Stageverslag Roller barrier system vs. strong post crash barrier PDF

Title Stageverslag Roller barrier system vs. strong post crash barrier
Course Stage
Institution University of Curaçao dr. Moises Frumencio da Costa Gomez
Pages 65
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Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS. I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Gerald Rosina, head of the management and maintenance department at U.O.O.W, for allowing me to do my internship and providing me with the necessary information to write my report on "ROLLER BARRIER SYSTEM VERSUS STRONG POST W-BEAM GUARDRAILS". I would also like to thank Mr. Ruchene Tromp, operation manager at ForenSys, for providing me with the necessary information about the total number of car accidents in the past 5 years and also about the top three most dangerous curves on the island. And finally, Mr. John B. Griffith, Jr., vice president of ETI USA, Inc. to help me obtain information about the roller barrier system for this report.

i Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

PREFACE. Here is my internship report on "Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrails & my experience with Covid-19 at U.O.O.W.". The research for this report on roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrails is done by desk research & by going to the construction site and seeing how they were installed. Regarding my experience with Covid19 at U.O.O.W. I wrote what I experienced at the workplace with Covid-19. From February 2020 till August 2020, I did my internship at “Uitvoeringsorganisatie Openbare Werken” (U.O.O.W) and U.O.O.W. is part of the infrastructure and urban planning of the ministry of traffic, transport and urban planning here on the island. U.O.O.W is responsible for the maintenance and construction of public physical infrastructure both above and below ground, public facilities, public spaces, and green areas. U.O.O.W is also responsible for the topographic map of Curaçao and the inspection of electricity for (home) connections and the inspection of boilers. During my first week at U.O.O.W, I went to a construction site where they were busy installing the roller barrier system. This type of construction was completely new to me and I think it is also new to many people here on the island. This prompted me to investigate the real advantages and disadvantages of the roller barrier system compared to strong post wbeam guardrails. So that I can make a report that gives the necessary information to inform people about the facts of this type of crash barrier. The research questions were drawn up by me and approved by the teacher A. Virginia. After extensive desk research, the obtained information from my internship supervisor, ETI (the company of the rolling barrier system), ForenSys, and also by personally looking during the installation process of the roller barrier system. I was able to answer the research questions. On March 13, the first case of Covid-19 was registered on the island and this became a concern for most people on the island. As the days passed, more cases were registered and when our first registered death occurred on March 19, the government established a curfew and then a lockdown. The lockdown ensured that U.O.O.W. staff and I stayed at home so that we could halt the spread of the virus. And I have to reflect on this period and also describe my experiences with Covid-19 in my reflection report. I wish you a lot of reading pleasure. Eva Peterson. Willemstad, 5 February 2021

ii Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. ACKNOWLEGDEMENTs......................................................................................................i Preface.......................................................................................................................................ii Internship plan.........................................................................................................................1 Company description........................................................................................................................1 S.W.O.T analysis...............................................................................................................................2 Learning objectives...........................................................................................................................3

Summary...................................................................................................................................4 Chapter 1 Introduction roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail........5 § 1.1 Reason......................................................................................................................................5 § 1.2 Organization of this case study.................................................................................................5

Chapter 2 Assignment formulation........................................................................................6 § 2.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................6 § 2.2 Problem definition....................................................................................................................6 § 2.3 Assignment description............................................................................................................6

Chapter 3 Plan of approach....................................................................................................7 The intended result............................................................................................................................7

Chapter 4 Case study 1 Roller barrier system versus Strong post W-beam guardrail.....8 § 4.1 Introduction road safety & superelevation of the road curves..................................................8 § 4.1.1 Super elevation of the road curves.......................................................................................10 § 4.2 Barriers...................................................................................................................................13 § 4.2.1 Strong post w-beam guardrail..............................................................................................14 § 4.2.3 Roller barrier system...........................................................................................................15

Chapter 5 Conclusion & Recommendations........................................................................20 § 5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................20 § 5.2 Recommendations..................................................................................................................23

Chapter 6 Introduction Reflection.......................................................................................27 § 6.1 Reason....................................................................................................................................27 § 6.2 Organization of this reflection report......................................................................................27

Chapter 7 Situations..............................................................................................................28 § 7.1 Situation one, designing the Westpunt district........................................................................28 § 7.2 Situation two, possible illegal construction on government property......................................29 § 7.3 Situation three, space problem at playa Piskado.....................................................................31 § 7.4 Situation four, bus turnarounds at Westpunt...........................................................................32 § 7.5 Situation five, the lockdown period........................................................................................33

Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail. Chapter 8 conclusion..............................................................................................................36 References...............................................................................................................................38

LIST OF FIGURES. Figure 1 Population of Curaçao, source worldometers..............................................................9 Figure 2 Curve of Seri Domi, source openstreetmaps.............................................................10 Figure 3 Curve at Parera, source openstreetmaps....................................................................10 Figure 4 Curve at kaminda Saliña, source openstreetmaps.....................................................10 Figure 5 Curve at schottegatweg zuid (Parera) where the surface is completely milled, source Google Maps............................................................................................................................11 Figure 6 Asphalt milling at the curve of schottegatweg zuid (Parera), photo taken by the author........................................................................................................................................11 Figure 7 Shows the centrifugal & centripetal forces that act on a vehicle when turning a curve, drawn by the author (not on scale)................................................................................12 Figure 8 Curve at Petro industrial with the double-sided slope at each carriageway source Google Maps............................................................................................................................12 Figure 9 Cross section of the curve at schottegatweg west where one often loses control of their vehicles, drawn by the author (not on scale)...................................................................13 Figure 10 Shows the damage to the refinery fence at the curve at schottegatweg west where vehicles constantly crash, photo taken by the author...............................................................13 Figure 11 The gabions at mangusa hypermarket, photo taken by the author...........................13 Figure 12 Cross section of the strong post w-beam guardrail, drawn by the author (not on scale), see appendix 2 for the cross section of the strong post w-beam guardrail to scale......14 Figure 13 Components of the roller barrier system, source ETI USA.....................................16 Figure 14 The reflectors on the rolling barrels so it has high visibility, source ETI USA.......17 Figure 15 The steel rod with the two string lines drawn at the height where the post should be, source ETI USA.................................................................................................................18 Figure 16 The post that was driven into the ground where it is clearly visible where the height of the bottom string line had to be pulled at about the height of the lower bracket hole (red encircled), photo taken by the author.......................................................................................18 Figure 17 The deformation on the rolling barrier system is very minimum and can still function normally, source ETI USA........................................................................................21 Figure 18 The deformation on the strong post w-beam guardrail is significant and needs to be replaced to function in order to save people's lives, source Ingalcivil.....................................21 Figure 19 Wheel snagging (red encircled), source Researchgate............................................21 Figure 20 Placement of the roller barrier system at Schottegat zuid (parera), blue lines represent the roller barrier system. Drawn by the author (not on scale)..................................24 Figure 21 Placement of the roller barrier system at Seru di Domi, blue lines represent the roller barrier system. Drawn by the author (not on scale).......................................................25

Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

LIST OF TABLES. Table 1 Registered accidents & fatalities in the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019, information obtained from ForenSys.........................................................................................9 Table 2 The criteria to compare both of the systems................................................................23

APPENDICES. Appendix 1 Table of the Health Institute Curaçao for traffic accident mortality internationally ca. 2010 (data Curaçao 2005-2007). Appendix 2 Cross-section of the strong post w-beam guardrail. Appendix 3 Cross-section and front view of the roller barrier system. Appendix 4 Intermediate assessment by internship company. Appendix 5 Final assessment by internship company. Appendix 6 Internship contract. Appendix 7 Logbooks.

Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

INTERNSHIP PLAN. To complete my studies at the University of Curacao, I have to do an internship in the school year 2019/2020. The goal of doing an internship is to test my knowledge of theoretical/practical subjects that I learned during my study period at UOC in practice and also to expand my knowledge further. As a civil engineering student, I have to do an internship with a company that is involved in civil engineering activities, such as infrastructure. The first part of the assignment we get for our internship is to draw up an internship plan. The internship plan consists of three parts:  Company description.  S.W.O.T analysis.  Learning objectives. In a SWOT analysis, I have to write my strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats to identify areas for development and help me in my future career. Company description. During the project of spatial development, I found the planning and design of an allotment plan for public housing very interesting, especially calculating the drainage of rainwater and drawing up the elevation plan. So I had preferred to do my internship at VVRP so that I would work in the department of spatial planning. Traffic, transport, and spatial planning are divided into two sectors:  Infrastructure and spatial planning sector.  Traffic and transport sector. I am interested in the infrastructure and spatial planning sector. This sector includes companies, Domain Management, Spatial Planning and Planning (ROP) & Public Works. This is where ROP had my interest because it deals with the following components:  Spatial planning.  Program and project preparation and development for urban renewal, district & housing improvement plans, and urban renewal.  Planning and development of public housing policy.  Technical management of restoration and maintenance of monuments.  Granting permits and exemptions for the restoration and maintenance of monuments.  Management of the register of monuments.  Monument policy and designation as a protected monument.  Registration policy with regard to monuments.  Coordination of the spatial traffic plan.  Granting building and precarious permits and exemptions.  Supervision and compliance with permit regulations and enforcement. I contacted VVRP so I could do an internship at ROP. I contacted Ms. Tromp. She informed me that she would contact ROP and she would check if it was possible to do an internship at ROP. Unfortunately, there was no place available. I kept in contact with Mrs. Tromp and she advised me to check if U.O.O.W. had a place for me to do my internship. So I did my research on this place and read what they do and it 1 Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail. sparked my interest. I contacted this company and they had a place for me to do my internship there. Uitvoeringsorganisatie Openbare werken is a government company that falls under VVRP (Verkeer, Vervoer & Ruimtelijke Planning). U.O.O.W. deals with various issues, but the department that interested me at U.O.O.W. is the department of management & maintenance. Because they do quality control, maintenance of main roads, and more. S.W.O.T analysis. In a SWOT analysis, I have to write my strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats to identify areas for development and help me in my career.

2 Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

Learning objectives. the learning objectives are split into two parts. The general learning objectives and personal learning objectives. General learning objectives:       

That I can initiate and steer. That I can design technically in a more professional way. That I can specify more from final design to specifications That I can properly coordinate and lead the parties involved That I can realize projects, prepare work, maintain, monitor and adjust. That I can make a management and maintenance plan for a certain project. That I can communicate and cooperate.

Personal learning goals: During my internship, I want to work on the following points. Project-based working, independent working and learning, taking initiative.  With the help of the employees of U.O.O.W. I want to learn to design more professionally in the field of civil constructions, roads, etc.  I want to learn how projects work in a workplace.  I want to learn how to solve criticism and conflicts.  I want to learn how projects are realized from design to reality.  To be able to process my ideas professionally.  Using my initiative skills in an assignment or project.  Written and oral expression, leadership, teamwork  I want to further expand my leadership skills.  Formal talking in meetings and making formal minutes during my internship.  I want to use the feedback I get from my colleagues to improve myself.  I want to learn to work better in groups. This concludes the internship plan after this the investigation of "Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail" will begin.

3 Eva Peterson 1111043

Roller barrier system versus strong post w-beam guardrail.

SUMMARY. As the car population on the island of Curaçao grows, so do the accidents. And with each year the accidents get scarier and more deadly. Here on the island, an average of more than 10 traffic deaths per year has been seen in the past 5 years. Hearing loved ones constantly say: drive safely, buckle up, don't drive too fast, etc. is normal. But if people adhere to these measures, will they completely prevent the accidents that cause serious injuries and deaths? Unfortunately, that is not the case. And this is when people start talking about road safety Road traffic safety describes the ways and actions used to prevent road users (cars, cyclists, pedestrians, etc.) from dying or being seriously injured. Some simple examples of road traffic safety are enforcing a speed limit, traffic signs, road markings, crash barriers and many more. This report will focus on the road traffic safety measure of crash barriers. U.O.O.W. designs now with the main goal "designing for the man”. This means that in plans U.O.O.W. will take more into account of the safety of the road users, so for example U.O.O.W. will ensure a limited speed by installing a median strip to reduce the speed, better sidewalks so pedestrians can walk better, etc. (these measures apply more to the secondary and tertiary roads of Curaçao). But what about the primary roads where people drive 100 plus km/h. How does U.O.O.W. take care of their safety? One of the most common accidents is crashing into the crash barriers. Most of these types of accidents are not fatal, but a certain percentage of them lead to death. Common collisions with the strong post w-beam guardrails take place in curves and this has to do with the superelevation of the road. Strong post w-beam guardrails are designed to absorb forces that occur during the collision of the vehicle, but they can also cause a lot of damage to equipment, vehicles and people. Here comes the innovation crash barrier, called the roller barrier system. This is a ...

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