Sport Event Management Practice exersice PDF

Title Sport Event Management Practice exersice
Author Nur Ain B
Course Sport Event Management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 11
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UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARACOURSEHSK 111 – Sport Event ManagementTOPIC“Briefly explain the sport event management factors that canmake event successful”“Terangkan dengan jelas faktor-faktor pengurusan acara sukanyang membuatkan sesuatu acara itu berjaya”PREPARE BY:NUR AIN BADRIYYAH ZAMRI2020627524BACH...




HSK 111 – Sport Event Management


“Briefly explain the sport event management factors that can make event successful” “Terangkan dengan jelas faktor-faktor pengurusan acara sukan yang membuatkan sesuatu acara itu berjaya”


DATE OF SUM 5th May 2021






Factors of sport event management that make event successful.  Financial  Sponsorship  Marketing  Safety  Medical  Volunteer








INTRODUCTION Event that covers all locals and international sport competition such as Sport day, FIFA World Cup, Sea games, Olympic games and more are known as sport event. Besides of competitions between athletes or mass participants, it also uses as social and media occasions which gather a lot of people in one place as an entertainment or festivals. As we can see sport event around the world, many companies were given big opportunities to expand their business by doing sponsorship and broadcasting. This not only benefit them, but also benefits the management itself. Sport event comes in many shapes and sizes. Small size sport event usually receives less media attention even they might involve a lot of public. It can be Sport Days in school or town, or “small” sports in specific places. While medium sized event has some world and continental championship that participates in it. It also includes major tournaments, large sport meetings and even big number of participants that mix the elite and amateur to join together such as marathon. Games like Olympics, Federation International ale de Football Association (FIFA), World Cup games, world championship (swimming, athletics and etc) are event that were categorized in very big size. This is because, not only they get plenty of media attention, they also receive international coverage from television to reach more audience and supporters. However, even size of event does matter, to determine if the event were successful enough, list of factors of sport event management will be the measurer of it. Therefore, this essay will explain briefly about the factors of sport event management that can make sport event successful.

FACTORS OF SPORT EVENT MANAGEMENT THAT MAKE SPORT EVENT SUCESSFUL. When it comes to any event, financial is the most important part to be pay attention of. Financial management that messy and bad will ruin the whole event. It might also cause chaos and the event cannot be start at a first place. Many events or companies have run into severe financial difficulty and even bankruptcy as a result of staging events. Proper financial management enables the management especially the financial managers to make a smart and efficient decisions about the choice of places, and expenses on a whole range of things including equipment, promotion and staffing. Strategy, planning and budgeting is the key in financial management. Financial managers will need to work with other parties in order to keep financial stable. Some tactics they usually implied to make the financial work as it is by creating strong partnership with high-value vendors, collaborating with organization that bring visibility and value to sport organization, looking for revenue stream opportunities and last but not least, reducing the unnecessary expenditure and preparing some emergency funds for unexpected expenses. All these tactics will lead to constructed budget. The process of budgeting also enables the management to calculate how much revenue is needed and planned well the expenditures later. Therefore, financial management must be plan accordingly in order to make sport event successful. Next, having sponsorship also one of the factors that contribute in succession of a sport event. Sponsorship provides the funding as well as promotion to reach the event’s max potential. Management will have more time to focus on something else like marketing, logistics and etc instead of worrying about the donation. Having sponsorship also helps management to reach their goals. For example, a sport tournament aims for 7000 people to come by and watch the tournament. However, to reach that amount of audience, might exceed the budget that were planned from the start. With the sponsorship especially when it comes

from well-known brand, management won’t have to worry about the seats as sponsorship will help to cover it up for them. The fact that huge sponsor partners can bring a bigger audience cannot be denied. Companies like Pepsi, 100 plus, ADIDAS, Nike and more have their own fans and teams. By having them to sponsor, the sport event will likely receive high audience. High audience will mean high revenue to both parties. But it does not mean new-born brand are not good enough. They also have the chance to increase their brand’s visibility to the world. To sum, both parties, sponsor and management gain their own benefits through the sport event and by receiving high revenues, the event can be count to reach the success. Besides that, marketing also held a huge role in order to reach success in sport event. In sports field, it is known as Sports Marketing. Based on Guy Masterman in his book, sports marketing is the process through an event that have uncertain outcome where it creates opportunities for the simultaneous fulfilment of objectives among sports customers, sports businesses, participants and other related individuals, groups and organisations. While from international perspectives, sports marketing is a platform for brands to advertise their products or service that related in sports. In other word, sport marketing promotes sports in general through products or services. It also involves athletes and sports teams as well in order to gain revenues from public. Sport marketing works in wide platform such as billboards, television advertising, print media advertising, social media advertising, movies, board inside the stadium and a lot more. Marketing is such an important key for any sports event. Without marketing, the goals that need to be reach by any management could not be fulfil. There are three types of sporting marketing which is marketing of sports, marketing through sports and lastly grassroots sports marketing. Marketing of sports directly concern more on promotion of sports, sporting events, sporting associations, and sports teams. Events like FIFA and European World Cup are examples of the idea. Marketing through sports focus more on promotion between different goods and services. This is where it deals more with

athletes and sport teams to reach their agreement on advertising some particular products in order to gain customers and revenues. Lastly, is grassroots sports marketing which tells more on promoting sports to general populace. The objective of this type of marketing are not advertising the sports as entertainment like watching football in free time, it more to educate people on exercising and live healthy life so it can increase participation in sports. In sport events, all this type of marketing can be implied however it needs to be plan as clear as it is to avoid misinformation and loss in future. Again, marketing is a key for any event to be counted as success. As marketing brings benefits to management, it also gives benefits to sportspersons, sponsors, and viewers. While management, sponsors, and sportspersons gain revenues, viewers are more likely gain awareness on different types of sports and event through sports marketing. They were given an opportunity to even meet their athlete idols and might as well participate in sports. This shows how big the impact of sport marketing towards sport event. Following factor in sport event management that make event successful is safety and security. Safety and security are a top priority before starting any event. Therefore, having a risk management plan is a must for the host. The risk management plan helps management to develop the procedures and should be practices beforehand a day or two to aware how to handle emergency cases. Getting legal insurance, do a check listing and assigning roles to staff members are some of the precaution steps any management should do. This to ensure all spectators and players are safe when attending events. Management job are not only just that but they also responsible in monitoring weather conditions, ensuring the surfaces are safe to be build and play on, and prepared with medical equipment in case of any emergency. Sporting events can be unpredictable where there might be some feuding audience or very crowd spectators. Therefore, management needs to provide specific space to handle this kind of security situations. Not just management will keep others safe, it also convinces them how

safe to be in the sport event. In addition, when talking about weather, no one can stop anything to happen. Sometimes It might be heavy rain or extreme heat. So, for management, they will need to have plans to account various weather situations. Prepare the shelters not only for public, athletes and sport teams, the management need think about all the equipment and logistics as well. Having staff to analyse and look out for the radar is also one of the smart precaution steps management can take. Next, factor of sport event management that contribute succession of a sport event is medical help. Medical help is a compulsory for every event as the possibility of any accident to occur is always high. Players are always at risk for any sports injuries. Any organisations must put a medical plan that provide not only medical services, but also in communications and emergency as well. This is what we called as Event Medical Planning (EMP). The crucial part of the EMP is the Medical Needs Risk Assessments (MNRA) which decided the level and type of medical services. When the EMP and MNRA were established, any event should also prepare a group of event paramedic cover which includes professionals who are experienced, qualified and briefed. Vehicles and equipment also part of the paramedic cover. The third thing that management should pay attention of is the Post Event Report. The purpose of the report is to point out everything that happened during the event from medical view and even make some recommendation for the upcoming events. As the management, learning from the reports is important just to make a better event in future. Neglecting this medical care in the sports event is such a big error. Improper medical plan and service will lead to bigger damage we could not imagine. In worst case scenario, it might cause someone’s life if management take lightly about this. There are various of tragedies as proves of what bad medical planning and services has caused such as in Hillsborough Disaster that happened on 1989 in FA Cup semi-final game between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. There are 96 people who lost their lives while 766 others were badly injured. The incident has

brought changes in sport event standards-of-practices at English soccer venues and also in event planning strategies that includes worldwide entertainment venues too. Taking care of medical help in sport event is not stressful or hard as it seems. As long as the management picks the experienced one, everything could go smoothly. Lastly, volunteerism in sport event also count as factors that determine whether the sport event successful or not. Sport event volunteering are strongly linked to the community as the event itself is the central of community. The importance of volunteers is to encourage publics participation as well as getting helps without spending much cost. Without the help of volunteers, management won’t be able to widen their services and they have to spend a lot in order to reach their goals. Volunteers’ role is to carry out all tasks and works that seems to be small but contribute huge part in an event like handing out water and prize bags, set-up and clean-up, crowd control, registration, and more. Plus, they also can be great source of expertise needed by management like legal or accounting advice, marketing assistance and even hospitality and catering management services. Most of organisations rely heavily on volunteer labour as they believe volunteers are integral to staging of major and local sport event. Volunteers offer their skills, knowledge and experience which is a great support for the any sports event. CONCLUSION To conclude, sport event only counts as successful when it meets all the factors that needed in an event. Putting aside all these factors will leads to bad review to the management as well as the sport event. Worst scenarios might happen like injuries and deaths. Sport event is not a small task to be manage by just one organisation. Partnership and connections are really important in terms of keeping everything in place. This is what it called as teamwork where every individual that participate in sport event management contribute their

knowledge, skills and workforce. The successful of a sport event will be determine by on how good the management was to fulfil all the important elements.

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