Special Occasion Speech 100 PDF

Title Special Occasion Speech 100
Author Eli Pa
Course Fundamentals Of Speech
Institution Borough of Manhattan Community College
Pages 1
File Size 22.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Special Occasion Speech 100...


Speci alOccasi onSpeech

Mypar ent ’ s50t hweddi nganni ver sar y Fi r stofal l ,Iwantt ot hankyoual lf orcomi ngher et oday ,y oul ookf abul ousandweal r eadysaw how c heer f ul .Second,Iwant edt ocongr at ul at emymom anddad,f orr eachi ngsuc hagr eatpoi nti nt hei r l i f e.Li f ei sshor tandsomet i mespai nf ult ol i v e,buty ouguysal waysmadei tl ookl i kei twasagi f t ,a mi r acl e.Seei ngy ous oi nl ov eandt oget her ,af t er50y ear sofmar r i age,showsust hev al ueandt he r ealmeani ngt hatyougi v et ol ov eandf ami l y . Iam onl yoneofy ourt hr eedaught er s ,butIbett hatbot hVal ent i naandSabr i nai nt hi smoment ,t hi nk t hes amet hi ngsIam goi ngt os ayt oy ou. Yourmar r i agehasn' tbeensopeacef ulal lwayl ongofcour se,becausel i k ei nanyot hermar r i age, peopl egot hr oughupsanddowns.Youal waysshowedus ,howev er ,t hatt oget her ,y oucoul df aceand ac hi ev eanyt hi ngy ouwant ed.Wheny ougotmar r i ed,y ouhadt ogot hr oughei ghtwhol ey ear sbef or e havi ngy ourfir stl i t t l egi r l ,Val ent i na.Ev ent oughs omedoct or st ol dy ouVal ent i nawasami r acl e,y ou gotbl essedwi t hanot hergi r lagai n,me.ButMAYBE,bl ess edi snotr eal l yt her i ghtwor d.Let ’ ssayy ou gothal fsat i s fiedwi t hme,s hal lwe.Nowcomest hef un,y ouhadt of ol l owmet hr oughoutal lmys t ages , f r om t hesuperact i v el i t t l egi r lt hatr anoutwhi l ei nsuper mar k ett ot hegi r lwhocl i mbedwal l s,f ur ni t ur e andbal coni es ,comi ng backhomewi t hbl oodandot herbodypar tmi ssi ng.ThencameSabr i na.What af un.Wenev ergotal ongbet weenus,orbet t ert heydi d,butIwi t ht hem?Noway .Thefi ght sgr ew wor s e,andy ouguy st hr eat enedt os endusal li nacor r ect i vei nst i t ut ef ort r oubl edchi l dr en,butnot hi ng coul ds t opus . See,now y ouar eal lt hi nki ng,whatdoesal lt hi smeanwhi l espeaki ngofy ourpar ent s ’anni v er s ar y?I t i sal lapar tofwhatIseenow.Whi l el i vi ngmyy out h,Ionl ysaw apar tofmyl i f e;fight swi t hmysi st er s, t i meout sf r om mypar ent s ,hat r ed,l aughs,school .Now,i fIr emembert hoseday s,Icanr emember how mypar ent ss ati nt he ki t chen t al ki ng abouthow t o affr ontev er ys i ngl es i t uat i on,bot hf ami l y s i t uat i onsandwor kr el at eds i t uat i on.Ir ememberhow oneanot heraffr ont edev er yt hi ngt hatcamei n y ourway ,f r om mi sbehavi or st oi l l ness ,f r om badgr adest ohospi t alr ecov er i es .I nal lt hosey ear swher e Ic oul dn' tseemor et hanmy sel f ,butnow seet hei rs t r engt h,t hei rs acr i fices,t hei rdeci si onst hatnow s hapewhoIam.Youhadsomucht ot eachus ,andy oudi d,buti tt ookmet omuchper hapst oseei t . Thi si sanex ampl eofwhathav i nggr eatpar ent si s.Yout aughtusl i f e,andhow t ol i v ei twi t houty ou wi t hus ,andIwi l lk eept hatt eachi ngi nmyhear t ,sot os har ei twi t hmyf ami l yoneday . Pl ease,j oi nmei nat oast .Toy ourpast ,t oy ourpr esent ,t oy ourf ut ur e....

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