SCM 416 Syllabus Fall 2019 PDF

Title SCM 416 Syllabus Fall 2019
Author Anonymous User
Course Supply Chain Management
Institution California State University Northridge
Pages 3
File Size 210.2 KB
File Type PDF
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_______________________________________________________ Department of Systems and Operations Management College of Business and Economics

SOM 416: Supply Chain Management Fall 2019 CLASS TIME & ROOM:

Thursdays 7:00pm – 9:45pm, Bookstein Hall 2206


Fareen Mehrzai Office: Bookstein Hall 4245 Phone: 818-809-6086 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Thursdays 6:00pm – 6:45pm and by appt

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the fundamental concepts, principles, and tools associated with supply chain management. Using a combination of lectures, case discussions and homework assignments, the course examines the major elements of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, including inventory management, strategic alliances, procurement and outsourcing , global logistics, and so forth. Global implications will be discussed throughout the course. COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this course are to prepare students for Logistics and Supply Chain Management issues/challenges in the contemporary global marketplace and to have them develop a good understanding of common analytical tools in logistics systems problems. PREQUISITE: SOM 306. BUS 302 and 302L are prerequisites for Business majors . REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi, Designing & Managing the Supply Chain – Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies, McGraw-Hill/Irwin GRADING: Mid-Term Exam Final Examination (not cumulative) Assignments (4 total): Class Participation:

20% 20 % 40 % 20 %

COURSE GUIDELINES: This course will be conducted under the assumption that students are fully aware of the following rules, recommendations, and policies. In-Class Rules The following is the minimum standard I expect from you for the sake of everyone in the class. 1) You are expected to arrive to class on time and are expected to pay full attention to the lectures.

18111 Nordhoff Street . Northridge . California 91330-8378 . (818) 677-2470 . fax (818) 677-6264

2) You are expected to stay in the classroom (unless I have dismissed the class for a break) until the class has concluded. 3) I support the use of technology to enhance the learning experience however if I feel you are not using it for that purpose I will ask that you put it away. This applies to tablets, laptops, etc. 4) Silence your cell phones. No personal conversations. Exams The exams will be closed-book and closed-notes. You will not be permitted to leave the exam room until you have competed and turned in your exam. Please refrain from wearing hats/hoodies on exam days. No makeup exam will be given except for unusual circumstances such as severe illness, extremely important meeting or the like. Such cases should be supported by written evidence. If you have such an incident, please inform me of your situation by the date/time of the exam otherwise you will receive a “zero” for the missed exam. Case Analysis The class will be divided into 6 teams of approximately 8 students. Each team will analyze four cases from the textbook. For three of the four cases, each team is expected to prepare a 3-page (maximum, double spaced, standard margins) report. In general, a case report will include the following items: 1) Executive Summary 2) Case analysis, including the assigned case questions 3) Conclusion and recommendations supported by your analysis. Along with the three case reports, each team will make one PowerPoint presentation. One team will be assigned to each of the 4 four cases. During the presentation, the team will lead the case discussion in class with their presentations. The team will make a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation each. A handout of presentation slides should be prepared and submitted to the instructor prior to the presentation for grading purposes. An electronic submission of the PowerPoint presentation is not needed. The presenting team does not submit a case report. All other teams are required to submit their report (hardcopy), along with the electronic submission. After the team presentations, the remaining students will ask questions to the teams. All students are expected to read the cases and actively participate in the discussion. Team Evaluations There will be team evaluations twice during the semester (mid-term and final team evaluations). I take these peer evaluations seriously and the grades for all of the team assignments, will be adjusted for each individual team member based on team feedback forms. It is important that you are contributing to all team work, and that your team members feel your positive contributions. Contribution of students to their team should be reflected in team feedback forms. This form should be submitted individually when it is required. Homework Assignments You are required to read the materials assigned for each class. If there is homework, the assignment will be collected and graded. Please turn in your assignments on time. Assignments will be collected at the beginning of the class that they are due. No late homework will be accepted except for unusual cases such as severe illness or extremely important meeting. In these cases, you must inform me of such situation prior to the start of class otherwise you will receive a “zero” for that assignment. Attendance/Participation, Punctuality and Professional Respect Class attendance and participation are very important, as evidenced by the course grading scale. Students are expected to attend and actively participate in all classes, as this will be factored into the final course grade. If you happen to miss a class, you are responsible for all the missed materials due to your absence. Office hours will not be used to go over the materials from missed classes. Punctuality is also important. We will start class at 7:05pm each night, if you arrive beyond this time please wait until the break to join us. You are required to stay in the classroom until class is over. If a break is provided you must return promptly to class at the specified time so instruction can resume without interruption. If you do not return from break, you will be marked absent from that class. Your instructor as well as your classmates deserve your professional respect. Therefore no personal conversation is allowed during the class, especially when someone else is speaking.

18111 Nordhoff Street . Northridge . California 91330-8378 . (818) 677-2470 . fax (818) 677-6264

Canvas I will post lecture notes, announcements, and any other important course-related materials on Canvas ( You should visit CSUN Canvas frequently to check and/or download information. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and diminishes the quality of scholarship. Evaluation of student performance will be appropriately proctored to maintain academic integrity and quality of education. All of the team assignments should be submitted electronically, along with the hard copy.

CLASS SCHEDULE (Subject to Change)

Week 1

Date August 29


September 5

3 4

September 12 September 19


September 26


October 3


October 10

8 9

October 17 October 24

10 11 12

October 31 November 7 November 14


November 21

14 15

November 28 December 5


December 12

Topic Course Introduction Introduction to Supply Chain Management Inventory Management and Risk Pooling TED Talk Discussion (see Canvas) Network Planning Case Presentation and Report – Meditech Surgical (Ch 1) TED Talk Reflections Discussion on Student Inquiries The Value of Information Guest Speaker: TBD Supply Chain Integration Case Presentation and Report – The Great Inventory Correction (Ch 6) Guest Speaker: TBD Course Review – Mid-Term Mid-Term Exam (Ch, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) Strategic Alliances Case Report and Presentations Due – Audio Duplication Services, Inc. (ADS) (Ch 8) No Class Procurement and Outsourcing Strategies Guest Speaker: Sunil Phabiani, VP Packaged Foods Supply Chain, Dole Food Company Global Logistics and Risk Management Smart Pricing Case Presentatio n and Report - The Great Rebate Runaround (Ch 13) No Class -Thanksgiving Holiday Customer Value Final Exam Prep Final Exam Thursday 8:00pm – 10:00pm (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 12, 13)

Readings Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 8

Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Chapter 13

Chapter 12 BH 2206?

18111 Nordhoff Street . Northridge . California 91330-8378 . (818) 677-2470 . fax (818) 677-6264...

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