Summary of The Boarded Window PDF

Title Summary of The Boarded Window
Author Fatihah Shazeera binti Ahmad Azizi
Course Integrated Language Skills II
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 4
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this is a summary assignments for ELC 151...


Summary of The Boarded Window.

There is a man who lived alone in a logs house at the forest name Murlock. No one ever known him to speak or smile. His little log house had a single door and directly opposite was a window. No one knew why the window is always closed and it is not about the man’s dislike of air and light. He has a white long hair and beard. His face was wrinkled even though he was at his fifty but no on knew what causes that makes him aging. One day Murlock died, and was buried near the cabin next to his wife, who died many years earlier. Before this tragedy, Murlock was a strong young man who loved his wife deeply. However, one day he returned to the cabin to find her wracked by a fever, and after three days, she died. Though stunned by grief, Murlock knew enough to bury her. He was rather surprised at the way he fumbled in his grief. He adjusted her hair and decided he would make the coffin and bury her tomorrow. He sat in a chair and put his face in his hands. At that moment, a loud cry came in through the window, but Murlock did not stir. He woke later in the night, and heard sounds like bare feet on the floor. Suddenly, something pushed hard against the table, and he heard a loud thump and a scuffle in the dark. When he put his hand on the table again, he was horrified to find that his wife's body was gone! He grabbed his rifle and fired into the darkness. In the brief flash, he saw a panther attempting to drag his wife's body into the darkness outside. Murlock passed out.When he woke, he found his wife's body in disarray. There was blood flowing from her throat that had not yet coagulated, and the ribbon that he used to bind her hands was snapped. But to his great horror, he found clenched between her teeth a fragment of the animal's ear.

2 theme of this story

One of the themes that emerges from this story is failure. The man’s zeal for agriculture had burned with a failing flame.' At the end of his life, Murlock is about 50 years old, but looks closer to 70 because of the burden of life he carried. After Murlock's wife becomes ill and he erroneously thinks she has died, Murlock fails to properly prepare her body. Murlock's occasional failures to accomplish some simple and ordinary act filled him with astonishment. Murlock's failures led to their life on a farm that was too far away to get help when they needed it, mistaking his wife for dead, and improperly preparing her for burial in a way that leads a panther to attack her and actually kill her. From this theme I can relate to it because everyone has fail once in life. I once feel likes Im not deserve to be alive and I have become likes deadless soul. Another theme from this story is grief. It is apparent that Murlock loves his wife as when she falls ill, he does not leave her side for three days as he tries to nurse her back to health, but fails. Once he believes she is dead, he is surprised that he did not weep surprised and a little ashamed. He thinks that perhaps the grief will come when she has been buried and is no longer in sight. It becomes apparent that the real reason Murlock is not grieving is because his heart could not contain it all, nor his imagination rightly conceive it. Murlock ends up suffering grief for most of his life. I also have feeling like that, who even do not feeling sad in his life. I have sad about many things in my life, because of failure, love, friends and family. I once regret do things that cause me sad and I have thinking about it until now.

Favourite part in the story

My favourite part in this story of The Boarded Window when the part about Murlock and his wife. He had married a young woman, in all ways worthy of his honest love and loyalty. She shared the dangers of life with a willing spirit and a light heart. There is no known record of her name or details about her. They loved each other and were happy. One day Murlock returned from hunting in a deep part of the forest. He found his wife sick with fever and confusion. There was no doctor or neighbor within miles. She was in no condition to be left alone while he went to find help. So Murlock tried to take care of his wife and return her to good health. But at the end of the third day she fell into unconsciousness and died. This shows how much his love for her wife but he can’t deal to not be grief when his wife passed away. But he still regret, if he never build a house in the deep forest without a neighbour and far from the nurse, his wife would still be alive.

My most hated character and how it will affect my life if the character is someone close to me

Murlock appears to have had an adventurous spirit in his youth, but life's failures, including his inability to make it as a farmer and his wife's death, have taken their toll on him. He is one of the very few original settlers in the frontier near Cincinatti who did not move on in hopes of finding a better life. He lives alone in a log house in the forest and survives by selling the skins of the animals he hunts.When he passes, he dies alone of natural causes and is buried next to his wife near the cabin.The most significant event in his life is the death of his wife, whom he tries for 3 days to nurse back to health, but then attempts to prepare her for burial on his own. It is unclear if the preparations include incantations or are merely physical. Murlock is disturbed that his grief does not come immediately or in a way that he considers conventional, but he does experience grief in a deep way for the remainder of his life. When he wakes from a dream and finds his wife missing, he is terrified and shoots blindly at whatever is in his house. I hate him because he was so selfish, he can logicaly thinks that if anything happens likes he or his wife will sick or there is wild animals disturb them in the forest. If he is a close friend of mine, I think I will avoid him because he will not thinking the after effect of his behavior and it will makes me on trouble....

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