Sitxmgt 001 Assessment 3 Knowledge TEST PDF

Title Sitxmgt 001 Assessment 3 Knowledge TEST
Author Habeeba Moinuddin
Course International Business Management
Institution University of Wollongong
Pages 5
File Size 144.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Managers must monitor efficiency and service levels on an ongoing basis. What is the best way to do this? (a) (b) (c) (d)


What is ‘quality assurance’? (a) (b) (c) (d)


(c) (d)

(b) (c) (d)


No. It is your responsibility as a manager to identify and implement workplace change. Yes. Your employees can assist you in identifying opportunities for improvement because they are at the forefront of operations. No. If you involve employees, it will take too long and will be difficult to get everyone to come to an agreement. Yes. However, you should only consult the employees you believe are reasonably qualified or experienced to identify opportunities for improvement.

Which statement about monitoring methods is correct? (a)


A system of preventing making mistakes in the product development and service delivery chain. The assurance that a provider makes to its suppliers that they will continue to purchase goods for a set period of time. The assurance that a provider makes to its customers that the products or services being supplied are better than those of their competitors. Refund guarantees you give customers if your products are faulty.

You are the manager of a large hotel and currently reviewing the organisation’s existing customer service procedures. Should you consult your staff as part of this process? (a) (b)


Issue customer satisfaction surveys. Hold regular meetings with staff and ensure feedback is given. Maintain close contact with day-to-day operations of the business. Regularly review organisational policies and procedures.

Monitoring is difficult, time-consuming and will take up a large portion of the frontline manager’s role. It is important to undertake all sorts of monitoring methods, using as many as possible. Employees need to be closely watched, or they won’t perform to standard. Formal monitoring methods involve quantitative measures, such as customer feedback reports, software tracking systems and KPI achievement data. . Informal monitoring methods, such as observation, are ineffective and shouldn’t be undertaken.

Who is responsible for identifying quality problems and taking action to address these problems? (a) (b)

Senior management. Only they have the authority. QA specialists such as consultants and auditors.

(c) (d)

All employees. QA takes a company-wide approach. Frontline managers, as they monitor day-to-day operations.

You are introducing a number of small, incremental enhancements to improve the quality of customer service. What is this process called? (a) (b)

Empowerment. Benchmarking.

(c) (d)

Quality assurance. Continuous improvement. P a g e 1|5





You are the manager of a hotel. Introducing service innovations is one method of improving efficiency and service levels. What is an example of a service innovation you can introduce in your hotel?


Develop a new value proposition that leads to the creation of new service concepts.


Update existing computer software technology to allow the hotel to collect feedback data on customer preferences.

(c) (d)

Establish new partnerships and alliances in the travel industry to offer better value holiday deals. Make changes to menus and other products by varying some items but continuing to offer most popular product lines.

After you have identified an opportunity for improvement, what should you do before you implement it? (a) (b) (c) (d)




Which of the statements best describes effective feedback? (a) (b)

Feedback should be done once a month during team meetings. Feedback should be specific, timely and constructive.


Feedback should be general, directed to employees you manage and focus on correcting problems.


Feedback is best done in a formal setting, such as during performance appraisals.

Is giving feedback to management and colleagues important in monitoring and quality management? (a)

Yes. Feedback is essential for improvement and future planning needs.


Yes. Feedback allows people to air their grievances and feel they are part of an ongoing improvement process.

(c) (d)

No. Monitoring systems don’t rely on feedback, only on quantitative data. No. Feedback plays a role when identifying change but not during implementation and monitoring.

What is the most relevant description of sustainability used today? (a) (b)


Evaluate the opportunity to see if it fits in with organisational constraints and obtain approval from management. Create an implementation plan and hold a meeting to inform staff of its contents, requirements and timelines. Set up a formal feedback system and provide ongoing feedback to customers, staff and colleagues. Set up new monitoring systems, update SOPs and ensure staff receive adequate notice of implementation.

Sustainability refers to the earth’s biological systems and whether they are healthy, productive and viable in the long term. Sustainability refers to biodiversity, pollution and the financial viability of business.


Sustainability includes economic, environmental and social sustainability and whether these systems are healthy and viable.


Sustainability includes working conditions, the environment and broad economic development.

Minimising waste, reducing costs, clearly defining business and team KPIs and targets, and using innovative technology can be examples of what? (a) (b)

Benchmarking of sustainable processes. Sustainability innovations that improve financial viability.

(c) (d)

Environmental sustainability improvements. Empowering the workforce to make social sustainability improvements. P a g e 2|5




Which statement about employee workloads is correct? (a) (b) (c) (d)





What is one way a manager can lessen their own workload while continuing to build trust, workplace relationships and employee skills and confidence? (a) (b)

Offer training opportunities. Conduct team-building activities.

(c) (d)

Delegate tasks to others in the team. Encourage open communication between all levels of management.

Based on the principles of delegation, which task is unsuitable for a manager to delegate? (a) (b)

Training a new employee. Writing a roster.

(c) (d)

Conducting a performance management counselling session. Conducting a stocktake.

What are three steps used to assess workloads and set appropriate targets? (a)

Evaluating hourly work rates and efficiency of production, calculating return on investment.

(b) (c) (d)

Calculating productivity and employees, and predicting demand. Calculating task loads, determining staffing levels and setting output goals. Monitoring response times and feedback, assessing employee stress levels.

You manage a staff member who works long hours, is often stressed and grumpy and complains about how much work he has to do. What would you do? (a) (b) (c) (d)


The best way to determine employee workloads is to use statistical, quantifiable methods to calculate workloads and employee numbers. If someone looks stressed or busy it means they usually have a heavy workload and you will need to reduce their workload. The best way to determine the workload of employees is to assess their ability to meet deadlines and handle stress. The best way to determine employee workloads is to visually assess how you think employees are coping with their jobs and ask them for feedback.

Take some tasks away from him and give him some space to get organised and clear his workload. Tell him he needs to get organised and improve his time management skills, or you will need to give him a warning for poor performance. Employ another person to help with the workload. Reassess his workload. Provide coaching, feedback and support to improve his time management skills.

Your department is experiencing increasing demand for its products and services. You’re finding it difficult to schedule work fairly amongst the current team. Workloads are increasing and it’s affecting your department’s ability to provide quality customer service. What do you do? (a) (b) (c)

Ask your staff to work longer hours, offer overtime payments and be as supportive as possible. Communicate with senior management about your increased staffing needs. Provide in-house coaching and training sessions to try and improve the productivity levels of your staff. P a g e 3|5





What is one positive reason for managers to monitor team and individual performance and compare it against agreed goals and objectives? (a) (b) (c) (d)


Employees can participate in monitoring their own progress towards achievement of organisational goals. Management can generate visual displays, such as charts, diagrams and KPI progress review sheets, to track and display progress towards goals. Managers can identify the need for any additional coaching or training and provide tailored personal development opportunities. Everything an employee does can and should be monitored.

As a frontline manager, what should you do when providing coaching, feedback and support to your employees? (a) (b)


Tell everyone they need to work smarter and harder for now and you’ll request additional staff in a few weeks if it remains busy.

Share your own knowledge and experience. Provide tips and tricks you’ve learnt that you feel make a difference to performance. Complete the coaching and training as soon as possible, sticking strictly to the training plan and deadlines to meet budget constraints.


Demonstrate a task or procedure once and then allow the learner to experiment and determine the best method for completing the task in their work area.


Involve as many colleagues in the training as possible, as this gives the trainee diverse viewpoints and experience from everyone in the team.

What is the most helpful tactic when creating a positive team environment for people to work in a collaborative way? (a) (b)

Set an innovation and team target and ask the team to meet these targets. Offer rewards and bonuses to staff who are team players.

(c) (d) 22.



Effective communication, as it is essential to building trust, which is necessary for collaboration. Close monitoring and supervision of team members and addressing problems as soon as they arise. You need to be able to give instructions effectively when providing coaching and support to team members. Which instruction is an example of a direct, explicit instruction? (a)

‘Who thinks they’ve mastered this procedure now?’


‘The stocktake is happening tomorrow afternoon, and at this stage we are one person short of the staff required to complete the stocktake before midnight.’


‘John, when you operate the garbage compactor, you must lower the safety guard first, then press the ‘on’ button.


‘Andrea, how do you think you are going now with the software update?’

As a frontline manager, why is it important to complete and submit a range of organisational records, such as training and workplace health and safety? (a) (b)

There are often legal and financial reasons. It makes you look organised.

(c) (d)

It is a necessary part of privacy laws. It helps with time management.

What is the first step when starting to solve a problem in the workplace? (a) (b) (c)

Collect data to evaluate and implement solutions. Brainstorm possible causes of the problem. Clearly define the problem, identify its root cause and fix any immediate symptoms. P a g e 4|5



(d) 25.

What should you do before initiating short-term actions to resolve a customer service issue? (a) (b) (c) (d)


(b) (c) (d)


Develop a step-by-step action plan for implementing the solution to the problem to ensure it is resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Select the best solution and reach agreement about its implementation with the parties involved. Brainstorm options with all involved in the issue, create a list of options and determine costs and potential consequences. Brief your team and then implement the solution as soon as possible to reduce its immediate impact on customers and service delivery.

You are having issues with a home delivery contractor. Deliveries are being made after the agreed delivery window and customers have complained of damage to products. What should you do before taking any action? (a)


Look at all symptoms the problem is causing and brainstorm ideas for fixing them.

Evaluate the short- and long-term impacts of the issue and potential solutions with colleagues or management. Select the best solution to the issue and reach agreement about its implementation with the contractor. Brainstorm methods of ensuring customers receive their items undamaged and on time. Create a list of options and determine costs. Conduct extensive research into your competitors’ systems and alternative methods of delivery. Present options and costs to management.

What should you do if a team member raises a problem relating to their job role and responsibilities? (a) (b)

Encourage the team member to actively participate in finding a solution and implementing it. Sit quietly and think through all the options, pick the best one and inform the team.


Present the problem in the next team meeting, use a fishbone diagram to examine cause and effect and take a vote on the best option.


Ask the team member to evaluate the impact of the problem on their job and the rest of the team’s roles. Once the level of impact is known, you can determine an appropriate solution.

What does the final stage of the problem-solving process involve? (a)

Evaluating options and choosing the best one.

(b) (c) (d)

Putting a range of decision-making processes in place. Putting an action plan into place and monitoring results. Taking follow-up action to monitor the effectiveness of solutions and evaluating results.

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