Author Vera Fitria
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 Also called fundamental positions.  They are five positions. 1- Standing position. 2- Kneeling position. 3- Sitting position. 4- Lying position. 5- Hanging position. • it is the most difficult position to maintain because the body is balanced and stabilized on a small base which needs coordinati...


Also called fundamental positions.  They are five positions. 1- Standing position. 2- Kneeling position. 3- Sitting position. 4- Lying position. 5- Hanging position.

it is the most difficult position to maintain because the body is balanced and stabilized on a small base which needs coordination work of many muscle groups.

1- The heels are on ground with angle not exceed 45°. 2- Keep your knee straight but not locked. 3- The hips are in extension and slightly rotated laterally. 4- The pelvic is balanced on the femoral head. 5- The spine is stretched to its maximum length and stomach flat.

6- The head is hold up straight with chin in. do not tilt your head forward, backward, or sideways. 7- Keep your shoulder blades back.

8- The arms are hanged loosely to the sides, palms facing sides of the body. 9- Your weight should be evenly distributed on both legs.

The body is supported on the knees which may be together or slightly apart. 1- The lower leg rests on the floor with the feet planter flexed. 2- The feet may be in the mid position over the edge of the plinth.

Effect: uncomfortable position for most people due to difficult balance. Uses: as starting position for backward movements.

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Half kneeling  satu tungkai di depan Kneel sitting  timpuh Prone kneeling  merangkak

the position is taken on chair or stool. 1- It is preferable to leave 2 or 3 inches of space between the back of your knees and the edge of the seat.

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2- The height and width of seat must allow the thighs to be fully supported. 3- The hips and knees are flexed to right angle. 4- The knees are apart and feet rest on the floor. 5- Your weight should be evenly distributed on both buttocks.

Effect: comfortable, natural, and very stable position. Uses: for many non-weight bearing knee and foot exercises.

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Stride sitting Ride sitting Crook sitting Long sitting Cross sitting Side sitting High sitting

Duduk dengan perubahan trunk : ◦ Stoop sitting ◦ Faal out sitting

This is the easiest position as the body can completely supported in the supine position and as stable as possible.

Effect: • The alignment of the body is as in standing. • Breathing is impeded slightly by pressure on the posterior aspect of thorax and the pressure of the abdominal viscera on the under surface of the diaphragm is increased. • Uses: it is suitable for many exercises.

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Crook lying Crook lying dengan pelvic terangkat Half lying Prone lying Leg prone lying Side lying Sit lying

The body is suspended by grasping over horizontal bar. The arms straight & at least shoulder width apart and forearm being pronated.

- The head is held high and the scapulae are drowning down together. - The legs and trunk hang straight with the heels together and the ankle planter flexed. Uses: it is suitable for athletic persons with high muscle strength.

Fall hanging

Derived positions are positions used by modification of the arms, legs or trunk in each of fundamental position. The aims of derived positions are: 1- To increase or decrease the base of support. 2- To rise or lower the center of gravity (COG). 3- To gain local or general relaxation. 4- To gain fixation and good control of specific area. 5- To increase or decrease the muscle work required to maintain the position. 6- To increase or decrease the leverage.

Dengan perubahan lengan

– Wing standing  berkacak pinggang – Low wing standing  berkacak pinggang (jari-jari di depan hip joint) – Under bend standing  tangan menggenggam di lateral dada – Bend standing  tangan pada shoulder joint – Reach standing  lengan di depan tubuh – Yard standing  kedua lengan abduksi (90o) – Across bend standing  yard standing tetapi elbow fleksi – Head rest standing  kedua tangan diatas kepala – Stretch standing  kedua lengan fleksi 180 derajat

A- By alteration of the arms. 1- Wing standing: Hands rest on the iliac crest, fingers extended and adducted, thumbs abducted posterior. Uses: grasp patient during exercises.

The shoulders are laterally rotated and adducted strongly, the elbows are flexed and the forearms are supinated with wrists and fingers flexed to rest above the lateral border of acromion process.

Effect: suitable position for subjects with weakness of shoulders abductors (as arm lever is reduced). Uses: • Used in trunk exercises as corrective position for upper back and thorax. •

The shoulders are flexed and the elbows are extended, arms are parallel in the same shoulder width.

Effect: The forward raising of the arms brings the center of gravity of the body forward and leading to extension of the lumber spine. Uses: •Prior to some arm and trunk exercises in the sagittal plane. •Assist balance during balance walking sideways.

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The arms are straight and elevated sideways to horizontal position. Effect: This position has a mechanical disadvantage, an increase of the lever. The abductors of the shoulder work at a marked mechanical disadvantage as the length of the weight arm of the lever so greatly exceeds that of the power of the arm.

Uses: 1- Corrective for the posture of the upper back 2- Facilitates body balance 3- Convenient for the arm swinging exercises 4- The body is steadied for the leg and trunk exercises when one arm only is used or when the hand grasps a support at a suitable height (1/2

5- When palms are turned forwards (yd.palms or upwards (yd.palms the latter involving an additional lateral rotation at the shoulder joint with consequent further bracing of the upper back muscles

The arms are fully elevated so that they are in line with the body, parallel to each other and with palms facing forward.

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Effect: Strength shortened muscles like pectoralis major, minor and latissimus dorsi. Leading to difficulty in respiration and impede arm circulation by gravity.

• •

Uses: It is unsuitable for weak patients or those who suffer from respiratory condition. It is strongly corrective for the position of the upper back and gives a feeling of stretching the spine.

3- Elevation of the arms raises the center of gravity of the body and affords additional leverage in many trunk exercises. 4- The hands may grasp some over-head support ( or the finger may be clasped ( 5- Useful to treat scoliosis.

Dengan perubahan pada tungkai : ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Close standing  kaki rapat Toe standing  tumit rapat kaki terangkat Stride standing  kedua tungkai membuka Walk standing  salah satu tungkai di depan Half standing  salah satu tungkai ditekuk diatas kursi/stool (setingi lutut)

Dengan perubahan pada trunk :

Dengan perubahan pada trunk dan tungkai :

– Lax stoop standing  badan membungkuk, lengan lurus ke bawah – Stoop standing  lengan lurus di samping badan, tubuh di condongkan ke depan 90 derajat – Faal out standing  satu tungkai di depan dan badan dicondongkan ke depan – Lunge side ways standing  berdiri dengan kaki abd dan salah satu lutut di fleksikan...

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