Støtteark til mundtlig eksamen PDF

Title Støtteark til mundtlig eksamen
Author Winona Carstensen
Course Engelsk
Institution Gymnasie (Danmark)
Pages 2
File Size 61.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 112
Total Views 160







Støtteark til mundtlig eksamen: Her er et støtteark, som I kan bruge for at få fokus på det væsentlige i de enkelte genrer. I skal overhovedet ikke slavisk følge punkterne under de enkelte genrer, men netop have fokus på det, som den enkelte tekst selv lægger op til. Det kan være fint nok at forholde sigt til punkterne i sin forberedelse, men så lægge vægt på og uddybe dem, som understøtter tekstens centrale tema/ person i selve fremlægningen. I bestemmer selv, hvordan I ville strukturere jeres fremlægning, (analysen, fortolkningen og perspektiveringen.) men sørg for, at I har en struktur på jeres fremlægning. Always remember: Short presentation of the text: Genre, title, author, year of publication and what theme it is under. (It is often important to know when the text was written to fully understand it- on account of the historical, cultural and social background.)

Analysis and interpretation: Novel/ short story Setting: where and when ( time, place and environment) Character: who ( main characters) Character sketches of main character, any development Plot: what (what happens, the central action and the structure of the action: chronological /jumps in time/ flashbacks/ flash forwards/ in medias res, open ending Theme: Always important! What is the main theme of the text? How is the theme developed in the text? The title and the theme? Intention/ message: Why (what does the author want to discuss/ show/ consider with his text, does he have a message?) Narrative technique: How (what kind of narrator, if 3 rd person then what of point of view, any shifts in point of view?) Language (simple , complex, dialogue, descriptive, matter of fact etc.) , symbols, metaphors.

Poem: Type of poem: Is it a lyrical or epical poem? Where and when: Is there a time and a place? Speaker: Who is speaking in the poem. In a poem you talk about the speaker not the narrator. Addressee [ædresi:]Whom is the poem directed at/ addressed to




Theme: Always important! What is it about? What is the theme? How is the theme developed in the text? The title and the theme. Mood: What is the mood of the poem? Sad, depressed, sinister, serious, solemn, cynical, humorous, light, ironic, hopeful, disillusioned, sentimental, longing, thoughtful, elated etc. Structure: How is it built up/structured. Stanzas, run-on-lines, does it fall into sections? Is it a sonnet or a ballad or nothing like that? Is it built on contrasts? Parallels? Stylistic devices: How is the language used, stylistic devices: Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, assonance, metaphor, repetitions, ejaculations, onomatopoetic ( lydmalende) words, symbols, metaphors Non-fiction: Genre: speech, newspaper article, another kind of article, interview etc Communication analysis: who is saying what to whom when where how and why: Who: who has written this/or spoken this What: the main subject(s) of the text. How is/are the subject(s) developed in the text? Any final conclusion? To whom: whom is it directed at (what kind of reader, listener) Where and when: what is the occasion, when was it written, where is it written or spoken (medium) How: the structure of the text (what sections does the text fall into) and stylistic devices( repetitions, parallels, contrasts, simple or complicated language, formal or informal language, emotional language or neutral language etc). ( speeches: Ethos, pathos and logos) Why: What is the writer’s/speaker’s intention? Inform, entertain, persuade, warn, inspire, reveal, criticize, shock etc...

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