Summary UAS PDF

Title Summary UAS
Course Manajemen Operasi
Institution Universitas Indonesia
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CHAPTER 12 INVENTORY MANAGEMENTObj : mencapai keseimbangan antara inventory investment dan c/sInv manajemen penting >> low cost strategyFungsi inventory :a. Menyediakan barang pilihan u/ mengantisipasi demand cust & memisahkan firms dari fluctuations in demand. b. u/ memisahkan...




Obj : mencapai keseimbangan antara inventory investment dan c/s Inv manajemen penting >> low cost strategy Fungsi inventory :


menggunakan pareto principle. “critical few and trivial many” >> focus ke inventory yg critical, bukan trivial, karena tdk realistic memonitor inventoy inexpensive with same way with very expensive. Nentuin annual dollar volume : annual demand each inventory X cost/unit.

a. Menyediakan barang pilihan u/ mengantisipasi demand cust & memisahkan firms dari fluctuations in demand. b. u/ memisahkan bagian untuk produksi. c. Mengambil manfaat dgn quantity discount.>> kalo beli barang banyak bisa lebih murah COGSnya/ delivery cost d. Pagar u/ menghindari inflasi dan kenaikan harga TYPE INVENTORY a. Raw material inventory : udah purchase blm di prosess. >> mengeliminasi supplier variability (berubah ubah) di quantity, quality, delivery time. b. WIP : raw material yg udah ada perubahan tp belum selesai.>> happens karena ada cycle time di produksi (waktu terlama), reducing cycle time=reducing inventory. c. Maintance/repair/operating(MRO): supplies yg dipake u/ machinery dan process productive. d. Finished goods inventory : barang udh jadi dan nunggu untuk di kirim. >> future cust are unknown. MANAGING INVENTORY ABC ANALYSIS : -membagi inventory yg dipegang dalam 3 klasifikasi menurut volume dollar.

Class A : high annual dollar dollar volume Class B : Medium annual dollar volume Class C: Low Annual dollar volume INVENTORY MODELS Independent VS Dependent Demand >> nentuin sebuah item itu independent or dependent ke item lain Inventory Models for Independent Demand >>when to order and how much to order 1. Basic Economic order quantity (EOQ) models 2. Production order model 3. Quantity discount model

Basic Economi ic order quantity (EOQ) models ASSUMPTION: 1. Demand for item is known, constant, dan independent decision u/ item lain 2. Lead time – waktu antara penempatan dan penerimaan order – known dan constant 3. Penerimaan untuk inventory seketika dan complete >> datang dari batch 1 4. Quantitity discount mungkin didapat 5. VC : setting up/placing order dan cost untuk menyimpan baran 6. Stockout sangat mungkit untuk dihindari kalo order datang tepat waktu.

“Newsstand problem” >> barang yang ga habis gabisa dipake lagi untuk periode berikutnya >> decision making di beginning period. E.g : seasonal goods, bakery goods, news paper Assume menggunakan probability distribution related to demand. Fixed Period System Fixed quantity >> Setiap order inventory jumlah quantitynya sama.>orders are event triggered – inventory decrease to reorder point, baru mulai order Q. Menggunakan system Perpetual inventory system>> tiap ada barang keluar atau datang harus dicatatat FIXED PERIOD SYSTEM > pesen barang di pada time interval yg udah ditentukan.

Demand constant over time >> inventory drops at uniform rate over time. Minimizing cost SINGLE PERIOD MODEL Situasi dimana satu pesanan ditempatkan untuk satu produk.

CHAP 14 CHAP 6 Managing Quality Managing quality → help build successful strategy of differentiation, low cost, & response.

e.g : defining cust quality expectations >> differentiate its product as among in the best in the world. Produce product with low cost by developing effiecient pricess that produce consistence quality Dell rapidly respondes to cust order Improved quality >> increase profitability and allow cost to drop as increase productivity, lower rework and scraps. Quality >> effect the entire org from suppliers to cust from product design to maintenance.

1. Company reputations → quality menunjukkan persepsi ttg produk baru perusahaan, penerapan karyawan, hub supplier. 2. Product Liability → reduce risk. Productnya harus aman dan nyaman. 3. Global implications → product harus memenuhi kualitas scr global, design, dan ekspektasi harga. ISO 9000 Internasional Quality Standart → kualitas standart yg sudah diakui dunia.>> berfokus pada 8 quality managing principles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Top management leadership Customers satisfaction Continual improvement Involvement of people Process analysis Use of data-driven decision making System approach to management Mutually beneficial supplier relationship.

Cost of Quality (COQ) Operation manajemen obj → build total quality management that identifies and satisfied cust need. Quality → keseluruhan fitur dan karakteristik>> dari sebuah product/service >> menghasilkan kemampuan u/ memenuhi>> kebutuhan yg tersirat/ditetapkan (stated). Dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian ; a. User based → better performance, nicer features, others. b. Manufacturing based → menyesuaikan dgn standart dan “ making it right for the first time” c. Product based → melihat quality dgn “ tepat dan measurable variable”. Implications of quality :

1. Prevention cost → berkaitan pengurangan potensi defect pada part/services e.g : training, quality improvement program 2. Appraisal cost → berkaitan evaluasi produk, proses, parts and services. E.g : testing, labs.inspectors 3. Internal failure cost → hasil dari produksi dari defect parts/services sebelum dikirim ke pelanggan. E. g : rework, scrap, downtime 4. External failure cost → cost yg terjadi setelah pengiriman dari parts/services yg defect. E.g : rework, returned goods, lost goodwill, cost to society. 1-3 mudah di estimasi, 4 sangat sulit untuk diukur.

Total Quality Management → keseluruhan manajemen dari sebuah organisasi >> sehingga product/services dapat unggul dalam seluruh aspek >> yang penting untuk cust. Seven concept for effective TQM program : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Continuous Improvement Six Stigma Employee empowerment Benchmarking JIT Taguchi concept Knowledge of TQM tools

Continuous Improvement → TQM membutuhkan “never ending” process >> meliputi people, equipment, suppliers, materials, dan prosedur. >> operation can be improved. Plan-Do-Check-Act

Six Sigma → Strategy, discipline, set of tools Statistical : prosess, product/services >> dengan extremely high capability (99,997%) Program : program yg didesign >> u/ mengurangi defect >> membantu pengurangan cost, saving time, meningkatkan cust satisfaction. Employee Empowerment → melibatkan karyawan >> dalam semua step proses produksi. Technique : 1. Building comm networks including employees 2. Developing open and supportive supervisors 3. u

Benchmarking → memilih standart kinerja yang diperagakan untuk mewakili kinerja terbaik dari aktivitas. >> best practices found in other firms/divisions. Baca contoh dibuku. Steps : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Menentukan apa yang akan di benchmark Form a benchmark team Identify benchmark partners Collect and analyze benchmark inform Take action to match / exceed the benchmark

Measurement →percentage of defects, cost per unit or per order, processing time per unit, service response time, return on investment, customer satisfaction rates, and customer retention rates.

Kaizen → undending improvement >> setting anc achieving of ever higher goals.

Internal benchmarking→ when org is large enough to have many divisions>> bisa internal benchmarking. CHAP 15 Scheduling in the short-term

Effective scheduling → companies drive down cost & meet promised due date. WHY scheduling is important ?

Short term schedules → mengubah > capacity decision, aggregate plans, master schedules > menjadi job sequence dan specific assignment > ttg personnel, materials, dan machinery.

1. Internally scheduling : faster movement of g/s melalui penggunaan fasilitas dan asset scr optimal. → result : lower cost 2. Externally scheduling : faster hasil produksi, menambah flexibilitas, dependable delivery, improve c/s Scheduling issues → scheduling begins dgn membuat planning capacity

Capacity plans → dibuat berdasarkan period dari new equipment & facilities yg di design, di bangun, di beli, dan di shutdown. Aggregate plans → hasil dari sales&operating planning > terkait pembuatan decision > ttg penggunaan facilities, inventory, people, outside contractors.

Obj scheduling →mengalokasi dan memprioritise demand >untuk tersedia di facilities. 3 hal yg mempengaruhi scheduling : (1) generating schedule forward/backward (2) finitie/infinite loading (3) priorities for sequencing job

Master schedule → break downs > aggregate plans > & developed weekly schedule u/ produk spesifik/produk lines.

Forward and Backward Schedulling

Forward → memulai scheduling dgn CHAP 16...

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