SET 4 - Omar Eldakar PDF

Title SET 4 - Omar Eldakar
Course Biology II/Lab
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 5
File Size 55.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 14
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Omar Eldakar...


SET 4 Allele Different versions of the same gene

Carrier Individuals that carry a recessive allele for an inherited disease

Character A structure, function, or attribute determined by a gene or group of genes

Cross Cross-fertilization - preventing self fertilization and control other fertilization

Dominant allele Allele that produces its phenotype in heterozygous and homozygous form

Recessive allele Allele that produces its phenotype in only homozygous form

Generations: P Parent Generation

Generations: F1 First Filial Generation

Generations: F2 Second Filial Generation

Genotype Alleles found in a particular individual

Homologous Chromosomes Maternal and paternal chromosomes paired together in a cell

Hybrid Offspring form matings between true breeding parents that differ in one or more traits

Monohybrid Mating between parents that carry two different genetic determinants for the same trait

Dyhybrid Mating between individuals with two heterozygous traits

Linkage tendency of particular alleles of different genes to be inherited together

Locus location of a gene on a chromosome

Map units a cM, centimorgan

Pedigree A family tree of individuals

Phenotype ratios

Ratio of one type of phenotypes to

Trait an inherited characteristic

true-breeding Only between homozygous parents to produce homozygous offspring

Principle of segregation Two members of each pair must segregate into different gamete cells during meiosis

Co-dominance Simultaneous expression of the phenotype associated with each allele in a heterozygote

Complete dominance When a heterozygote expresses one phenotype

Incomplete dominance Like blending, heterozygotes have phenotype between two different homozygous parents

Multiple allelism Existence of more than two alleles of the same gene

Pleiotropy When one gene influences more than one trait

Principle of independent assortment Alleles of different genes are transmitted independently of one another

Linked genes Located on the same chromosome

Autosomal inheritance Genes on non-sex chromosomes

Sex-linked traits Inheritance of genes on either sex chromosome

Quantitative traits On a bell curve - like height or skin color - and is influenced by many different genes

Common Characteristic of Quantitative traits Also influence by the environment

How to tell if genes are linked Few crossover events are seen and there is a lower percentage of recombinant types

Recombination Crossing over of genes

Genotype Ratio Pattern of offspring distribution by genotype

Disease that is Autosomal Dominant Huntington Disease

Disease that is Autosomal Recessive Sickle Cell Disease, cystic fibrosis

Disease that is Sex-Linked Green-red color blindness, hemophilia

Polymorphic When more than two distinct phenotypes are present in a population

Genetic Map Data on the frequency of crossing over between many genes on the same chromosome

Discreet traits characteristic traits that are qualitatively different...

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