SCOM 261 - Media Writers Handbook Lab #1 PDF

Title SCOM 261 - Media Writers Handbook Lab #1
Course Public Relations Techniques I: Written
Institution James Madison University
Pages 8
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Exercises 1 to 7

Part 1, Improving Immediately Exercise 1, Chapter 1, 25 Ways to Improve Writing Immediately (Handbook 1-14) Pages 1-14 in Chapter 1 of Media Writer’s Handbook present readers with 25 ways to improve their writing immediately. From whatever sources you choose (newspapers, magazines, textbooks, broadcasts, public relations releases, advertisements, bulletin boards, etc.), find 10 different types of errors discussed in Chapter 1. Identify your source and the error and explain how the error should be corrected. 1. In this weeks US Weekly, there is an article about the show The Bachelor. In the article there is a sentence that says, ““If you don’t get the results you want, it’s probably because you give more than what you receive, so watch out. That’s not good,” said the soothsayer.” The sentence should be corrected to say “If you don’t get the results you want, its probably because you give more than what you receive, so watch out. That’s not good,” the soothsayer said. 2. The celebrity gossip site TMZ shared an article on the Real Houswives of New Jersey star Teresea Guidice and her maritial troubles. She opens up to the reporter about her husbands “pre-jailed” behavior. There is an error with the world “pre-jailed” as writers should resisit using nouns as verbs. The reporter should fix this and say “her husbands behavior before prision”. 3. In a press release for the Bachelor, it says “Chris Harrison will anounce in Septemeber who the next Bachelor will be”. The sentence should say “Chris Harrison said he will announce the next Bachelor in September”. 4. In Manor/Forest Hills lease argeement it says “You must bring photo ID in order to get a parking pass”. It should say “Tenants are required to bring photo ID in order to receive a parking pass”. 5. My soriority weekly newsletter states “Our national headquarters will celebrate our founders day on October 12th”. It should say “Our national headquarters will celebrate founders day Ocotober 12 th”. 6. An Estee Lauder advertisment said “Estee Lauder will announce a new spokesperson as Kendall Jenner”. It should say “Estee Lauder said they will announce a new spokesperson as Kendall Jenner” 7. Saint Catherines Church in Fairfax Virignia sends weekly emails about their meetings during the week. Last week their email said “The Church will hold its weekly meeting on Sunday”. It should say “The Church will meet on Sunday”

Exercise 2, 25 Ways to Improve Writing Immediately (Handbook 1-14) 61

Exercises 1 to 7

1. Trager (a. thinks b. said he thinks) he has enough votes pledged to get his bill passed. 2. a. You must bring a statement of your annual income and a list of your dependents when you apply for the loan. b. Applicants are required to provide a statement of annual income and a list of dependents when they apply for the loan. 3. a. Ralph B. Hastings, associate director of the United Fund Campaign, will speak at today’s luncheon. b. Associate Director of the United Fund Campaign Ralph B. Hastingswill speak at today’s luncheon. 4. She is a (a. doctor b. physician) at the student health clinic. 5. a. The library in McDonald County, which used to be a barn, also serves as a meeting place for community groups. b. The McDonald County library, which used to be a barn, also serves as a meeting place for community groups. 6. The team (a. that b. which) raises the most money will win the trophy, the contest director said. 7. The retiring editor said she looks forward to traveling more, sleeping later and (a. more frequent visits with her grandchildren b. visiting her grandchildren more frequently). 8. The professor said he loves teaching and tolerates grading papers but (a. hated b. hates) attending meetings. 9. Some people undergo plastic surgery (a. to forever look young b. to look young forever). 10. Mary L. Lester is (a. now nor c is needed) our editor.

b. currently

11. City Council will meet at 7 p.m. (a. Tuesday 12. City Council (a. will hold its meeting

c. presently

d. neither a., b.,

b. on Tuesday).

b. will meet) March 10.

13. The public (a. is invited to attend b. may attend) Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting. 14. The president is expected to veto the bill, (a. said b. according to) a report in the Acme Gazette. 15. The graphic artist said she (a. feels b. thinks) her proposal is her best ever. 62

Exercises 1 to 7

Exercise 3, Chapter 2, Are These Distinctions Worth Making? (Handbook 15-24) 1. (a. While b. Although) he wanted to go to graduate school, he didn’t score high enough on the entrance examination. 2. Many college students eat mainly pizzas and cheeseburgers even though they know that fruits and vegetables would be (a. healthier b. more healthful) for them. 3. The concert is planned (a. in behalf of b. on behalf of) the journalism school, whose equipment is outdated. 4. The award will go to (a. whoever b. whomever) has the best grades. 5. After taking the comprehensive examination for his master’s degree, Harless was so tired he (a. laid b. lay) in bed for 20 hours. 6. Texas has (a. fewer b. less) members of Congress than California. 7. “After I graduated from college, my parents [a. loaned b. lent] me the money to buy a second-hand car that I needed in my new job.” 8. Johnson received the promotion because he has (a. proved b. proven) he deserves it. 9. The minister conducting the wedding ceremony instructed the bride and the groom to exchange rings as a symbol of their love for (a. one another b. each other). 10. The rescue workers divided the food (a. among b. between) the victims of the flood. 11. “[a. Can b. May] I have another day to produce the picture you assigned?” 12. Before entering the partly constructed building, each reporter was given a hard hat to (a. ensure b. insure) his or her safety. 13. Georgia is (a. farther b. further) south than South Carolina. 14. In the Old West, judges frequently sentenced horse thieves to be (a. hanged b. hung).


Exercises 1 to 7 15. The firefighters dug under the building and (a. drug b. dragged) the victims to safety. 16. “I am [a. eager b. anxious] to earn my degree and start making some money,” the graduating senior said. 17. (a. Since b. Because) she has been here the longest, she has first choice of offices in the company’s new building. 18. Even some well-educated journalists think (a. disinterested b. uninterested) means a lack of interest. It means that a person is impartial. 19. “My boss wasn’t [a. convinced b. persuaded] that I could handle the assignment.” 20. The excessive (a. amount b. number) of people in the newsroom makes it feel stuffy.


Exercises 1 to 7

Exercise 4, Chapter 3, Language Lapses (Handbook 25-29) 1. The graphic arts director, who has a 20-month-old boy, had (a. another b. a new) baby today. 2. Free gift (a. is b. is not) redundant. 3. “Midnight is too late for [a. Mary and me b. Mary and I] to watch television because we work for an afternoon newspaper whose first deadline is 9 a.m.” 4. Working in some area of advertising is (a. an old tradition b. a tradition) in the Goldberg family. 5. “I [a. can’t help but wonder b. can’t help wondering] how different my life would be if I had completed my education.” 6. Macon’s boss told her to (a. try to 7. Shrewsberry was (a. a witness

b. try and) improve her typing speed. b. an eyewitness) to the crime.

8. Students who (a. wish b. want) to join the Public Relations Student Society of America may apply at the School of Journalism office in Henry Hall. 9. Counselors at the orientation session cautioned members of the freshman class not to feel too (a. bad b. badly) if their grades are lower in college than they were in high school. 10. A reporter for Channel 6 said a construction worker was injured (a. after b. when) he was struck by a falling beam. 11. The political debate (a. centered around b. centered on) property taxes. 12. The recorded message instructed Jenny to return the call by using the following numbers: (a. 8-1-3-4-2-0-1 b. 8-1-3-4-2-zero-1). 13. Carlton decided to enter politics because he (a. was b. is) sure he can do a better job than most of the politicians he knows. 14. Paxton left work early because he was (a. nauseous b. nauseated). 15. Meravitch said it is (a. strange b. funny) how his hunches usually prove to be true.


Exercises 1 to 7 16. More than 20,000 (a. former students campus for the homecoming football game.

b. former graduates) returned to

17. The radio sports broadcaster told listeners that the referee had called (a. time out b. time out on the playing field). 18. The instruction book is (a. available

b. available to those interested) .

19. Even though he will graduate in May, Winston said he isn’t selling his textbooks because he wants to keep them for (a. future reference b. reference). 20. The city editor sent a reporter and a photographer to the scene of a labor strike because (a. a mob b. an angry mob) was gathering.

Exercise 5, Chapter 4, “It’s Nobody’s Guess (Handbook 30-42) 1. The news director wants to know if (a. anymore b. any more) video of the fire is available. 2. “I can’t play the leading role [a. anymore b. any more], but I can still enjoy doing character parts,” the veteran actor said. 3. “We have deadlines,” the city editor complained. “Reporters can’t just turn in their stories [a. anytime b. any time] they feel like it.” 4. “[a. Anytime b. Any time] you can spare to work on the special edition will be appreciated.” 5.-6. “[a. It’s b. Its] a good news story,” the editor said, “but [a. it’s potential for disrupting the election is troubling”.

b. its]

7.-8. “[a. Who’s b. Whose] responsible for missing the assignment, and [a. who’s b. whose] job is likely to be lost as a result?” 9. “Belinda and [a. I b. myself] will share responsibility for the projects.” 10. “We’re just fine, thank you for asking. How are [a. you b. yourselves]?” 11. “If I [a. was b. were] you, I would finish earning that college degree.”


Exercises 1 to 7 12. “If the police chief [a. was

b. were] wrong, I did not know it.”

13. That program is being taken (a. off of b. off} the schedule. 14. “I should earn my college degree sooner than my sister because I am one year older than [a. she b. her].” 15. “We are upset with the public relations director because he gave better assignments to the new employees than to [a. we b. us].” 16. The (a. stylish new b. stylish, new) computers look good in the newsroom. 17. Broadcast journalists love to gather after work at (a. Jim and Annie’s b. Jim’s and Annie’s c. Jims and Annies) house. 18. The winners (a. are: b. are -Kisha Hairston and Anthony Perez.

c. are) Ralph Jenkins, Penelope Baker,

19. “I wanted to attend your [a. wedding; however, could not get time off from work.”

b. wedding, however,] I

20. The (a. editor who hires investigative reporters b. editor, who hires investigative reporters,) invited me to apply for a job on his staff. 21. (a. Anyone b. Any one) may apply, the program director said. 22. Fighting to meet deadlines is an (a. everyday mass communications business. 23. (a. Sometime

b. every day) part of the

b. Some time) will be required to complete the assignment.

24. Jones said he doesn’t know (a. anyway with the actor.

b. any way) to get an interview

25. Smith said she doesn’t want to interview the actor (a. anyway way).

b. any

26. “My political science professor is the only one of my teachers who [a. is b. are] requiring students to write a term paper.” 27. None of the advertising account executives (a. is b. are) pleased with the new guidelines.


Exercises 1 to 7 28. Either the mayors or the governor (a. is with the outcome of the election.

b. are) going to be disappointed

29. Crosley is more talented than (a. any b. any other) designer on the staff. 30. The flag is (a. red, white and blue

b. red white and blue) .

Exercise 6, Chapter 5, The Trouble with “Only” (Handbook 43-45) 1. “I [a. only need one internship b. need only one internship] to complete requirements for graduation,” the student said. 2. The thieves reportedly [a. only took b. took only] $5, $10 and $20 bills. 3. “We [a. only want a deadline extension of two days b. want a deadline extension of only two days],” the photographer told her editor. 4. Twenty cars collided in the chain-reaction accident, (a. but only one person b. and one person) was seriously injured. 5. He is (a. one of the only b. one of only a few) writers to win both the National Author’s Award and a J.A. Sutherland Medal.


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