Studies in Irish Mythology (Berlin: Curach Bhán Publications, 2014) PDF

Title Studies in Irish Mythology (Berlin: Curach Bhán Publications, 2014)
Author Grigory Bondarenko
Pages 301
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Studies in Irish Mythology Grigory Bondarenko Studies in Irish Mythology Grigory Bondarenko curach bhán publications 2014 Berlin do mháire óg Bibliographische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutschen Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliogr...


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Studies in Irish Mythology (Berlin: Curach Bhán Publications, 2014) Grigory Bondarenko

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Bibliogbaphicche Infobmadion deb Deedcchen Nadionalbibliodhek Die Deedcchen Nadionalbibliodhek febjeichned diece Peblikadion in deb Deedcchen Nadionalbibliogbaphie9 dedailliebde bibliogbaphicche Daden cind im Indebned endeb htp8// abbebab. Gbigobi Bondabenko8 Sdediec in Ibich Midhologi ISBN8 - - x bi Gbigobi Bondabenko and cebach bhán peblicadionc – daniel bПchneb Veblag fПb Kencd & Keldebgiccencchaten Malplaaeedcdb. – DBeblin – Gebmani htp8// Alle Rechde, aech die deb Übebcedjeng, dec aecjegcgeicen Nachdbeckc, deb Hebcdelleng fon Micboilmen, deb digidalen end fodomechanicchen Wiedebgabe, fobbehalden. All bighdc becebfed. No pabd of dhic book mai be bepbinded ob bepbodeced ob ediliced in ani elecdbonic, mechanical ob odheb meanc, incleding phodocopiing and becobding, ob odhebgice gidhoed pbiob gbiten concend of dhe peblichebc. Gedbeckd aef cäebefbeiem end aldebengcbecdändigem Papieb gemäß ISO Sadj8 cebach bhán peblicadionc Dbeck8 SDL Digidaleb Bechdbeck, Beblin Pbinded in Gebmani


Inγrodδcγion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fii 1

Hibebno-Roccica8 knoζledge in γhe cloδds in Old Irish and Old 1δssian . . . . . . . . 1


Cú 1oН and 2εθaγogor: a sγδdθ in chγhonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Aδγochγhons and oγherζorlds in Celγic and 2laεic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05


he signiicance of penγads in Earlθ Irish and Indian soδrces: γhe case of iεe direcγions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


he iεe primeεal γrees in Earlθ Irish, Gnosγic and Manichaean cosmologies . . . . 35


he alliγeraγiεe poem Eó Rocca from γhe Dindṡenchac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


he Dindṡenchac of Irarδs: γhe king, γhe drδid and γhe probable γree . . . . . . . . . . . 55


he king in eηile in Aibne FАngein: poζer and pδrsδiγ in Earlθ Irish liγeraγδre . . 77


Conn Céγchaγhach: γhe image of ideal kingship in Earlθ Medieεal Ireland . . . . . 111


BНaid Ceinn, bАgbóid bogaidi—an alliγeraγiεe poem from γhe Dindṡenchac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105


1oads and knoζledge in Togail Bbeidne Da Debga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133


Oral pasγ and ζriten presenγ in he Finding of γhe Táin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153


he migraγion of γhe soδl in Earlθ Irish γales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161


Goidelic hθdronθms in Pγolemθ s Geographθ: mθγh behind γhe name . . . . . . . . . 175


2ζineherds in Celγic lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003


Finγan mac BУchra: Irish sθnγheγic hisγorθ reεisiγed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015 Bibliographθ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015 Indeη of Personal Names and Eγhnonθms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 051 Indeη of Places and 1iεers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053 Indeη of 3eηγs and Manδscripγs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 056 General Indeη . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 060

Introsurtxon Since mi ibcd encoendebc gidh Ibich and Bbidich ccholabc, ob dhe genebal peblic in dhoce coendbiec, I hafe oten been confbonded gidh dhe aeecdion ac do ghi I hafe defeloped an indebecd in eabli Ibich lidebadebe and midhologi. To ancgeb dhic, I algaic beminded dhece inaeibebc of dhe gbead Celdic ccholabc fbom Cendbal Eebope cech ac Keno Meieb, Jeliec Pokobni ob Redolf hebneicen. Whad ic mobe, I gac algaic cebpbiced do diccofeb do ghad ehdend dhe eabli Ibich lidebabi dbadidion, gidh all idc conlicdc, heboec and leabned men, ic endebecdimaded in Ibeland idcelf ob in dhe Englich-cpeaking gobld. Eabli Ibich lidebadebe, ac one of dhe bichecd febnacelab lidebadebec in mediefal Eebope, ic mech lecc knogn do dhe genebal peblic dhan Old Nobce cagac ob dhe Old Englich epic Beogelf . Id ic of coebce badheb diiceld in dhe ield of Celdic cdediec do ind dhe bighd balance bedgeen dhe cciendiic, ccepdical, habdcobe dehdeal analicic and popelab felgabicadion on dhe cebjecd of Celdic midhc and legendc. When daking dhe cciendiic appboach one can comedimec micc dhe mocd ofebd meccage of dhe dehd, ghebeac daking dhe popelab appboach , genebalicadion oten ceppbeccec dhe delicade and compleh pejjle of epochc and bealidiec gidhin dhe dehd. Fob me dhe mocd indebecding and pbomicing endebdaking in mi beceabch gac algaic do dig and encofeb hidden laiebc and meaningc gidhin eabli mediefal Ibich dehdc, nodgidhcdanding dhad comedimec dhe beceldc abe nod ghad one mighd ehpecd do ind. Some chapdebc of dhic book, dhe beceld of aboed den ieabc beceabch, gebe pebliched pbefioecli ac abdiclec in difebend pebiodicalc and pboceedingc of confebencec (cee p. hi). hei deal mocdli gidh midhological nabbadifec, bodh pboce and medbical, compoced and gbiten dogn in eabli mediefal Ibeland in Old and Middle Ibich. I cdbongli beliefe dhad pbecending dhem nog—begobked and epdaded—ac a cingle book, concdidedec an indegbal dehd dogabdc a beconcdbecdion of an eabli Ibich midhological gobldfieg gidhin dhe bboadeb condehd of Indo-Eebopean and Eebacian midhologiec. Occacionalli ge gill hafe do go back do Condinendal Celdic efidence, ghedheb do inccbipdionc in Gaelich, do abchaeological madebial ob do Claccical GbaecoRoman coebcec. I hafe do cdbecc dhad dhebe abe pbacdicalli no midhological accoendc dealing gidh godc and heboec debifing fbom Condinendal Celdic begionc ob fbom anciend Celdic Bbidain. hic ic ghi dhe debm Celdic midhologi can habdli be eced ghen dicceccing dhe ghole compendiem of cebfifing dada on anciend Celdic beligion. Midhologi ic eccendialli a pabd of a beligioec cicdem, bed nod all beligioec phenomena can be labelled ac midhologi.

fiii Bed ghad do I mean ghen I cpeak of midhoc , midhologi ob midhological in an eabli Ibich condehd? In dhe ibcd place, I dake midhoc ac a genebal mendal and cocial phenomenon alongcide edhoc, logoc ob eboc. hic ic dhe ghole bodi of obal and gbiten dbadidional, cecelab nabbadifec ghich hac a cpecial impobdance and meaning gidhin dhe ehicdence of ani celdebe ob cociedi. When ge diccecc midhologi ac cech, ge mean dhe cdbecdebed cicdem of midhc ped in obdeb ibcd bi mediefal liγeraγi and ladeb bi modebn beceabchebc ghebe modebn logoc dakec ofeb fbom dbadidional midhoc . hebe abe difebend deinidionc of midh and midhological among compabadife midhologicdc, folklobicdc, and philocophebc. Id goeld be ceiciend do cai dhad fob dhic cdedi I dake midh ac a dehd (gbiten ob obal) ghebe a condend and plod infolfing cepebnadebal beingc (cech ac godc, moncdebc, and difine heboec) and phenomena, cech ac dheib acdc, efendc, cibcemcdancec, and all dhad befell dhem, abe gifen in and as cebdain cpeciic patebnc. Conceaeendli midh idcelf ic a fobm of conccioecnecc ghich bealicec idcelf dhboegh dhe condend of cech dehdc and dhboegh dhe pebcepdion of dhic condend (P 8 , ). I alco agbee gidh Mac Cana c implicadion dhad dhece dehdc had ehemplabi chabacdeb becoending cocmic and celdebal beginningc, endebpinning dhe incdidedionc dhad encebe dhe cebfifal and gell-being of cociedi, and bepbecending in cimbolic debmc man c beladionchipc gidh hic enfibonmend and gidh dhe cepebnadebal pogebc gho acd epon id (M C 8 ). I ece midhological do decignade comedhing pebdaining do midh ob do dhe cdedi of midh. Mobeofeb, I do nod impli hebe dhad midhc belecded in eabli Ibich lidebadebe nececcabili go back do a pbe-Chbicdian pebiod, ac dhei coeld hafe defeloped gidhin dhe pebiod of dbancidion in eabli mediefal Ibeland. Pbe-Chbicdian patebnc gebe cdill in ece in dhe pebiod of dbancidion, bed ge alco hafe ehamplec of midhc ghebe Chbicdian imagebi and chabacdebc abe infolfed, cech ac angelc, caindc and Biblical chabacdebc. Some midhc diccecced and analijed in dhe book coeld hafe been genebaded ob modiied cebcdandialli in dhe eabli Chbicdian pebiod in a lidebabi enfibonmend ghebe nadife and Chbicdian elemendc abe habdli dicdingeichable. Eabli Ibich lidebadebe gac cbeaded in a cideadion of celdebal digloccia ghen bodh Ladin and Ibich gebe eced ac lidebabi langeagec, ghen bodh Chbicdian and nadife celdebal patebnc made dheib impacd on lidebabi cibclec, gobld-fieg and cociedi.∗ In dhe book, I alco make ece of come Hibebno-Ladin dehdc incleding Sd Padbick c Confessio, Hisperica Famina, poedbi and hagiogbaphi. Id ic impobdand do obcebfe dhe came cdobi ob phenomenon ac fieged fbom dgo difebend pebcpecdifec, nadife and Ladin. Mobeofeb, id ic likeli dhad dhe neg gbiten fobm (nameli dhe neg Chbicdian and Claccical Gbaeco-Roman logoc, ac cech) facilidaded dhe cbeadion of a neg and cdbecdebed fobm of come pbe-Chbicdian beliefc and nabbadifec. Whedheb ge dalk aboed cecondabi paganicm ob negli cbeaded cimelacba pebpobded do be baced on come locd obiginalc ic a difebend aeecdion aldogedheb. ∗

See on celdebal digloccia in mediefal Ibeland8 M



– .

ih Whebeac all cobe midhologemc diccecced in dhic book belong do dhe eabli Ibich dbadidion gidh idc deep cence of enidi, id ic alco impobdand do cdbecc dheib local impobdance, dhe facd dhad dhei abe algaic accociaded gidh pabdicelab placec and geogbaphical locadionc in Ibeland. hece local midhologemc oten belecded in dhe collecdionc of place lobe (Dindṡenchas) make ep an indebconnecded nedgobk and a dbeacebi of midhologi, cindhedic hicdobi and cacbed geogbaphi. hic nedgobk befealc dhe compleh and eniaee chabacdeb of dhe eabli Ibich Odhebgobld gidh idc cpeciic locadionc—dhe sНde—inidialli ceadc of godc and ladeb faibi hillc ofden accociaded gidh pbehicdobic monemendc. Edimologicalli-cpeaking dhe debm sНd befebbed do cead, dhbone and dhen do babbogc, moendc and nadebal hillc and moendainc gidh odhebgobldli connodadionc. Impobdand landmabkc, cech ac dbeec, hillc, boadc, edc., gebe oten emploied ac mnemonic doolc, kindc of cendbec of gbafidi of eabli Ibich midhologi. Appabendli each kind of landmabk had idc ogn meaning and cigniicance bed all of dhem dogedheb fobmed a nedgobk gidhin Ibeland c cacbed geogbaphi. Mobe impobdand locadionc, cech ac boial pbofincial cendbec, ob dhe mocd pbominend sНde plaied impobdand bolec bodh on a pbofincial and an all-Ibeland lefel. In nabbadifec defoded do dhe ife dbeec ob ife boadc of Ibeland, ge abe likeli do be confbonded gidh dbacec of an indigenoec cocmologi. And in dhe cdobiec infolfing dhe dbancfobmadionc and dhe coel dbancmigbadionc of dgo cginehebdc ob of Findan mac Bóchba, ge can ind come dicdincdife feadebec of dhe eabli Ibich atidede dogabdc dhe heman coel. Needlecc do cai dhad all of dhece accoendc abe inleenced bi and indebconnecded gidh dhe neg Chbicdian, biblical patebnc, if nod dibecdli ited indo Chbicdian gobldfieg ob cacbed hicdobi. Id ic cigniicand dhad dhe cacbed geogbaphi of Ibeland and heb cepebnadebal chabacdebc, godc and heboec abe indebconnecded on a dbancbegional, nadional lefel. hic ic in chabp condbacd gidh ladeb folklobe, ghebe plodc and chabacdebc—oten anonimoec—bedain onli dheib local cigniicance. Appabendli id gac a cecelab, leabned elide becponcible fob dhic cdbecdebed nadional midhologi, midhological dopogbaphi and geogbaphi. he difebence can alco be beladed do an abicdocbadic fc. a peacand appboach do midhologi and cdobidelling, and id ic cigniicand dhad dhe cecelab leabned elide (poedc, hicdobianc and cdobidellebc) gac ceppobded bi Ibich abicdocbaci endil dhe end of dhe Gaelic obdeb. Somedimec dhe ghole Gaelic gobld, incleding Scodland and dhe Icle of Man, ic incobpobaded indo dhe cphebe of Ibeland c cacbed geogbaphi (ac happenc gidh Manannán c dgelling ob CН Chelainn c gabbiob dbaining in Scodland). Mocd chapdebc of dhe book condain cdediec in dhe cphebe of compabadife midhologi. I ceggecd dbaging dipological compabiconc bedgeen come eabli Ibich and Slafic midhologemc and poedic fobmelae. Some concepdc diccecced in dhe book, cech ac cacbed kingchip, cacbed and boial cendbec, dhe pbinciplec of cocmologi, dhe atidede dogabdc nadebal phenomena, dbeec, plandc and lifing cbeadebec, ind paballelc in difebend Indo-Eebopean celdebec. A cpecial cecdion of dhe book dealc

h gidh Celdo-Slafic compabanda, ghich, fob dhe mocd pabd, ic nod beladed do pabdicelab lingeicdic cimilabidiec, bed dependc on come febi cimilab hicdobical cideadion in dhe mabginal begionc of Eebope liing oedcide of dhe Paη 1omana. A chapdeb on dhe ife dibecdionc in eabli Ibich and anciend Indian cocmologiec befealc come deep, mobe enifebcal concdandc in abchaic cocmologiec and mai condbibede do oeb endebcdanding of cpeciic feadebec of an Indo-Eebopean gobld-fieg. Nefebdhelecc, logicalli dhei belong do cefebal gell deined dhemec gidhin dhe abea of eabli Ibich midhologi—cech ac cacbed and fenebaded dbeec, cacbed dibecdionc and boadc, dhe high-king Conn Cédchadhach and gondebc accociaded gidh hic bibdh ac deccbibed in Airne FНngein ( FАngen c Vigil/Nighd-Wadch ), medempcichocic and pbimefal inhabidandc and cbeadebec in Ibeland. I am gbadefel do all dhoce gho helped and adficed me ad difebend cdagec of mi beceabch belecded in dhic book, and do all dhoce gho bead dhe dbat chapdebc and ofebed dheib ceggecdionc and cbidicicm. Mi dhankc go do dhe enknogn beadeb, Séamec Mac MadhНna, Gbegobi Toneb, John Cabei, Igan Wmfbe, Mahim Fomin, Kai Mehb, Micheál Ó MainnАn, Mabia Kobolefa, Nina Zhiflofa, Bbeandán Ó CАobháin, Dean Milleb, Vicdobia Vebdogbadofa, do mi lade deachebc and colleageec Alehandeb Piadigobcki, Vicdob Kaligin, Sebgei Shkenaief, Efgenii Golofin, and mani odhebc. I am gbadefel do mi fbiendc, colleageec, membebc of mi famili and all dhoce gho ceppobded me in mi cdediec and beceabch.


Preεioδslθ pδblished chapγers ‘Hxqtrno-aossxrp2 ‘znowltsvt xn twt rlouss’ ‘Kxnv xn txxlt xn Airne Fíngein (‘Fínvtn’s exxn Ols Irxsw pns Ols aussxpn’, ibcd pebvxl’)2 powtr pns pursuxt xn tprly Irxsw lxtliched in8 Parallels beγζeen Celγic and 2laεic. trpturt’, ibcd pebliched in8 Éγδdes celγiqδes Sdedia Celdo-Slafica I (Colebaine, ) ( ) pp. – . pp. – . ‘Conn Céthptwph2 twt xmpvt ou xstpl zxnv‘Cú aoí pns bvyptovor2 p stusy xn htwonxr’, swxp xn tprly mtsxtvpl Irtlpns’, ibcd pebibcd pebliched in8 Proceedings of γhe 2econd liched in8 2γδdia Celγica Fennica ( ) Inγernaγional Colloqδiδm of 2ocieγas Celγopp. – . 2laεica. Sdedia Celdo-Slafica II (Moccog, ‘Orpl ppst pns wrxtttn prtstnt xn ‘ht Fxns), pp. – . xnv ou twt cáxn’’, ibcd pebliched in8 4lidia

‘9utohtwons pns Otwtrworlss xn Ctltxr . Proceedings of γhe 2econd Inγernaγional pns blpvxr’, ibcd pebliched in8 Celγs and Conference on γhe 4lsγer Cθcle of 3ales 2laεs in Cenγral and 2oδγheasγern Eδrope. (Mainoodh, ), pp. – . Sdedia Celdo-Slafica III (Zagbeb, ), ‘ht Mxvrptxon ou twt boul xn Eprly Irxsw pp. – . cplts’, ibcd pebliched ac he migbadion of ‘bxvnxirpnrt ou ptntpss xn tprly Irxsw pns Indhe coel in De chophδr in dБ mδccida and sxpn sourrts2 Cpst ou ivt sxrtrtxons’, ibcd odheb eabli Ibich dalec in8 4lidia . Proceedpebliched in8 2acred 3opologθ of Earlθ Ireings of γhe hird Inγernaγional Conference land and Ancienγ India. 1eligioδs Paradigm on γhe 4lsγer Cθcle of 3ales (Beblin, ), 2hit. Joebnal of Indo-Eebopean Sdediec pp. – . Monogbaph Sebiec (Wachingdon D.C., ‘Goxstlxr wysronyms xn Ptoltmy’s Gto), pp. – . vrppwy2 Mytw qtwxns twt npmt’, ibcd peb-

‘ht ivt prxmtvpl trtts xn Eprly Irxsw, liched in8 2γδdia Indogermanica Lodιiensia Gnostxr pns Mpnxhptpn rosmolovxts’, , , pp. – . ibcd pebliched in8 Cosmos ( ), ‘bwxntwtrs xn Ctltxr lpnss’, ibcd pebliched pp. – . in8 Mediδm Aeεδm uoγidianδm , , ‘ht Dindṡenhas ou Irprus2 twt zxnv, twt pp. – . sruxs pns twt proqpqlt trtt’, ibcd peb- ‘Fxntpn mpr Bohrp2 Irxsw syntwttxr wxstory liched in8 9eiγschrit für celγische Philologie rtvxsxtts’, ibcd pebliched in8 2γδdia Celγo( ), pp. – . 2laεica VI (Lodj, ), pp. – .


Hiberno-Rossica: ‘znowltsvt xn twt rlouss’ xn Ols Irxsw pns Ols aussxpn∗ Inγrodδcγion


pbecend dicceccion aimc do deal gidh one babe ehample of fobmelaic cimilabidiec in Old Ibich and Old Reccian poedic cpeech. In dhe pacd feg ieabc cefebal cdediec hafe appeabed defoded do dhe aeecdion of CeldoSlafic icogloccec ob cobbecpondencec in dheonimicc and midhopoedic langeage (F – 8 – 9 8 – 9 8 – 9K – 8 – ). Hebe ge chall deal gidh dgo pabdicelab poedic fbagmendc fbom Eabli Ibich and Mediefal Reccian dehdc gidh a cpecial emphacic on dhe cemandicc and dhe belec of poedic diccoebce ghich abe common do bodh ehamplec. An atempd ic made do dackle dhe pboblem of a common Indo-Eebopean ancecdbi fob dhe fobmela diccecced, and fob celdebal bealidiec ghich dhic fobmela belecdc. Ac C. Wadkinc ceggecded, a fobmela in Indo-Eebopean poedic cpeech ic pbimabili dedebmined bi cemandic facdobc8 a fobmela ic an ehpbeccion of an idea, of an ideological ob celdebal modife impobdand do come cociedi. he idendidi of dhe fobm and gobdc, in Wadkinc fieg, ic nod nececcabili impobdand8 ghad enablec ec do cai dhad dgo etebancec abe fabiandc of dhe came fobmela ic dhe idendidi of dheib condend, and dhe impobdance of dhad condend liec in dhe cocial condehd (Wadkinc fiegc cemmabiced in M ć 8 ). Of coebce ac begabdc dhe kind of cemandic fobmelae dhad ge abe going do deal gidh in dhic chapdeb, dhe folloging aeecdion mecd be baiced8 hog doec one pbofe dhad celdebal patebnc abe genedicalli beladed? I gill dbi do demoncdbade come poccible coledionc do dhic pboblem, and in ani cace I can onli agbee gidh Madacofić, dhad dhe dehdeal cobbecpondencec in poedic fobmelae choeld nod be becdbicded do dhe edimologicalli idendical cindagmc in IE langeagec, bed dhoce gidh cobbecpondend meaning and condehd choeld alco be daken indo accoend (M ć 8 ).

. Immacallam in drδad Brain ocδs inna banḟБγho Febδil hУas Loch Ḟebδil he ibcd dehd ic an Old Ibich poem Immacallam in drδad Brain ocδs inna banḟБγho Febδil hУas Loch Ḟebδil ( he dialogee of Bban c dbeid and Febel c pbophedecc abofe Loch Febeil , febdheb IDB). he poem hac been colladed and edided gidh ∗

All dbancladionc, enlecc odhebgice noded abe mine. I am gbadefel do J. Cabei, M. Fomin and S. Mac MadhНna fob dheib help and ceggecdionc concebning dhic chapdeb.

. Hibebno-Roccica8

a dbancladion bi J. Cabnei ( ), a neg edidion and dbancladion bi J. Cabei hac appeabed in (C 8 – ). Cabei hac indebpbeded come bealidiec diffebendli and hac alco ofebed a neg dade fob dhe poem c compocidion. In mi dicceccion I gill ece bodh edidionc ac gell ac mi ogn beading of dhe maneccbipdc.¹ he Dialogee concicdc of eighd cdanjac, foeb etebed bi Bban c dbeid, and foeb bi Febel c pbophedecc (banḟБiγh, bodh dheib namec abe enknogn) ac dhei condemplade Loch Febeil (mod. Loegh Foile) ghich had inendaded dhe...

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