Statistikkoderi R - Necessary R-commands - Introduktion til statistik PDF

Title Statistikkoderi R - Necessary R-commands - Introduktion til statistik
Author Alexander Andersen
Course Introduktion til statistik
Institution Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Pages 12
File Size 89.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 114
Total Views 381


statistik koder i Rmeanmean()#standard deviationsd()#variancevar()#covariancecov(,)#correlationcor(,)plotplot()#quantilesquantile()#histogramhist()#sum of ....sum()#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for binom distribution (x=mængde, n=træk,p=sandsynlighed)dbinom(x,n,p)pbinom(x,n,p)qbinom(x,n,p)rbinom(x,n,p...


statistik koder i R # mean mean()

#standard deviation sd()

#variance var()

#covariance cov(,) #correlation cor(,) # plot plot()

#quantiles quantile()

#histogram hist()

#sum of .... sum()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for binom distribution (x=mængde, n=træk,p=sandsynlighed) dbinom(x,n,p) pbinom(x,n,p)

qbinom(x,n,p) rbinom(x,n,p)

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for normal distribution dnorm() pnorm() qnorm() rnorm()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for t distribution dt() pt() qt() rt()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for ki distribution dchisq() pchisq() qchisq() rchisq()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for poisson distribution (x=mængde, lambda=frekvens) dpois(x,lambda) ppois(x,lambda) qpois(x,lambda) rpois(x,lambda)

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for hypergeometric distribution (x=mængden, n=træk, a=antal successer, N=populationsstørrelse) dhyper(x,a,N-a,n)

phyper(x,a,N-a,n) qhyper(x,a,N-a,n) rhyper(x,a,N-a,n)

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for log-normal distribution dlnorm() plnorm() qlnorm() rlnorm()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for exponential distribution dexp() pexp() qexp() rexp()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for uniform distribution dunif() punif() qunif() runif()

#pdf, cdf, quantile and RNG for f distribution df() pf() qf() rf()

# P(>x) for n 1-pt(x,df=n-1)

# p(z>x) 1-pnorm(x) # P(t>x) for n-værdierne 100,200,....500 1-pt(x,df=seq(99,499,by=100)) # p(t>x) for n-værdierne n,.....y*n 1-pt(x,df=seq(n-1,y*n-1,by=n)) # standard normal n% fraktilen qnorm(n) #t-fraktilerne for n-værdierne n,....y*n til z decimaler round(qt(0.975,df=seq(n-1,y*n-1,by=n)),z)

kritisk værdi for en t-test med alpha 5% qt(1-alpha/2,df=n-1)

# en-prøve t-test og p-værdi for en to-sidet hypotese U=U0 tobs...

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