Social Media Assignment PDF

Title Social Media Assignment
Author Yash Panchal
Course Introduction to Hospitality Sales and Marketing
Institution Centennial College
Pages 9
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This assignment includes the following content:
1: Social media marketing messaging strategies
2: Answer to the question
Are traditional methods of marketing such as magazines, newspapers, billboards, radio, and television, still effective and relevant methods for the hospitality...


Introduction to Hospitality Sales and Marketing (SEC 003) Student Name: Yash Ratilal Panchal Student No: 301134444 Scenario: Facebook


Social media marketing messaging strategies..............................................................................3 Social media marketing messaging strategies..............................................................................4 Part B...............................................................................................................................................5 Part B...............................................................................................................................................6 References........................................................................................................................................7 References


Social Media Marketing Assignment

Social media marketing messaging strategies Social medial platform In order to market the communication of newly developed system within hotel there will be use of Facebook as a social media platform. Facebook is a widely used social media platform which covers number of customers as well as has a highest number of views in the current time (Mahoney and Tang, 2016). Every third individual within this world use Facebook as a social media platform in order to interact and identify different factors for stop Facebook is appropriate tool which can be used by Hilton hotel in order to promote its newly developed guest room. Targeted marketed In context of targeted audience this will use appropriate system which helps in improving organisational functions. In context of hotel little the targeted audience is based on the local individuals who wanted hospitality services near airport. On the basis of demographic system where it will target the customer from the age group of 18 to 40 as well as it will also target younger is group in order to provide the services. this hath hospitality form will also use to target the customer from higher class because organisation is offering and appropriate hospitality services which belongs to high class individuals in order to their prices (AlAwadhi and AlDaihani, 2019).. Strategies In order to attract and target the customers there will be use of appropriate tools and techniques in order to be the requirement of social media platform 

Content marketing: content marketing strategy which can be used in order to promote the functions of hotel Hilton. Under this an appropriate content will be used to post on the Facebook so that number of customers can be attracted. Rational behind using the content marketing is that it is effective system where it helps in improving organisational functions as well as used by number of individuals.

Poster marketing: under the various post and posters will be used to posted on Facebook which help in attracting customer within the market. The main rational behind using this 3

strategy related to providing the effective view as well as designer imprint of organisation investment to the customers as a tracking customer in large number. 

Customer relations: This is also effective strategy which can be used in order to improve the organisation function and achieve better results. The man rational beard using customer relationships is that it helps in improving the functions where organisation can use to maintain customer with effective relationships on Facebook as well as using promotional programs to promote the products and services of firm on Facebook (Tuten, 2020).

In order to target the customers, there will be use of effective for disease which will help in increasing the organisational function the major message which has to be conveyed to the customer is related to the luxurious services which will offered by Hilton in order to meet the requirements of customer satisfaction. There will also discussion about various content which help in maintaining Facebook page of organisation effective as well as posting about the new innovative approaches which are used and the functions (Perreault, 2018)..


PART B Are traditional methods of marketing such as magazine, newspaper, billboards, radio, and television, still effective and relevant methods for the hospitality industry to use to market? It is essential for hospitality organisation to use different type of tools and techniques to attract customers. Under this, there are various kinds of marketing tools which are based on traditional methods (Melchiorre and Johnson, 2017). This marketing tool include magazines, newspaper, billboards, radio, television and various other which are essential for the organisation in order to market its products and services. Magazine is a most popular method which can be utilised by the organisations working within the industry. Under this, hospitality organisation can use magazine where they can provide information as well as various type of messages which they want to convey to the individuals in order to attract them. There are a number of magazine which are used to be read by a number of individuals within the society. This make it essential for the form to promote itself on these magazines so that it can easily attract the customer at their tourism spot and hospitality organisation to boost their more method which can be used by the hospitality organisation in order to promote the function is related to newspapers. Newspaper is a widely spread document or a piece of paper which is used by large number of individuals. Newspaper advertisement is a traditional method of marketing where organisation can use to advertise about the hospitality firm within the newspaper full star help in attracting large number of customers because in newspapers are used by different individual to gain knowledge about the current affairs (Hollensen, 2019). This also provides information about the hospitality industry to the number of individuals as well as the functions of organisation with their specialisation. Billboards are also effective methods which can be used by hospitality forms in order to attract the customer. Billboard can be defined as an advertisement to loses used by the hospitality organisation in order to promote the services for staff under this organisation use different type of functions which are related to managing the task according to the requirements for a star and the billboard feature organisation used to provide information about different billboards which are related to managing functions and promoting objectives of firm in accordance with the requirements. Radio and television are also traditional method of marketing which can be used by the organisation in order to market the products and services. Radio and 5

television act as a marketing tool which covers a wide market. This is helpful to the hospitality organisation in order to meet its objectives by selling the products and services at larger level. This help in attracting customers and buffer in accordance with the requirements so that management can use effective tools and techniques and perform the function according to add. This help in promoting the products as well as using appropriate tools and techniques so that organisation can achieve better results (Adeola, Hinson and Evans, 2020).


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