Shaer Sam Web Sleuth - Belinda Ziedler PDF

Title Shaer Sam Web Sleuth - Belinda Ziedler
Course Nutrition for Health
Institution Portland State University
Pages 5
File Size 115.7 KB
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Belinda Ziedler...


Web Nutrition Sleuth Assignment

The Internet has provided us with the ability to access information in just minutes but how can we tell if the information we have retrieved is accurate, based on good science or even reported without bias? Finding reliable and sound nutrition information in today’s world requires good investigative skills. This assignment is designed to help you determine if the sites you use to get nutrition information are good science and reputable. Answer the questions right on this document and then submit it to the assignment tab under activities.

1. On an Internet search engine of your choice, google/search a nutrition question or topic of your choice. For example, you might be interested in the health benefits of coconut oil, learn how gluten/wheat impacts health or want to find out if kale really is a super food. What is your question/topic that you searched? ____________________________________________Intermittent Fasting ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Using only the first page of your web search results, tally up the type of website that the articles/information appears on and complete the chart below: Type of Website Number of results .com 10 .org 1 .edu 1 .gov 0 .net 0 3. List the top 3 sites (web address) and titles. 1. __ Fasting 101 — The Ultimate Beginner's Guide ____________________________________________________________________

2. __ Fasting For Women—A Beginners Guide________________________________________________________________

3. _____ Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting__________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _ When answering the following questions, please use the first 3 sites listed from your search. 4. Looking at the top 3 sites on your page, is the author of the article or site listed? If not, can you determine who might have written it? 1. Kris Gunnar

2. Daisy Coyle

3. James Clear

5. Is there any evidence that the author or site has any credibility or authority in the field of nutrition? Expand by explaining what credentials or connections to the subject the authors or site lists. 1. Kris is a nutrition researcher with a Bachelor's degree in medicine

2. Daisy has “APD” after her name, but no indication of what that is or her

background is given. 3. James clear has no nutrition background, he states he is an author, entrepreneur, and photographer.

6. Can you tell how timely the information is? Does it say when the information was published or posted for each site?

1. July 25th, 2018

2. July 22nd, 2018

3. Does not say

7. Who do you think the intended audience is for the sites you are examining?

1. Above the article it clearly states the article is evidence based, so probably for people interested in intermittent fasting that want to read things backed by science.

2. Above the article it clearly states the article is evidence based, so probably for

people interested in intermittent fasting that want to read things backed by science.

3. Subscribers to his articles that may be interested in healthy eating that want things broken down in simpler terms (as his bio states, he breaks down science to make it easy to understand).

8. Are there any clues that the author or site might be biased? Are the sites selling or promoting a product? If so, what? Is the author or site taking a stand on particular nutrition topic? If so, what? 1. No indication of bias, though the author does state that it works. However, he does mention the risks and that certain people should consult their doctor. No selling or promotion.

2. No indication of bias, not selling anything. Talks about benefits as well as risks and side effects.

3. Definitely biased, he has been intermittent fasting for a year. He also lists a book that readers can buy by a man named Brad Pilon, though I’m not sure if he gets any of the money from sales or if he just thinks it is a good resource.

9. Of the 3 sites that you have investigated, would you use the information from any of them to help shape your nutrition choices? Why or why not?

I would probably use this information because the author sites many studies and has a bachelors in medicine so is likely familiar enough with terms that he interprets the studies pretty accurately.

The website seems to be run only by people with some sort of knowledge in the health and nutrition field, however this author does not have a bio with her background. She does cite a lot of studies so I would probably use the information in this article.

Definitely not because he isn’t credible at all.

10. Lastly, where do you typically get your nutrition information? How have you evaluated your nutrition information? Have you examined factors like the type of research or author credibility in the past? I typically just read through a few articles about something, but I wouldn’t say I really do much research on nutrition. If there is something I hear about that I am interested in possibly doing, then I will research it and try to only use article with studies cited that seems to be unbiased and written by people with a background in the field. If I am going to implement something into my life, I always check the authors credentials and try to get as many opinions as I can from many different sources....

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