Should we have shorter days at school PDF

Title Should we have shorter days at school
Author Dareen alwazani
Course English
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 2
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Talks roughly about my language analysis the criteria I used and an example to reflect on about what I have done for which topic....


Abdullah AL Wazani

Should we have shorter days at School? Introduction: Good morning/Good afternoon and thank you for having me… My name is Abdullah AL Wazani I stand here today to raise awareness of the arising issue “Should we have shorter days at school”. If you don’t know then it’s time, I say this, to the Government this is for you, have you ever wondered how much school hours are put in for students, or how about this how much homework students are given non-stop? Well, sorry to break it to you it is a lot. Students need shorter ‘school days’ to finish homework assignments, students outside of school need time to participate in extra curricular activities, such as sports, clubs, volunteering in programs. Students also have other activities to do outside of school. If you think about it these school students need the time to rest after their 7-8 hours a day of school time and from getting their homework completed and done ready to hand in. With the full expectation that they should be able to do this all with an excessive time manner and go to bed at a decent hour. I know many of you sitting in this room today couldn’t agree more with me on what I’m addressing and how us students should have more time outside of school to focus on our lives, so we don’t fall behind. To put it this way, If hours or days were shorter students would likely put more effort into doing things in the long run.

Body Paragraph One: We must look at all the issues surrounding this, it is vital that every problem is addressed and the issue of “Why school days should be shorted” is not ignored. Students are roughly let’s say in school around 7 to 8 hours a day. The “Australian Education” system must focus on forming well founded individuals, but unfortunately students are focusing on other things such as “intellectual pursuits” which is when you learn something in which you might not find beneficial enough to help you in the future, an example of that would be studying chemistry if let’s say that does not interest you, or learning about all the names of the named stars above the sky, or another would be learning a language such as “Italian” in which we learn throughout our school years from year 7 all through year 9 at Craigieburn Secondary College which in my opinion is a waste of class time and hours serving no specific purpose. Less time in school could allow and give all students at Craigieburn Secondary College the opportunity to freedom, to discover other interests that are fulfilling in their point of views and bracing them. Students have a limited amount of power in school, which is why in most cases you see students “cutting classes, because in this situation they feel as though school only tries to contain them, and they have no freedom to be themselves.

Body Paragraph Two: Another benefit as to why “School days should be shorter” is; Teachers are often in many cases seen as under-appreciated, under-paid and over-extended. Even though teachers get their summer off, but however still during the year teachers are expected to go above and beyond the “call of duty’’ during most of the times considering grading, programs, and possibly also out of class tutoring. Therefore, if they worked shorter hours during the day, they could better ‘focus’ on their students and their education too for example, through mentoring and the work they do from home such as grading students’ assessments, quizzes and planning lessons before. Reporter Isabella Arenas interviewed an “English Teacher” quoting with her own words “I get really tired throughout the day and I would love shorter school hours.” States English teacher Mark Aguilar, also further stating “I do agree that everyone would benefit from a shorter day, I would even be able to go home and see my dogs earlier, so it’s a big benefit for me”. Shorter days will allow teachers to have time with their friends and family, including that they would also have more time to grade their student’s homework which they have to mark every night profusely. This is a reason why I believe school days should be shortened.

Body Paragraph Three: We cannot argue that some people argue that due to the “student workday” roughly being seven or eight hour long in total that means “The school day should be as well”, but however this is not the case! It stands to reason that; young school students perform the same amount of time at work as adults do. How would you feel? It is vital that these young students need breaks from sitting at desks and in the classroom. Some of the educational settings around allow students to be active during most of the day, and even though in consideration to this it does help, but still students shouldn’t be expected to put in an eight-hour workday they are not “Employees”. Recent studies demonstrate that according to Journalist Claire DeKruyf an article published April 10 th of 2018 states that 90% of teens are sleep deprived and due to the lack of sleep they express it affects their motivation and focus on school. Recent studies reveal that getting enough sleep is just as evenly important as eating health and exercising. However, teachers and school staff also contributed by stating that they have realized and taken into consideration that “schools start time” must be taken into perception to change for the student’s health. While some may believe students will “learn less” it must be taken into consideration that even though to some “longer days” may seem effective, there is no link which “reveals students would be any more successful between longer school hours”, and less time should be set for students to focus on other important features of their lives. This is why we must ACT, and we cannot wait to ACT, surely, we can all gather to protest a solution for this issue and finding a resolution “for shortening school days”, to worry less, stress less, complete school assignments, complete activities have time to study and get to bed by a fair hour.

Conclusion: I stand here in the hope… to spread this issue to the government “The Australian Education System”, In short it’s very likely that longer school days are in no means a functional way to raise achievements. Shorter school days for students causes kids to look forward to class and be more interested in learning. Time does not change anything being learnt in a different matter; the same information is able to be learnt in a shorter class with the same knowledge....

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