SDS 3340 Fall 2019 Syllabus Vastardis PDF

Title SDS 3340 Fall 2019 Syllabus Vastardis
Author Rocky Annmarie
Course Career & Lifespan Development
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 9
File Size 298.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 11
Total Views 133


SDS 3340 ...




Contact / Phone: Canvas Messaging preferred Office Hours: Canvas Messaging, Email

COURSE DESCRIPTION The course addresses the history, trends and future direction of the world of work. It focuses on career development theories, searching and exploring job and career opportunities, self-assessment, and being successful in the job market. Attention is also given to issues in the workplace, such as diversity and strategies for advancement. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

REQUIRED READINGS & MATERIALS Required textbooks Bolles, R.N. (2019). What color is your parachute? A practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. Bolles, R.N. (2012) What color is your parachute? Job hunter’s workbook (4th ed). New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group. Readings as assigned You are expected to access library and internet resources to complement the textbooks (when requested by instructor). Electronic Books: Use FAU Electronic Books and Text: Net Library Brown, S.D. & Lent, R.W. (2005). Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Greenhaus, J. & Callanan, G. (2006), Cognitive Information Processing in career development. In 4Encyclopedia of Career Development (175-180). Retrieved online Sage Knowledge. DOI: 10.4135/9781412952675 Fogg, N.P., Harrington, P.E., & Harrington, T.F. (2004). College majors handbook with real career paths and payoffs the actual jobs, earnings, and trends for graduates of 60 college majors (2nd ed). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works. Hirsch, A.S. (2005). Job search and career checklists: 101 proven time-saving checklists to organize and plan your career search. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works. Articles available online via FAU library Super, D.E. (1980). A life-span, life-space approach to career development. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 16, 282-298. Tindall, L.W. & Gugerty, J.J. (1987). Careers for persons with disabilities. Journal of Career Development, 13(4), 5-13. Wendlandt, N.M. & Rochlen, A.B. (2008). Addressing the college-to-work transition. Journal of Career Development, 35(2), 151-165.

Articles available via websites: Steen, Margaret (n.d). Five tips for job hunting with a disability. Retrieved from Broslat, Ginger (2012). Resume: How to write a resume. Retrieved from

Wolgemuth, Liz. (2009). 6 Key steps in job interview prep. Retrieved from

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK As a reflective decision-maker the student will make informed decisions, exhibit ethical behavior, and provide evidence of being a capable professional by applying the knowledge and skill in career development.

COURSE OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of the course students will be able to: 1. Describe the general history, current trends, and future projections of the world of work in the United States. 2. Define theoretical and popular terms used to describe the world of work and life span development. 3. Describe theories used to give perspective to career and life span development. 4. List and clarify personal qualities related to job and career satisfaction. 5. Assess one’s self in terms of interests, values, attitudes, skills, and self-efficacy as related to the job market. 6. Explain how family and cultural roots influence job choice and satisfaction. 7. Identify career resources that can be used in a job search and career exploration. 8. Match personality traits to job and career environments. 9. Identify possible job and career interests. 10. List and describe decision-making styles related to job choice. 11. Identify tentative job and career choices and goals. 12. List the characteristics of an effective resume. 13. Tell how one might act in an effective job interview and anticipate key questions. 14. Describe the process of choosing and changing college majors. 15. Discuss gender, diversity, and disability issues in the workplace. 16. Give examples of relationships issues that impact the workplace and career development. 17. Identify significant transitions in life span and career development. 18. Cite personal rights and government regulations that influence the workplace. 19. Discuss how computer technology has impacted job opportunities, communications, and relationships. 20. Describe the value of resilience and flexibility as applied to career development. 21. Give examples of how dual-career couples can resolve job and career dilemmas. 22. Discuss how a mentor can play a role in helping one start his or her own business. 23. Compare and contrast life development stages with job and career stages. 24. Identify ways to manage job stress and burnout. 25. Explain how stereotyping is related to career opportunities. 26. Discuss the ways in which positive uncertainty, serendipity, lost potentialities and risk-taking can affect career development. CACREP: General: K.2a, K.3.a-d, K.4.a-i, K.5.a, K.7.a, K.7.d-h, K.7.i, K.9-10 CACREP: School: A.6-9, C.2.b, C.3.d CORE: C.2.4 C.2.5


Participation and professional conduct in online discussions and activities. Development of a career portfolio Completion of a career assignment of the student’s choice. Completion of two course assessments.

COURSE EVALUATION Grades will be assigned based on points earned.  Discussion Board posts & feedback (including introduction discussion)  Your Choice Assignment  Career Portfolio  Assessment #1  Assessment #2

50 points 50 points 100 points 50 points 50 points TOTAL: 300 POINTS

FINAL GRADE DEVIATION Scores are cumulative and the grade scale represents percentage of total points earned. A = 94 – 100 % A - = 93 – 90 %

B+ = 89 – 87 % B = 86 – 83 % B- = 82 – 80 %

C+ = 79 – 77 % C = 76 – 73 % C- = 72 – 70 %

D+ = 69 – 67 % D = 66 – 63 % D- = 62 – 60 %

F = 59 – 0 %

Note: University, College of Education, and department policy stipulates that students in graduate-level programs must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 and have received a grade of “B” or higher in all courses.

ATTENDANCE Students are expected to check onto Canvas at least three (3) times per week and to complete all weekly assignments by the due date. Attendance includes meaningful, active involvement in all assignments, discussions, and activities as well as professional, ethical, conduct. Reasonable accommodations are made for religious observances.

INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students who require special accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and follow all procedures. The OSD is a part of the Office of Diversity Student Services on the Boca Campus and is located in SU 133. The phone number is 561-297-2184, and the TTY number is 561- 297-0358. Visit for additional information.

UNIVERSITY HONOR CODE Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. The FAU Honor Code requires a faculty member, student, or staff member to notify an instructor when there is reason to believe an academic irregularity is occurring in a course. The instructor must pursue any reasonable allegation, taking action where appropriate. The following constitutes academic irregularities: (a) The use of notes, books or assistance from or to other students while taking an examination or working on other assignments unless specifically authorized by the instructor are defined as acts of cheating. (b) The presentation of words or ideas from any other source as one’s own are an act defined as plagiarism. (c) Other activities that interfere with the educational mission of the university. For full details of the FAU Honor Code, see University Regulation 4.001 at

METHODS OF INSTRUCTION This course uses a variety of teaching methods including PowerPoint presentations, readings, email, Internet resources and Web-based instruction through Canvas. Students will have an opportunity to synthesize and apply what they are learning through online discussions, student presentations, library research using online databases (e.g., Academic Search Premier, APA PsycArticles, ERIC) and skills practice.

DISTANCE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS 1. Students will access Canvas for ALL course materials, including, Syllabus, PowerPoint, discussion forums, grading book, and/or exams. 2. Students are encouraged to use a broadband (cable or DSL) connection. 3. Students may use Windows or Mac operating systems. 4. Students may use Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari browsers. 5. Student assignments must be completed using the Microsoft Office suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.) for Windows or Mac. 6. Student assignments should be posted on Canvas on the scheduled due date (see course content and outline). Late assignments will not be accepted for grading unless there was prior written consent/approval from instructor. 7. Students are expected to fulfill their Discussion Board responsibilities by the designated deadlines. 8. Unless otherwise noted, all written assignments should follow APA style, including but not limited to: Title/cover page, page numbers, running head, reference page, 12 pt. font, 1 in. margins etc. 9. Students are expected to adhere to all department, college, and university policies of Academic Integrity. This includes but is not limited to: a. Cheating b. Plagiarism c. Misrepresenting information or failing to give proper credit for citations used d. Participating or facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others e. Unauthorized prior possession or sharing of examinations f. Submitting the work or tampering with the work of another person 10. Students will receive feedback on assignments from the instructor via Canvas. 11. Students should contact the instructor if they experience technical difficulty accessing course materials and activities on Canvas. Students should contact the IRM helpdesk at if you experience login or connection issues. 12. In order to minimize technological issues, prior to taking this course, students should be able to send and receive email, send attachments with emails, be familiar with Canvas, navigating and conducting research on the World Wide Web.

COURSE CONTENT & OUTLINE The content and activities for each session are described below. Assigned readings should take place prior to class. DATE



ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Boards: Original Post due by Fridays at 11 pm and 2 posts to peers due by Saturdays at 11 pm.

Overview of course, organization, assignments and class introductions.

Week 1 (8/18/19-8/24/19)

Obtain a copy of the required text (Bolles) and download/print additional texts to read as assigned.

1. Access course via CANVAS; familiarize yourself with syllabus & assignments. 2. Introductions on Discussion Board. Review course syllabus & assignments.

Follow introduction prompt and respond to two peers. 3. Discussion Board 1

Watch video clip: Why

Follow DB prompt and respond to two peers.

you fail to have a great career Job vs. Career Week 2 (8/25/19-8/31/19)

Career Developmental Theories

Bolles Chapters 1-5 (Review Basic Tenets)

1. 1. Review PowerPoint. 2. 3. 2. Discussion Board 2



READINGS Bolles Chapters 1-5

Week 3 (09/01/2019-

Career and Life Span Development – C.I.P. Overview


Week 4

Assessment # 1


(Week 1-3 Readings & PowerPoints)

2. Discussion Board 3

Super (1980)

3. Review for Assessment

Fogg, Chapter 2

Complete Assessment #1 on CANVAS (To be accessed no more than 2 times; Due Saturday, 9/14, 11pm)

Bolles, Ch. 7



Fogg, Chapter 2

Exploring Abilities, Interests, & Values

Greenhaus & Callanan (2006)

Options Knowledge


Week 7 (09/29/2019-

7. 8. 9. 1. Review PowerPoint. 2. Discussion Board 4

My Next Move (http://www.mynextmove. org)


Week 6

4. 5. 1. Review PowerPoint. 6.

Greenhaus & Callanan (2006)


Week 5


Career Decision Making and Metacognition

What Can I do with this Major ( udents/majors/index.php)

Greenhaus & Callanan (2006)

1. Review PowerPoint. 2. Discussion Board 5 3. Work on Your Choice Assignment (Due Week 8)

1. Review PowerPoint. 2. Discussion Board 6

Fogg, Chapter 3 3. Work on Your Choice Assignment


(Due Week 8)

1. Review PowerPoint. Week 8

Career preparation

Bolles, Ch. 1 and 7

2. Your Choice Assignment Due on


Career Portfolio Assignment

Fogg, Ch 1

Saturday, Oct. 12th at 11 PM.

Hirsch (2005), pgs. 39-84

3. Work on Career Portfolio (due


Week 11). Week 9 (10/13/201910/19/2019)

1. Review PowerPoint. Resume building, cover letter, interviews

Bolles, Ch 2 Wendlandt & Rochlen (2008)

2. Discussion Board 7 3. Work on Career Portfolio (due Week 11).



Bolles, Ch. 3

Week 10 (10/20/201910/26/2019)


Job Searching Career Tools

Review website: b- search/companyindustry- research/topcareer- researchtools/article.aspx

ASSIGNMENTS 1. Review PowerPoint. 2. Discussion Board 8 3. Work on Career Portfolio (due Week 11).

Week 11 (10/27/201911/2/2019)

Interview Preparation Salary Negotiations

Wolgemuth (2009)

Week 12

Working with diverse populations

Bolles, Ch 5


Managing the work environment

Bolles, Ch 4 and 8

FAU Career Center ( tudents/disability/disabilit y. php)

1. Review PowerPoint.

Review Week 5-13

1.Review for Assessment #2

Readings & PowerPoints

2. Discussion Board 10

Week 13 (11/10/201911/16/2019)

Review for Assessment #2

Career Portfolio Due Saturday, November 2nd at 11 PM

2. Discussion Board 9 3. Review for Assessment #2

Complete Assessment #2 on Canvas Week 14

Assessment #2

(11/17/2019 – 11/23/2019)

Assessment #2 SPOT Evaluations


Exam Week (12/5/201912/11/2019)

Must be completed no later than Saturday, November 23 at 11 PM.

Complete SPOT Evaluations before deadline!

Week 15 (11/24/2019-

(To be accessed no more than 2 times; 11/17-11/23)




Thank you!

Complete SPOT Evaluations before deadline! Thank you!

ASSIGNMENT: DISCUSSION BOARD AND ACTIVITIES Description: The student will participate on the Canvas Discussion Board as indicated on the Course Content and Outline. Participation is designed to develop understanding of career development issues, professional and ethical concerns, and increase creative and critical thinking skills. Discussion board posts and responses to peers should demonstrate understanding of course material, be professional and utilize proper grammar, and reflect student’s critical-thinking abilities. Procedure: Students are required to view PowerPoint presentations, complete lesson activities, respond to prompts (at the end of each PowerPoint) on the discussion board and provide feedback to at least two classmates. Original Post (a minimum of one paragraph) due by Fridays at 11 pm and TWO posts to peers (minimum of three sentences per response) are due by Saturdays at 11 PM. Evaluation: Students will earn up to 50 points for their participation on the Canvas site. ASSIGNMENT: YOUR CHOICE ASSIGNMENT Description: Students will select to complete one of the following assignment options: 1. Complete the flower exercise (Bolles Text) 2. Participate in a career interview 3. Visit a campus career center Procedures: Students will prepare a two – four-page reflection paper describing their experience, knowledge gained, and impact of completing one of the “Your Choice Assignments”. Additional procedures related to each of the assignments will be available on Canvas. FAU Career Center info can be found at: Evaluation: Students will earn up to 50 points for the assignments. Your Choice Assignment is due on Saturday, October 12th at 11 PM and must follow APA format. Please save your file using the following format: SDS 3340 My Choice_ Your Last name (e.g.: SDS 3340 Your Choice_Last Name) and submit to Canvas by deadline. Late assignments will have a deduction of 2-points per day late. ASSIGNMENT: CAREER PORTFOLIOS Description: Students will prepare a career portfolio. Procedures: Student career portfolios will contain at a minimum of the following components, in this order and complied in one document PDF ONLY (20 points each- 100 total). The use of headers (per APA standards are expected). You may add certificates or significant recognitions. Be sure to add a synopsis on the value and importance of such documents: 1. Cover letter 2. Resume (include Resume Rubric/Approval – supplied by FAU Career Development Center OR Career Professional) 3. Unofficial Transcript (provide a copy or a comprehensive overview by providing details on your classes and earned/remaining credits) 4.FAU Major Knowledge Assessment Results (Complete Career Interest Assessment ONLY. Include results from completed assessment. This is a free assessment and can be found at (login required): 5.Self-Reflection – strengths, skills, areas for improvement, potential for contributions “what can you offer” Two full pages – Minimum and Maximum. APA FORMAT. Portfolio: Students will earn up to 100 points for their portfolio Career Portfolio Due Saturday, November 2nd t at 11 PM and must follow APA format. Please save your file using the following format: SDS 3340 My Choice_ Your Last name (e.g.: SDS 3340 Career Portfolio_LastName) and submit to Canvas by deadline. Late assignments will have a deduction of 2-points per day late.

BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES Brown, S.D. & Lent, R.W. (2005). Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Chope, R....

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