Smart Goals Handout - Lecture notes for week 1 PDF

Title Smart Goals Handout - Lecture notes for week 1
Course Management
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 1
File Size 58.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Lecture notes for week 1...


TUTORIAL: SMART GOAL HANDOUT During your time at Macquarie University, what is it that you want to achieve in relation to one of the following areas: motivation, teamwork, personality/attitude, decision-making, leadership, or problem-solving? E.g. I need to improve my decision-making skills as I am always indecisive and spend too much time before reaching an important decision. I want to work on my procrastination

Now, elaborate upon the above, and be SPECIFIC about what exactly you want to achieve. E.g. Directive decision makers have an efficient, logical and systematic approach to decision making. To become a more efficient decision maker, I will improve my ability to seek relevant information and use this in a systematic way to reduce the time I take to make decisions. I will improve this by breaking down my tasks and spacing out my study sessions

How will you MEASURE your success? E.g. I will measure the amount of time taken to make important decisions and reduce this by 50% I will measure the cycles of pomodoro completed in a day and increase this by 50%

How will you ATTAIN your goal and are the measures above ACHIEVABLE? I will reduce my procrastination levels by increasing my pomodoro cycles to 10 a day.

Show how your goals are RESULTS ORIENTED. Do they support your overall vision for yourself? Do they begin with action-oriented words e.g. ‘To complete’, ‘to acquire’, ‘to increase’? E.g. To become a more efficient decision maker, my goal is to adopt a more directive decision-making style to ensure I am approaching each important decision with relevant information that is used in a systematic and logical way. This will reduce the time I am currently taking to make decisions. RESULTS are also more likely if there is meaning for what you are aiming for i.e., is it connected to your career goal? To reduce my procrastination levels, my goal is to adopt a more spaced repetition study to ensure I manage my time in an efficient way.

Have you set TARGET DATES to achieve your goal by? E.g. My goal is to decrease the average amount time taken to make important decisions by 10% in the next month, and by 50% by the end of 2020. My goal is to increase the average amount of pomodoro cycles completed in a day by 10% in the next month, and by 40% by the end of 202 In the Week 3 tutorial, you will be asked to share your SMART goal with your team.


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