Section 2 Idea bank:notes PDF

Title Section 2 Idea bank:notes
Author Joaume Calvertlane
Course Análisis de circuitos
Institution Univerzitet umetnosti u Beogradu
Pages 5
File Size 275 KB
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Gamsat thing ayo ...



Notes comprised with information from books, podcasts, YouTube, magazines and personal experience.

Be prepared for any topic that you might find in Section 2 of the GAMSAT. These notes include: 1) Essay structure outlines for both task A and task B essays in section 2 of the GAMSAT. Essay ideas and quotes on the following topics: - Success - Materialism/Consumerism - Inequality/Technology - Terror - Technological Progression - Conflict - National Pride - Cooperation/Human - Collaboration Nature/Conformity/ Compliance - Money/Experiences/Happiness - Democracy - Government/Democracy - Crime/Punishment (again) - Morality/Virtue - Travel/Tourism/Ethics/Guilt - Change/Protest - Imagination, Perspective, Aging, - Civility Growth, Entertainment, Reality, - Media/Propaganda Wisdom, Youth - Feminism/Gender equality - Death, Life, Gratitude, Appreciation, - Environment Detachment. - Multiculturalism/immigration - Gossip - Nationalism - Anger - Freedom of Speech - Conformity - Globalization - Sorrow - Censorship - Sanity, Madness, Intelligence - Social media - Humor - Generosity - Relationships/Friendship/ - Justice and war Happiness/fulfillment/ Gratification - War - Aging - Punishment, Crime - Guilt - Responsibility/Environment - Politics - Health - Capitalism - Dreams/Reality/imagination - Truth - Loneliness - Capitalism - Envy - Lies - Tolerance/Diversity 2) MCQ answering strategies 3) Discussion on Social and Ethical Dilemmas 4) Example essays on the following topics - Social Media - Globalisation - Truth/Lies

Task A Structure Plan • Identify the central theme of the quotes. • Think about which themes are relevant from your background matrix. Questions to ask • What do I think about the theme? • Where is the theme ‘going’ in society? • Do I agree? • How can we fix it? • Who, what, why, when and how? • Determine your stance • Determine 2 main points “for” and 1 point “against” • Determine the examples and quotes to support these points.

Introduction (minimum of 3 sentences, and a max of 5 or 6) • • •

"General comment" sentence introducing your topic, but framed in such a way that it links to what you'll say about the topic. “Thesis statement" sentence, which explains your top level take on the topic. This should integrate the quote! "Essay map" o Introduce 3 arguments that support your "thesis statement" (ie, your take on the topic).

Body paragraphs 1-2 (for) • • • •

Elaborate on the specific point from your intro. Describe the main idea of this point. Back it up with a concrete example. FINAL SENTENCE SHOULD CLEARLY LINK IT BACK TO YOUR THESIS STATEMENT. Avoid too much repetition in your "linking back" sentences.

Body paragraph 3 (against) Begin by showing you are about to acknowledge the other side; Nevertheless, however.. Use same structure as above. Rebut the idea and establish that you still support your contention and why. Conclusion (3 to 4 sentences) • Re-assert your thesis statement (not using exact same words). • Summarise your 3 arguments again. • Add appropriate quote/Mention the chosen quote • Finish with some kind of concluding statement o Example: a basic recommendation as to how the topic can be addressed, a thought towards the future or some kind of summing up thought. • • •

Background Information Matrix (Task A- Argumentative) Theme/s Success Ø In order to achieve success, we must identify what it is that makes us happy.

Examples Success. What so many people desire, but what so many people fail in acquiring. 1) The media portrays success incorrectly. - It emphasizes the importance of materialistic possessions and money. - This has convinced many people to chase an empty goal and often they end up disappointed and despondent. - Graham Hill sold his company for $10 mil before the age of 30. He believed he was successful and filled his life with things the media portrays as such. Cars, houses, etc. However he still felt empty and unhappy. He felt a void in himself that was not fulfilled by his possessions. - “I wish everyone could have the chance to be rich and famous, so they realize that it’s not the answer” – Jim Carey - What some people may see as being successful is not what really matters in life. 2) To truly be successful in life, one should place great on things that create happiness. - For many people, this comes in the form of putting emphasis on family, relationships and helping the less fortunate. - This sense of satisfaction is often found when one adds value to the lives of others and make the world around you a better place. - “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value” – Einstein - This is what Graham Hill ended up doing. He decided to sell all of his possessions and adopt a minimalist lifestyle, and move into a small apartment with only essentials. He then

Quote/s “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success” – Albert Schweitzer “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” - Walter Elliot


Inequality/Technology Ø The rise of technology capable of automation breeds social inequality

Technological Progression Ø Technological advancement is fundamental in the quest of improvement.

established a company called ‘TreeHugger” that is dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. - In doing this he gave back to the community and environment and he was finally happy and felt successful. - If you are able to implement this definition of success and move away from the materialistic desires of the modern day man, not only will you feel successful but you will also be happier. 3) No matter what your definition of success is, one must work hard to achieve it. - Success doesn’t come easy. - “The key to success is action, and the essential in action is perseverance” – Sun Yat-sen Conclusion - Success doesn’t come easy. We must all have perseverance if we want to experience it. However, it is important for us to define what it means to be successful before we set out to achieve it. If the media changed what the image of success looked like, many of us would emphasis on family, relationships and helping the less fortunate. We would soon realize that success is not the key to happiness, but rather happiness is the key to success. 1) Automation results in a loss of jobs. - 35% of jobs lost in the UK and 47% in the USA. - Machines used to check out goods at supermarkets. 2) Automation creates disparity of wealth between the rich and poor. - Lower SES loosing jobs, as it is often this class of society working in the roles that are taken over by automation. - The rich get richer because they own the machines or benefit from them somehow and the poor fight it out for the remaining jobs. 3) However, tech progress is saving peoples lives and this benefit is one that holds much weight in the debate on technology and automation. - Algorithms have been made that find matches for kidney donors, and computers with software that detects brain tumors faster and more accurately than a neurosurgeon. These are GREAT things, so we must embrace these benefits. -BUT, we must be smart about out implementation of technology and not let it exceed our humanity. - Law on automation 1) Technological progression has improved accuracy - Technology has also improved the accuracy of many different tasks that used to be riddled with errors. Because technology has automated many of the tasks that used to be performed by hand, these automated computer programs have the ability to perform the same task over and over again with pinpoint accuracy, saving valuable man-hours that are otherwise spent going over the work to make sure it is correct, fixing any mistakes that might have occurred. This improved accuracy means that companies can move forward with business decisions in a fast manner, secure in the knowledge that the work has been performed correctly. This increases both business efficiency and profitability. - Technological advancements in medicine - Computers with software that detects brain tumors faster and more accurately than a neurosurgeon. 2) Technological progression has improved efficiency and productivity Companies all over the world are taking advantage of automation technology. - This doesn’t just mean robots in the manufacturing industry, but also includes computer programs that are able to automate many of the functions that used to be performed by hand. For example, software now exists that can expedite data analysis, quickly finding statistically significant results that produce actionable data. This means that businesses everywhere can analyze the data faster than ever, making company decisions that ultimately lead to improved efficiency and increased production. Because this data is produced using automation technology, this also cuts down on the

‘The leisure of the starving is no leisure at all, but a relentless activity aimed at staying alive” – Paul Mattick “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” Albert Einstein “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” -Albert Einstein “All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem”. - Martin Luther King Jr. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning.” - Benjamin Franklin


National Pride Ø National Pride creates local bonds but international barriers between ethnic groups.

Collaboration Ø Society benefits from collaboration

Money/Experiences/Happiness Ø Money will not make you happy, but altruism can. Ø Could also write the “success” essay. Ø Money does not directly equate to happiness per se, it ultimately depends on how we use our money

overhead costs because businesses no longer have to pay people to do these time-consuming tasks. - Algorithms that find matches for kidney donors. 3) However, automation has rendered many people unemployed and created a disparity in wealth amongst society. - 35% of jobs lost in the UK and 47% in the USA. - Lower SES loosing jobs, as it is often this class of society working in the roles that are taken over by automation. - The rich get richer because they own the machines or benefit from them somehow and the poor fight it out for the remaining jobs. - However, the benefits in medicine and other areas are too great to deny and thus we must be smart in the way we implement technology. We should use it to help all members of society, not just individuals who want to capitalize on the work done by robots. 1) Nationalism has the power to unite people. • Olympic games, Sporting events • 2015 Paris terror attacks 2) Nationalism serves as a platform for discrimination and can create polarity in a multicultural society. • 2005 Cronulla riots 3) Patriotism causes oppression of minority groups • Trumps bans on immigration has caused oppression of minority groups • Xenophobia Wikipedia- Shared knowledge • Made from volunteers collaborating, constructing a database filled with useful information. • The incentive is to be part of a useful tool that furthers the knowledge of the population. Musicians- Shared creativity • They collaborate to push their level of performance and increase creativity essentially transforming their initial ideas into something greater that what they initially began with. • The Aristocrats are a super-group (band comprised of well known members of various bands) that have pushed the boundaries in jazz/progressive rock by uniting. The Office is a place of work collaboration. • This should be the ultimate environment where work output is the greatest however, an office survey by software entrepreneur Jason Fried found: No one said they get the most work done in an office environment due to meetings, staff interactions, and other distractions. • Mass collaboration is not helpful all the time. The way the media defines happiness à material possessions 1) Those who say money cant buy happiness are lying • People who have more income will on average be happier than people who have less. This is a robust finding proven by many studies. However, • National Academy of Sciences threshold study • Happiness increases with wealth until a threshold of $75,000 is reached (plateau). • Beyond this threshold, all basic needs are met and an increase in money ≠ increase in happiness. • People with a salary > $75,000 do not see an increase in happiness and begin to run on the hedonic treadmill. • The Hedonic Treadmill states that regardless of what happens to someone, their level of happiness will return to their baseline after the event. What does this mean? It means that if you get married, move into a new house, get a promotion, loose a job or suffer an accident, for example, after a certain period of time you’re likely to return to your set point of happiness. The feeling of happiness is ephemeral.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind – Albert Einstein “Nationalism is power hunger tempered by selfdeception.” – George Orwell “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” - Helen Keller

“Happiness is not a goal; it is a byproduct” - Eleanor Roosevelt


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