Short storyv 4 PDF

Title Short storyv 4
Course Communication Theory
Institution Bournemouth University
Pages 5
File Size 56 KB
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Short story draft 4...


Rohan Short Story

It was during the 1820’s when everything seemed to be calm, the trees rustling and everything else being absolutely silent where the only thing heard are the sound of the birds chirping in the sky above. We see Billy speaking to his son Toby, telling him that everything will soon be over, how he will always be there for him, to never give up and as long as you can breathe to still fight. The sound of water trickling in the background almost as the calm sound of a waterfall where the water is flowing through the large trees that are surrounded by the water. The water almost looking as clear as glass. We notice the ripples of the water forming and we now hear the sound of footsteps and splashes in the water and see several people holding rifle guns. The people who are holding these rifle guns are seen to be wearing rugged jackets and woolly hats to cover their heads to make it look like they are in a cold place. Amongst this group are Toby and Billy, standing side by side. Toby then suddenly spots something in the distance. The troops gather behind Toby and Billy, with their rifles ready in case of attack.

Toby and Billy rush back to their camp base where they meet up with all their troops. Within the group there is Jack, Billy’s main enemy. This is something that we are unaware of yet. They are all sitting down eating dinner under the night sky. There is a sudden sound of gunshots and they turn to see a group of Indian troops running towards them, shooting in their direction. Toby immediately grabs Billy and they run through the water as fast as they can, chased by Indian troops on horseback. They run towards their boat which has been left further down the river. As they jump on the boat, they leave the battle of destruction behind them and flee to safety.

Leaving the destruction behind them, we see Billy and his son resting on sand bags with their rifles loaded. They are on the lookout as the boat passes through the water in the misty eerie darkness. Bridger is asking Billy what the next best thing to do is and Billy responds to him that where we came from is not safe at all and states that we should leave the boat where he says that the best thing to do is to track a new course to get back them to land. However, Bridger turns his back to Billy and talks to Jack where Bridger is telling him that this is not a good idea but as Bridger and Glass have a strong relationship Jack is on his side. Reaching the land where the troops are now following the orders of Billy we see the troops make a new route to get them back to land. They are walking through the thick green wilderness surrounding them on both sides with the sun peeking through the trees. The troops begin to set camp as darkness is approaching and the sun is about to set.

After setting camp we see Billy wander off into the forest where we can hear the sounds of rustling and the wind. Billy quickly reloads his rifle where we see two small baby bears and behind Billy we hear the sound of another bear hurtling towards Glass. The big grizzly bear leaping on Glass ripping every part of his body, clawing him ferociously, not leaving him alone. Billy is screaming in pure agony, but no one is able to hear him screaming. Still trying to reach his knife and rifle, he finally grabs his rifle but to his dismay the bear comes back again, clawing his neck this time and dragging him around by his teeth. Glass has another go at shooting at the bear and this time succeeds but in so much agony the bear is just lying on top of Glass as he has no strength to move it and get up. A couple hours after the attack, the bear is still on top of Glass. Glass is only able to breathe from the grasp of the air seeping through his body. We come to notice that his troops have

just left him to be on his own. Moments later we hear the leaves rustle and from the top of the hill we see Jack and Toby together. They come down to help Billy by taking the bear off his body. Toby is by Billy’s side crying and Billy is looking at Toby holding his hands in a firm grip. Jack begins to pick up the soil from the ground and starts to bury Billy. Toby starts to begin shouting at Jack telling him to stop but Jack is not listening to Toby. We see Billy still breathing but as the shouting still continues from Toby, Jack is not able to take any more of this, grabbing Toby by the neck and slitting his throat, as he looks at Billy. Jack rushes off with Billy trying to scream in pain and despair, leaving Billy on his own beside his son who is has been killed.

Billy, lying in pain and agony from the vicious attack he has just faced, has witnessed what he thought was his friend, kill his son. Billy witnessing these events is trying to re-cooperate as he tries to crawl to wherever he can get to. This leads to Billy to encounter an Indian troop called Raj who is hunting for food. The Indian troop questions Billy, asking what he is doing on his own and Billy responds by saying “I am trying to heel and once I’ve healed I am going to seek revenge by finding Jack who has killed my son and left me to die slowly”. Raj, looking at Billy overwhelmed, decides to help Billy with his healing and to help him track where Jack has gone. Raj getting on his horse helps up Billy to sit with him. Raj takes him to safety and sets up a tent for Billy surrounded by trees on all sides with the sun setting and the darkness approaching. Raj begins to start healing Billy and chants prayers and gives Billy this magical healing medicine. This leads to Billy to hallucinate and all his past memories are going through his head. It starts from the beginning where he sees his son being held in his mother’s arms as a baby to then fleeing from the battle of destruction and then Jack killing Toby and then running away afar from Billy. As these hallucinations are happening Billy

suddenly awakes with Raj standing over him. Billy is feeling much, much better and is raring to go to find Jack.

Billy asks Raj if he knows anything about where Jack is. Raj responds by saying “I saw him flee towards somewhere near Nebraska in a place called Fort Atkins”. “How do I get to him?” Billy asks. Raj says, “Here, take my horse and go North and you will get to him”. Billy from his facial expression is so happy with the generous offer that Raj has provided him with, and he goes off in the distance to go seek his revenge.

After several months of camping in different places on his way to Nebraska, Billy is now only 100 miles away from seeking his revenge. Billy getting on the horse, he is now approaching Jack. Billy can hear the sound of a gunshot in the distance and he suddenly gets on the horse and rushes towards the sound of the gunshot being fired. Billy gets off his horse, grabs his rifle, being ready for any danger or any encounter that he could face. Looking in the distance Billy is able to see Jack hiding behind a tree. He reloads his rifle and starts to shoot in the direction of Jack but misses. However, he is still running after Jack, firing his rifle. Finally, hitting Jack in the arm we see Jack holding his arm in pain and agony. Jack is trying to walk away from Billy but behind him Billy is following him. “We had a deal Billy…?” “I tried telling your son to stop shouting.” “He kept shouting Billy and if he didn’t stop he would have got us all killed.” Billy’s facial expression is of anger, not caring what Jack is saying, he is still walking towards Jack. Reaching for his gun, raring to seek his revenge of Jack for killing the only thing that was close to Billy. Billy responding by “There was no deal, you killed my boy.” Jack responding by “Well, maybe you should have raised a man, instead of some girlie little bitch.” Billy not

taking any more of this, holding an axe in his hands, starts to yell in anger and tries to kill Jack and manages to cut his hand by the axe. Getting his knife out ready to fight, Jack gets up on his feet shouting, “goddamn it”. Billy manages to get Jack in a headlock and throws him in the river. On the other side of the river are the Indian troops and Raj who helped Billy. Raj walking towards the water picks up Jack whilst holding a knife in his hand and slits the throat of Jack, killing him....

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