SPN 112 2019 Fall Syllabus MW (Aponte, Anthony A (aaponte)) NEW PDF

Title SPN 112 2019 Fall Syllabus MW (Aponte, Anthony A (aaponte)) NEW
Course Beg Spanish Ii
Institution The College at Brockport
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The course syllabus that outlines the assignments readings and tests for the semester...


SPN 112.01 – Beginning Spanish II The College at Brockport (SUNY) Department Modern Languages and Cultures Instructor: Anthony A. Aponte Correo electrónico: [email protected] Oficina: 146 Liberal Arts Building (LAB) Teléfono: 395-2269 (departamento) Horas de oficina: Lunes & Miércoles - 4:20 – 4:50 pm Lugar/horario: Lunes & Miércoles at 106A LIBART

& (by appointment)

Required Texts Portales Introductory Spanish 1 (Vista Higher Learning) by José A. Blanco. While you can shop around for prices at bookstores and online (the publisher’s website specific to Brockport, https://vistahigherlearning.com/schools/brockport/, is usually cheaper than the Brockport bookstore) you are encouraged to purchase the book bundled with an access code for VHL Central. If you buy a used textbook that does not come with a code, you will need to buy the code separately. If you buy only an access code (which gives you access to the eBook version and online workbook), you will be expected to bring either a laptop to class or printed copies of the pages covered. The access code gives you access to the required online workbook (as well as other components including the videos and the eBook). The textbook publisher’s website offers 6, 12 and 24-month options: the loose-leaf (LL) book bundled with a 24-month access code (ISBN 9781680041965) is $231; a 24-month access code (ISBN 978-1-68004-195-8) is $199; the LL book bundled with a 6-month access code (ISBN 978-1-68004-217-7) is $176; and a 6-month access code (ISBN 978-1-68004-216-0) is $144. The Brockport bookstore offers 6, 12 and 24month options: the LL book bundled with a 24-month access code (ISBN 9781680041965) is $308231; the 6-month access code (IBSN 9781680042160) is $192. Please be aware that illegally sold instructor’s editions of the textbook are NOT allowed in class, so please be certain that you have the correct edition. The use of the online dictionary www.wordreference.com is strongly recommended, which also has a smartphone application. The use of online translators is not permitted and is considered academic dishonesty. Prerequisite SPN 111 or language placement through language exam given at Drake Library. For details see https://www.brockport.edu/oat/FLPE.html Course Description and Methodology This course is designed to help students develop communicative skills in Spanish-- listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as an understanding and appreciation of Hispanic cultures. Content includes basic grammar, oral comprehension and pronunciation exercises, sentence formation, vocabulary building, and discussions of documentaries and short readings on Hispanic cultural topics. This class will cover Portales 1 chapters 5-8. Given the intense nature of the course, it will require rigorous individual daily preparation outside of class and daily active participation in class. Students must read the chapters assigned to be covered in class in advance and do any assignments given by the instructor during class or in the syllabus. Come prepared to ask questions 1

and clarify doubts when needed. Class material must be reinforced by completing the corresponding activities in the online workbook. Conversational skills will be reinforced to a variety of situational activities during class. In order to succeed in this course it is necessary that you devote at least 2 hours a day of out-of-class studying. Course Goals This course aims to improve your active command of Spanish in four skill areas (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) and to increase your cultural awareness of the Spanish- speaking world. Through a combination of activities structured around specific themes and social contexts, you will increase your fluency in Spanish while improving your range of expression using the four skills. By the end of the semester, you can expect to acquire skills in the following areas: Listening: You will demonstrate the ability to 1) understand more complex Spanish spoken at normal speed by native speakers; 2) Understand questions and simple statements on everyday topics when part of the conversation; 3) understand messages related to your basic needs. Speaking: You will be able to 1) ask and answer questions on factual information familiar to you, 2) present basic information on familiar topics using practiced phrases and simple sentences, 3) interact with others in everyday situations. Reading: You will demonstrate the ability to 1) understand messages in which the writer tells or asks you about topics of personal interest, 2) identify some simple information needed on forms, 3) identify some information from news media. Writing: You will be able to 1) write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life, 2) prepare materials for a presentation, 3) write about topics of interest, people, activities, events, and experiences. Culture: You will demonstrate a better understanding of Spanish cultures through exploration of these cultures' perspectives, products, and practices. Grading scale A = 93-100% B = 83-86% A- = 90-92% B- = 80-82% B+ = 87-89% C+ = 77-79% C = 73-76% D = 63-66% C- = 70-72% D- = 60-62% D+ = 67-69% E = less than 60% **Students who are taking this course for the purpose of teaching certification requirements must pass the course with a grade of C or better (NOT C-). Course Components Classwork VHL Central (online) Essays (3) Quizzes (usually 4) Chapter Tests (2)

10% 15% 15% 15% 20% 2

Final Exam Oral Interviews

15% 10%

1. Class Work includes and will be graded on the following criteria: • Strong preparation – student has studied assigned materials and prepared assigned activities prior to coming to class (and submitted them to blackboard, if required by instructor; no late assignments will be accepted) • Active participation in all class activities, written or oral (student volunteers several times each class) • Use of Spanish (everything you know how to say in Spanish you must say in Spanish) • Use of class time (student stays on task, actively listens, collaborates in group work) *Note: Sleeping during class, repetitive tardiness or absence, rude or disruptive behavior, and forgetting your book, paper, or writing utensil will significantly lower your participation grade. 2. VHL Central: Students will complete assigned activities in the VHL Central online platform. (To create your account, go to https://www.vhlcentral.com/). Completion and submission must be done online before coming to class. The activities are due by the start of class. You are allowed up to five attempts for every activity. Late submissions are accepted at a penalty of 25%/calendar day. 3. Essays: During the semester, you will write three cultural reflection papers (ensayos culturales). Each essay will be based on a culturally relevant documentary. For each documentary, there will be a few short-answer questions followed by an open-ended essay prompt. The essay are in English and must be 600 words and double spaced. You must turn in a paper copy in class and an electronic copy to the drop box in Blackboard. Due to the importance of the drop boxes, which check for plagiarism, students who do not turn in both copies will receive a 0%. No late essays will be accepted. All essays will be graded based on a rubric that can be found on Blackboard. The information from all three documentaries will come up on the final exam. 4. Quizzes: There will be a quiz (prueba) for each chapter covering grammar and vocabulary. 5. Chapter Tests: Tests will include various sections: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and writing. Although grammar and vocabulary from the chapters covered are not texted explicitly on the exams (no fill in the blank sections), they are incorporated into these sections. 6. Final Exam: The final exam will be cumulative and will include various sections: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, culture, and writing. Although grammar and vocabulary from the chapters covered are not texted explicitly on the exam (no fill in the blank sections), they are incorporated into these sections. 7. Oral Interviews: At the end of the semester, oral interviews will be done with a partner based on the topics covered in chapters 5-8. More instructions will be provided a few weeks before the interviews. Policies 3

Academic Integrity Statement: Academic integrity is highly valued by The College at Brockport. Academic dishonesty, "cheating" and other forms of misrepresenting others’ work as your own, such as plagiarism, are considered serious breaches of academic integrity and are major violations of the standards of ethical behavior that the College expects from all its students. The College also prohibits students from “presenting work for a current course (e.g. papers, projects, research) that is substantially the same as a previous submission for another course without obtaining the current instructor's prior consent to do so. When the courses are taught in the same semester, informing and obtaining prior approval of both course instructors is required to avoid a possible dishonesty charge.” When academic dishonesty is detected, an official report will be filed at the College level. Academic dishonesty can result in a range of disciplinary actions including failure of the assignment (or course) or even conduct dismissal from the College. See Your Right to Know & Academic Policies Handbook for detailed information. The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures considers it a breach of academic integrity for the student to use automatic translators of any kind to complete an assignment. Furthermore, no assignment submitted for a grade should be written, edited, or corrected for the student by a native speaker of the target language, by a tutor or student assistant in the Academic Success Center, or by any other individual. Per departmental policy, use of translators of any kind or assistance from another individual will result in automatic failure of the assignment and the infraction will be reported within the department for the record. If a second infraction of this kind is committed, an official report of academic dishonesty will be filed at the College level. The following Web site has additional information about this policy. https://www.brockport.edu/support/policies/adopted/aa_vprovost_academicaffairs_academic_disho nesty.html Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend all classes. Absences strongly diminish your ability to be successful in your courses. Per College policy, absences will be excused for documented illnesses, official representation of the College, death of a close relative, religious holiday, or other circumstances beyond the students’ control. Work and family obligations are not excused. If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to turn in all assigned work within a reasonable time frame as determined by your instructor. Absences, excused or not, do not alter this responsibility. If you miss more than two weeks of class (6 sessions for MWF classes, 4 for TR classes) for unexcused reasons, you can be assigned – per university policy – a failing grade for the course. Per departmental policy, 15 or more absences in a MWF class and 10 or more in a TR class will result in automatic failure of the course. If you have an exceptional situation or need, please communicate with your instructor regularly to manage your responsibilities for the course. Testing policies: Make-up exams are allowed only for excused absences. Students must provide appropriate documentation to re-schedules exams. If you expect to be gone the day of a test and have documentation for the absence to count as an excused absence, turn in the paperwork before the absence occurs and arrange to make-up the test. If you miss a test due to unexpected circumstances, but have documentation that would qualify the absence as excused you must email your professor immediately and give your professor the documentation the next class. Make arrangements to take the test that day (most likely on your professor’s office hours). Unless an 4

unexpected cause leads to three or more missed classes, all exams must be made up within a week of the original date. See “Attendance Policy” for a list of legitimate and illegitimate excuses. Student Accessibility Statement: Students with documented disabilities may be entitled to specific accommodations. The College at Brockport’s Student Accessibility Services makes this determination. Please contact this office at (585) 395-5409 or [email protected] to inquire about obtaining an official letter detailing any approved accommodations. The student is responsible for providing the course instructors with this official letter. Faculty work as a team with Student Accessibility Services to meet the needs of students with disabilities.” For more detailed information go to: https://www.brockport.edu/life/accomodation_resources/ Title IX Compliance: Sex and Gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, are prohibited in educational programs and activities, including classes. Title IX legislation and College policy require the College to provide sex and gender equity in all areas of campus life. If you or someone you know has experienced sex or gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking, we encourage you to seek assistance and to report the incident through resources available at https://brockport.edu/about/title_ix/. Confidential assistance is available on campus at Hazen Center for Integrated Care and RESTORE. Reports to faculty are NOT confidential under Title IX and faculty will need to share information with the Title IX & College Compliance Officer. For these and other policies governing campus life, please see https://www.brockport.edu/support/policies/ Emergency Alert Statement: In case of emergency, the Emergency Alert System at The College at Brockport will be activated. Students are encouraged to maintain updated contact information using the link on the College’s Emergency Information website, https://www.brockport.edu/support/emergency. Included on the website is detailed information about the College’s emergency operations plan, classroom emergency preparedness, evacuation procedures, emergency numbers, and safety videos. In addition, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Emergency Procedures posted in classrooms, halls, and buildings and all college facilities. Statement of Non-discrimination: “The College is committed to fostering a diverse community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students, as well as ensuring equal educational opportunity, employment, and access to services, programs, and activities, without regard to an individual's race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction. Employees, students, applicants or other members of the college community (including but not limited to vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subjected to harassment that is prohibited by law, or treated adversely or retaliated against based upon a protected characteristic.” Statement of Equity and Open Communication: “I recognize that each class I teach is composed of diverse populations and am aware of and attentive to inequities of experience based on social identities including but not limited to race, class, assigned gender, gender identity, sexuality, geographical background, language background, religion, disability, age, and nationality. This classroom operates on a model of equity and partnership, in which we expect and appreciate diverse perspectives and ideas. If anyone is experiencing exclusion, intentional or unintentional 5

aggression, silencing, or any other form of oppression, I encourage open communication with myself and/or the class as a whole.” Cell phones and other electronic devices: The use of electronic devices for any reason other than consulting the ebook or an online dictionary is not permitted during class. The inappropriate use of these devices during class, including texting, significantly lowers your participation grade. Drop boxes: Papers submitted in this course will use drop boxes which checks your paper for plagiarism by comparing it to a database of student papers and information on the Internet. For any technology issues contact, IT and ask them to send me a report. Technology: The use of technology is vital to acquiring a second language. Students are responsible for resolving any problem that arises. For issues regarding Blackboard, Microsoft, etc., you should contact ITS (x5151). You should also notify your instructor. Technological problems are NOT an excuse for late work. Late work will not be accepted.

Calendario tentativo* *This is a tentative class schedule subject to changes as needed


En clase

Tarea Homework is listed on the day it is assigned. It is due online by the start of the following class. Register for VHL Central. Estructuras 2.1 & 3.3 El presente de verbos –AR (p. 50-54 en Portales) & –ER & –IR (p. 96-99 en Portales). Actividad 1 (53), Actividad 1 (98)

Introducción; breve repaso (brief review): saludos; el presente de verbos regulares (–AR, –ER & –IR); actividad 26-ago diagnóstica. 28-ago

Posibles temas de repaso

Estructuras 4.2 & 4.3 Stem-changing verbs (129-35) Actividad 1 (131), Actividad 1 (134) Estructura 3.4 & 4.4 el presente de TENER, VENIR, etc. (p. 100-03); verbos irregulares en la forma de Yo (p. 136-39). Actividades 2, 4 (102-03), Actividad 1 (138) Estructura 4.1 IR & IR + a + infinitivo (p. 126-29) 6

(Possible reveiw topics): el presente de verbos irregulares: Stem-changing verbs; el presente de TENER, VENIR;. verbos irregulares en la forma de Yo

Actividad 1 (127) Contextos: “Las vacaciones” (p. 152-157) Actividades 1-7, 9 (p. 153-56) Additional optional activities are assigned online as “due” Saturday, Aug. 31. Optional activities do not affect your VHL grade.

2-sept Labor Day (No hay clase) Pronunciación: b, v (p. 161) Actividades online Cultura: Las cataratas del Iguazú & Punta del Este, Destinos populares (p. 162-63) Actividades online Posibles temas de repaso: IR & IR + a + infinitivo. Capítulo 5. Las vacaciones. Las estaciones, los meses, el 4-sept tiempo. Los números ordinales. Capítulo 5. Pronunciación (b, v). Las cataratas de Iguazú. Destinos populares & Punta del Este. ESTAR + condiciones y emociones. 9-sept ESTAR + gerundio (The present progressive).

Estructura 5.1 ESTAR + condiciones y emociones (p. 164-65) Inténtalo y Actividad 1 (p. 164-65) Estructura 5.2 ESTAR + gerundio (The present progressive) (p. 166-69) Inténtalo, Actividad 1 (167-68) Estructura 5.2 ESTAR + gerundio (The present progressive) (p. 166-69) Actividades online Estructura 5.3 SER & ESTAR (p. 170-73) Inténtalo, Actividades 1, 2 y otras (p. 171-72) Estructura 5.4 Objetos directos y sus pronombres (p. 174-77) Inténtalo, Actividades 1, 2 y otras Recapitulación (p. 178-79) Actividades online

Capítulo 5. ESTAR + gerundio (The present progressive). SER & ESTAR. 16-sept Capítulo 5. Objetos directos y sus pronombres. Repaso: Ser & Estar. Estrategia (strategy) de lectura: scanning


Fotonovela (p. 158-60) Actividades 1-3 y otras (p. 160) Escuchar: listening for key words (p. 183) Actividades online Flash culture & Culture: Puerto Rico (p. 185-87) Actividades online Escribir un folleto (p. 182) de 100 palabras como mínimo y entrégalo (turn it in) al drop box en 7

Blackboard. Contextos: “De compras” (p. 190-93) Actividades 1-4 y otras (p. 191) Contextos: “De compras” (p. 190-93) Actividades 6-7 y otras (p. 192-93) Pronunciación: d, t (197) Actividades online Capítulo 5. Taller de escritura: folleto. PRUEBA 1 18-sept Capítulo 6. De compras. Los colores. Adjetivos. Capítulo 6. De compras. Los colores. Adjetivos. 23-sept Pronunciación (d, t). Capítulo 6. SABER & CONOCER. Capítulo 6. Pronombres de 25-sept objetos indirectos. ENSAYO CULTURAL 1<...

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