless situation. The dedevelopment would cause one to be disabled with opportunities, growth, and success.

2. Why are the terms de-development, de-growth, and zero growth seemingly unacceptable to the usual framework of human progress? Because it means limit to growth or no growth/learning at all, it is a sort of insult to an individual whom you will describe as de-growth and zero de-growth. De-growth activists advocate for the downscaling of creation and utilization the compression of economies contending that overconsumption lies at the foundation long haul ecological issues and social disapirities. Key to the idea of de-growth is that diminishing utilization does not require individual martyring or a reduction in prosperity.

3. How have we been enframed by the nation of growth? We are enframed by the notion of growth in the world of science because of the advancement and development in the field of advancement. We were all amazed at the advances that we never thought would be possible, but because of science, it happened. For example, the economic growth of a country is now measured through its advancement in technology and how these would help its countrymen. This notion encompasses our belief that growth is connected with advancement

4. How do we improve our lives and yet reduce consumption? Discipline and control of self-desires Like save anything that is necessary like money, food, etc. This will improve our lives through less consumption.

5. What are the similarities and defences between Heidegger’s TheQuestion Concerning technology And Hickel’s article? Heidegger argues that the technology of the current world has become essential in the day to day life and that the technology is highly advanced as compared to the old days. On the other hand,Hickels argue that the technological innovation will be of no help in getting rid of natural disasters that occur in our world.

ACTIV CTIVITY ITY #3: R Reading eading Exercises Instruction: Explain each of the following questions briefly (1-2 sentences). You may refer to the rubrics provided on how your work will be graded. Write the letter of the correct answer in your assessment notebook. After reading the article, answer the following questions on the spaces provided 1. What is the main objective of the sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation? The main objective is to eradicate poverty by 2030 2. What is the standardize unit that measures resource use and waste? 1.8 global hectares annually a standardized unit that measures resources use and waste. 3. What is the standard response to eradicating poverty? The main strategy for eradicating poverty is the same growth 4. What is the threshold of the Earth for adequately sustaining life? 1.9 hectares right at the threshold of ecological sustainable. 5. According to the majority of people in middle-and high-income countries, what puts the planet and society at risk? Over consuming is putting our planet and society at risk. 6. How many hectares should each of us consume annually based on the resources available in the planet? 1.8 global hectares 7. What are two indications of the quality of life given in the article? Life expectancy and literary rates. 8. What crisis in the planet would force us to slow down if we do not do so voluntarily? Climate change 9. According to Hickel, what must be done instead of urging poor countries to “catch up” With rich ones? We should be thinking of ways to get rich countries to “catch down” to move appropriate levels of development. 10. How would the different areas of the world react to the idea of”de-development”? The idea of “de-developing” rich countries right be prove to be a strong rallying cry in the global south, but it will be tricky to sell to westerns: Tricky but not impossible.

ACTIV CTIVITY ITY #4: Video R Rea ea eaction ction Instruction: Explain each of the following questions in 3-10 sentences. You may refer to the rubrics provided on how your work will be graded. Write the letter of the correct answer in your assessment notebook. Watch the video clip entitled The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the Case against Scientism. Reflect on the nations of development that may evolve into scientism. In pairs, discuss and take note of your thoughts on the video clip with the following guide questions. 1. What is scientism? Scientism is a belief that all things are and should be explained by science alone. No biblical basis, no superstitions, no opinions. 2. How is science comparable to magician? When science cannot explain something that is magic, when magic seems illogical that is science. Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment while Magic is an unexplained phenomenon of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. 3. Why is science more dangerous than magic? Science could be dangerous if people will misuse it. Though science, a lot of inventions can be made. Some are harmful and some are useful. Because of science, weapons are created. Science should be handled correctly for the common good of all people. 4. What is the presented essence of modernity and the consequence? Our era today is...

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