Self Essessment - Introduction to psychology PDF

Title Self Essessment - Introduction to psychology
Course Psychological Research
Institution Moi University
Pages 6
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Introduction to psychology...


Self-Assessment of Discussion Engagement (20%)

Assignment Tasks: In order to justify your proposed grade, please include the following in your submission: 1. Three Best Postings (Copy and Paste directly from the Discussion) 2. Additional Comments (Justify the grade that you have awarded to yourself) Hint: Use the criteria outlined in the attached rubric to help justify your grade. Criteria Excellent Quality of Initial Discussion Postings 12 points       

All information in posting is accurate All views are clearly expressed and well explained Contains original ideas, connections or applications Discussion posts showed insight beyond the understanding of lesson content and readings Clear, concise synthesis of course content to demonstrate understanding of topic Explores ideas, supports points fully using a examples, and/or references, and details, uses effective reasoning to make useful distinctions All relevant course and topic links are made

My 3 Posts to use will be:

Discussion #2 A New Model for Employee Communication When researching the internet to find a good communication model that would work well in Labour Relations, I looked at the Aristole, Lasswell, Barnlund’s Transactional and the Shannon-Weaver Model. None of them seemed a great fit for labour relations. Then I found a New Model for Employee Communication Model. This I feel is a great communication model that should be studied in Labour Management. A “New Model for Employee Communication” is a concept by Shel Holtz, a certified Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP). The model is about the importance of addressing the fact that employees are people too. He clarifies with the name itself, “Employee Communication” instead of “internal” communication as he

says we are to focus on the fact of who we are communicating with instead of what, as internal is a place. The model is focused on employer-employee communication with an emphasis on a strong 2 way communication. To be successful communication needs to flow all directions including downward, upward, horizontal, and external. Employees need to be aligned and engaged. With employees being brought in and part of the communication this helps with employees feeling a stronger commitment to the organization. If management communicates closely and effectively with their employees and keeps them in the know, they will create a strong organization with less conflict. There would be less grievances as the management and employees would be well informed and could deal with issues at a timely manner with everyone going in the same direction working on the same goal. e=1627516800&v=beta&t=lP156rikTuEPtfo6VrSmsUipXxtYKdXW6PKUzns7nV8

Discussion # 6

“Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost” Individual freedoms are guaranteed to citizens of all nations by their supreme law, as well as by global agreements that promote the protection of human rights. However, the measure and approaches to ensuring these freedoms differ in countries due to differences in the political freedoms of organizations and unions that advocate for individual rights. For example, unions seek suitable working conditions to provide workers with opportunities to exercise their rights to rest, safety, freedom of expression, and even life. Therefore, I agree with President Ronald Reagan's words, “Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost” as collective bargaining is the way to achieve changes that bring freedom to people. Alliances and collective bargaining have had a significant impact in history, since often only the joint efforts of people can bring positive change. For example, labor unions advocate for workers' rights to establish requirements for employers to

ensure a comfortable work environment. As noted by Denk et al. (2019), collective bargaining affects the distribution of wages by reducing the difference in payments of workers depending on their job position. Negotiation ensures a decent salary level for workers according to their position, which affects their ability to exercise other freedoms. Unions can also influence the provision of freedoms in society as a whole, although they often have a specific position. In Canada, this fact is most clearly demonstrated by different craft unions, as well as various organizations for the rights of different groups of the population. For example, suffragette unions in the early 20th century achieved political freedoms for women, while current unions can defend the freedoms of neuro-atypical people. Consequently, the prevention of unions and collective bargaining significantly limits people's freedoms, since they often cannot defend their position as individuals. A statement by one person about the need for change most often does not impact people in power. In addition, while one person can voice their opinion, ten other people are afraid to do the same without the support of others. In this way, alliances and collective bargaining empower people to voice problems and achieve positive changes.

Reference Denk, O., Garnero, A., Hijzen, A., & Martin, S. (2019). The role of collective bargaining systems for labour market performance. In OECD (Ed.), Negotiating Our Way Up: Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work (pp. 105-163). OECD Publishing.

Discussion # 10

How to Communicate your Assessment of an Employee's Poor Performance Unfortunately, employees may fail to perform their job responsibilities properly at work. That is why supervisors have to persuade them to respond to the evaluation and make improvements accordingly. Supervisors should sound convincing and be prepared for expressions of solid dissent on an employee's part, leading to conflicts to be solved. Admittedly, there can be several points to consider to build a productive relationship with coworkers and subordinates. Unfortunately, the supervisor in the video under consideration seems to lack soft skills necessary for finding an individual approach to every team member ( ETSU HR, 2013). As the subordinate appears to neglect her duties and create lame excuses, it would be better to resort to particular communicative strategies to make her listen to the supervisor's views. Therefore, the supervisor is bound to keep pace with modern psychological trends on the art of communication. Moreover, since the supervisor seems to have an overemotional nature, it would be better to develop a thick skin to hold their temper while reprimanding the troublemaker or receiving signs of profound discontent from their side. In addition, creating a friendly working atmosphere may serve as a key to be in tune with employees. In fact, there might be the same unpleasant situations at workplace no matter the company's field of activity. As far as digital companies are concerned, they usually hire coaches, who serve as mentors or supervisors to employees and help them create an individual line of behavior to achieve success and fit into the team. That is why these professionals are likely to be aware of different communicational techniques. Recent studies provide different typologies for communicative strategies frequently used to solve conflicts in working place. For instance, Putnam and Wilson distinguish "lose-lose (nonconfrontation), win-lose (controlling), and win-win (solutionorientation) approaches to conflict management" (Putnam & Wilson, 2016), that can be helpful for supervisors. Obviously, conflicts may be different in character. If the problem lies in mutual disrespect, such coworkers are likely to be put in different departments or teams. This is an example of the lose-lose approach, because

colleges no longer communicate with each other. The conflict is not solved but has no impact on work. In case there is constant default on obligations from an employee's side, like in the video, a supervisor should resort to tough measures, even dismissal. This is rather an example of the win-lose approach because they use the power vested in them by the company to the full to control a troublemaker. However, there can be minor offenses one can successfully laugh off and improve relations without showing authoritarian nature. In this case, if a supervisor uses creativity to find solutions to a problem it can serve as an illustration of the win-win approach. To sum it up, it is no easy matter to be a supervisor. Such a position demands specific communication skills and knowledge of psychology. That is why there are strategies of behavior at working place to stick to if one wants to communicate successfully with coworkers and subordinates. It would be better for a supervisor to learn more about asserting authority among the staff, gaining the players' respect, staying positive while facing rudeness, giving up lenience towards the team, and becoming efficient at motivating. References Altfeld, S., Schaffran, P., Kleinert, J., & Kellmann, M. (2018). Minimising the risk of coach burnout: From research to practice. International Sport Coaching Journal, 5 (1), 1–8. ETSU HR. (2013, August 13). How to communicate your assessment of an employee's poor performance [Video]. YouTube.

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