Spanish American Cuban Filipino War PDF

Title Spanish American Cuban Filipino War
Author Tristan Blick
Course  U.S. History Since 1876
Institution Colorado State University
Pages 2
File Size 37.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Notes for Professor Brady...


Spanish-American – Cuban-Filipino War Spain held large portion of territories in America People of Cuba want their independence from Spain Cuba Libre Movement, some people fled Cuba to New York They fled at the right time, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst lead the New York newspaper, they spread light on what was happening on Cuba Mass incarceration of the Cuban people in reconcentration camps, over 200,000 people died in these camps A lot of Americans are moved by what they are hearing of what is happening in Cuba from the newspapers President Cleveland is the first to deal with Cuba First concern is economic issues, there are a lot of sugar plantations in Cuba owned by Americans Second big concern was strategic, worried that if Spain is kicked out by Cuba, a more powerful nation would come in and take over Cuba Cleveland tells Spain to make reforms in Cuba or the US will have to intervene, the Monroe Doctrine 1897 President McKinley is now in power and has to figure out what to do with Cuba Spain tried to give some reforms Supposedly a Spanish diplomat insulted McKinley and called him weak The USS Maine was harbored in Cuban waters and has a massive explosion, many people killed, Spain was blamed Americans go wild and want to go to war against Spain right away McKinley keeps cool and decided that Spain has lost control of Cuba and decided to intervene What actually happened was just a terrible accident on the ship In April of 1898, McKinley sends US military to Cuba On April 24, 1898, Spain declares war

Land battles were very short, but the key to victory was the new modern Navy of the US, they blocked off Cuba and kept Spain away July 1st, important land battle that involved Teddy Roosevelt, the assistant secretary of the Navy He resigns and becomes a lieutenant colonel in the army and recruits his rough rider regiment Included a lot of friends from his ivy league college days and a lot of cowboys from the west

Battle was the charge up San Juan hill, which they won Frederick Remington painted Roosevelt’s painting to commemorate his participation in the war There were 4 black regiments that went first and took most of the assault from Spain, they made it possible for Roosevelt and the rough riders to be successful The war with Spain is pretty short

What gets dragged out is things with the Philippines As US sends Navy ships toward the Philippines, Spain surrenders right away and now the US has the Philippines Philippines consisted of many islands and a few million people, very mixed people United States could either trade the land with other countries or give the Philippines their independence, freedom group led by Emilio Aguinaldo McKinley decides to keep the Philippines He does not give them their independence because they are “unfit for self-rule” Filipino rebel movement goes from fighting against Spain to fighting against the US Throughout the years of fighting 4,200 Americans are killed and 20,000 Filipino troops and 200,000 Filipino civilians are killed Americans came in and burned villages and took the men, women, and children and put them in reconcentration camps Anti-imperialists Americans, don’t like the idea of getting land overseas such as the Philippines, because it is very un-American and also because of racism, also very immoral 1902 congress wants to investigate what is actually going on in the Philippines Governor of Philippines William Howard Taft tries to put a good spin on what was going on in the Philippines This backfires though because and ex-sergeant says the way to fix the problem is to kill all the natives which does not put a good spin on things In 1907 the US tries some reform in the Philippines, but does not become independent till after world war 2...

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