Summary of Harriet PDF

Title Summary of Harriet
Author Yu Heng Yu
Course Principles of Business Administration
Institution York University
Pages 4
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Summary of Harriet’s life 1)Harriet” timeline show up in the book? (人生阶段) Ages: 0-6, 12, 14, 15, 22 2) Events that serve as turning point of her future? -mom dead -was sent to a lovely mistress -lovely mistress died -was sent to serve Dr.Flint’s family -turning 15, Dr.Flint abused her in a sexual way -Had sex with Mr. Sand and had baby -was sent to plantation -ran away from plantation and hid in the shed -got on the boat and head to New York journey -Journey in England 3) In 10 sentences to summarize Harriet’s story living in the South? Harriet Jacobs is a descendent of an enslaved family. Between 0-6, her family offers her love and protects her well. Her life starts to change after the death of her mother. She makes notice of her identity as a slave when she was sent off to her mother’s mistress. Nightmare embarks when she was sent to serve Dr. Flint’s family. During the time period working for the inhuman master, Harriet has to bear harassment in both sexually and mentally that those serve to illustrate owner’s absolute power. At age of 15, Harriet has 2 children with other white man, which arouses the jealousy of Dr. Flint and ordering her to work on plantation. Concerning about her children’s future, she eventually makes efforts to run away from Dr. Flint’s control. 4) In 10 sentences to summarize Harriet’s life in the north? After years of hiding, Harriet catches an opportunity heading to New York. 5) In 10 sentences to summarize chapter 8? According to slaveholders, escaped slaves end up starving to the death. Harriet concluded that the information is not credible after hearing her enslaved friend in New York. However, the truth was not educated to all slaves. Many of them rather to forgive freedom to satisfy their physiological needs. (4) Harriet found out that the lie is the strategy that slaveholders use to discourage slaves from escaping. (5) She then further expresses that violence and power from White men was what drive them to become a slave. (6) 6) Analysis of chapter 8? This chapter focus on exposing strategy that slaveholders manipulate slaves’ perception of the North. Majority of slaves lack the ability to read. Since they are unable to read newspaper, most of their knowledge are learned from their slaveholders. Slaves accept the rumors that northern states are terrible. This thought is rooted in slaves’ mind and therefore they commit not to escape. Furthermore, the chapter also reveals that slaveholders often dishonest with their slaves. The more lies that Harriet learned solidifies Harriet’ determination of escaping the South. Failed to comprehend north circumstances accurately. -Jacob is educated. -illustrate slaveholder’s dishonesty. Which in term predicting Harriet’s escape later on. The more lies that she learned -expose how slaveholders are dishonest with their slaves -southerner concerns only for their personal gain -since majority of slaves lack the ability to read. Most of their knowledge learned from their slaveholders. That lead to the lack of individual thinking. Slaves accept the rumors that northern states are terrible. This thought is rooted in slaves’ mind and therefore they commit not to escape.

7) I was wondering why does Jacob spend effort writing Chapter 8? What is her purpose? (what motivate Jacobs doing this? ) -insight/more details about slave’s living condition. -Struggle for freedom, but in this chapter actually do the opposite, slave willing to give up freedom -touch the concept of moral corruption -human nature of personal gainHarriet also has some of this characteristic that is why she can left off her children. 8) What is the significant message hiding behind this chapter that Harriet want to convey? (중심 생각) -the most significant message behind this chapter is that it massages human moral and what can make people human? -freedom or life? -value of living -in this chapter contradicts itself by first say people will be think of liberty is more significant that life, however it follows up addressing the reality. The reality is that the power from White oppress their desire of earning freedom. Why Harriet contradict itself? It emphasizes that freedom is sumptuous for slaves when they don’t even meet their basic human needs. It is what they desire but they fail to fulfill their basic human needs. Fail to fulfill the claimed values -and it touch the bar idea opposite of the reality.

9) what is the effect/benefit/disadvantage/effectiveness to overall 作品? What are the values? a) In what way does this chapter sums up what has occurred of the previous chps? (okay on notebook) (chp8 provides a summary of what has occurred in previous chapters. How does it do it? How-answer has to be in action not 정지). Making sense that Harriet, who has been betrayed by many white men, eventually become a person who skeptical everything they say.

b) anticipates what will come of the plotline. (okay)0 illustrate slaveholder’s dishonesty. Which in term predicting Harriet’s escape later on. The more lies that she learned Making sense that Harriet, who has been betrayed by many white men, eventually become a person who skeptical everything they say. human nature of personal gainHarriet also has some of this characteristic that is why she can left off her children.

10) what if the book is written without chapters such as chp8? How different? Will what reader perceive be different? -it serves one significant role as it is used as evident showing the dishonest of slaveholder. Making sense that Harriet, who has been betrayed by many white men, eventually become a person who skeptical everything they say. 11) Do I agree with her approach? Why? Evidence? -I agree with Harriet’s approach of borrowing and incidents like this to prove their personality.

11) reveal Jacobs 向往/充满希望/负面? -厌恶这个 system 12 reader can understand what she is looking for?

Choose one isolated chapter sums up what has occurred of the plotline. Choose one isolated chapter anticipates what will come of the plotline. Choose one isolated chapter and discuss about the value.

Email: Hi Professor Flagel, I hope you have a wonderful Friday. While working the essay assignment, I have few questions which I hope you could take some time to answer. First of all, Harriet in Chapter 8 borrows story to discuss about reason that many slaves decided not to escape. This chapter therefore is a anecdote. could you also please confirm is this chapter qualified to be used answering topic 2? In addition, I would like to have a confirmation that the goal of topic 2 is to discuss the value of chapter 8 serve to the main plotline, which is Harriet’s personal story? I would really appreciate it if you could forward confirmation. Regards...

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