Surpass 2 Teacher\'s Book PDF

Title Surpass 2 Teacher\'s Book
Author Lou Murphy
Course ingles
Institution Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamac
Pages 172
File Size 10.7 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 81
Total Views 185


Libro de ejercicios de ingles
¿Cuál es la importancia de aprender inglés?
Hablar inglés te permitirá conocer otras culturas y estilos de vida. Podrás conocer gente nueva alrededor del mundo, comprender sus hábitos y costumbres. Además saber inglés nos ayudará a entender mejor nuestra pr...




INTRODUCTION SURPASS is an imaginative six-level series for adult and young-adult English learners. The course is designed to help student s master the skills that are essential for everyday conversation, academic study, and real-world workplace interaction, so that they can communicate naturally and effectively. SURPASS is structured according to the guidelines of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) and leads learners from the basic introductory A1 level to the C1 operational proficiency level. Employing a communicative learning approach that incorporates interactive, task-based learning activities, the course offers plentiful opportunities to achieve desired learning outcomes throughout the learning process. With a variety of tasks designed for students to talk and write about their own thoughts and experiences, learners are able to immerse themselves in the language and develop the necessary tools to express themselves confidently.

KEY FEATURES A Well-Balanced Curriculum The aim of a well-balanced curriculum is to provide suf ficient amounts of input in each of the various language domains, rather than focusing solely on any particular one. Students receive vocabulary and grammar input from the diverse selection of content and progressively integrate it into their language usage. Following this comprehensive method, students are able to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills together.

Systematic Unit Structure Each lesson consists of a variety of sub-topics that relate to the unit’s central theme. Students complete a range of activities based on each theme, allowing them to develop a familiarit y with the target language in context. This method of organization gives students the opportunity to deepen their language learning and to expand their knowledge about each topic.

Engaging Activities Following a personalized learning approach, students discuss and develop their ideas on a number of topics with fun and stimulating activities. The various discussion formats give students the opportunity to express and encounter a variety of personal opinions, promoting competency and retention through repeated practice.

Focus on Functional Language Students are introduced to numerous forms of practical, communicative language taken directly from real-life situations. Applied-learning tasks in each lesson ensure that students have ample opportunit y to practice using newly-acquired vocabulary and structures in the context of everyday scenarios.

Step-by-Step Approach Integrated lesson objectives are broken down into several smaller steps to allow students to gradually develop and strengthen competency. Content from each step is later reincorporated into larger comprehensive exercises to consolidate the material students have learned.


A (Lesson 1) – vocabulary, listening, grammar and speaking activities

A (Lesson 2) – reading, listening, and speaking activities

COURSE COMPONENTS Student Book with MP3 Files – There are ten units in each Student Book. Each unit consists of five two-page lessons (A, B, and C) that include vocabulary, grammar, and listening, reading, speaking, and writing activities. – A Review Test section follows every two units to consolidate what students have learned. – Listening Scripts from the listening activities are included in the Student Book. – A Grammar Reference section with useful examples and clear explanations helps students further review each unit’s target grammar. – MP3 files for listening activities and reading passages are provided at

Workbook The Workbook serves to supplement the lessons in the Student Book, with six pages of material in each unit. It provides vocabulary and grammar practice with additional reading materials related to each unit’s topic.

Teacher’s Book – The Teacher’s Book defines lesson objectives and provides practical teaching guidelines for each page of the Student Book. – More ideas offers expanded learning content with additional activities to supplement each lesson. – Useful information provides background information on subjects mentioned in the lessons to further flesh out the context. – Language tips gives helpful linguistic information about the items presented in the Student Book. – A Graphic organizer is provided for each reading passage to help teachers break down and analyze the material. – Sample answers for all activities, as well as sample Comprehension questions for listening and reading are provided. – Various assessments including ten Unit Tests and Midterm and Final Tests are provided. – Answer key for the Workbook is included.

Interactive Whiteboard Material The Interactive Whiteboard Material includes all materials found in the Student Book and the Workbook including texts, audio files, answers to all activities, sample answers, and useful expressions for speaking and writing tasks. It is designed to help teachers prepare and organize their lectures while creating interest among their students.

Learning Management System – The Learning Management System sends out student reports and helps teachers easily check and keep track of students’ progress. – Online Practice and Unit Tests in the LMS are provided at for each unit. – LMS serves to help students review what they have learned in class and allows teachers to manage their classes more effectively.

B (Lesson 3) – vocabulary, listening, grammar and speaking activities

B (Lesson 4) – reading, listening, and speaking activities

C (Lesson 5) – an output-focused part of the unit

Contents Unit 1


1A I'm from …

countries & nationalities

the verb be

My Wedding Day

1B I'm into …

free-time activities

love, like, enjoy, hate + -ing

Work Hard, Play Hard!

1C Practical English



Social expressions

6 12 18

Unit 2 2


2B Talking about appearance 2C Practical English

adjectives to describe appearance

adverbs of manner

Welcome to B & H

27 33

Talking about similarities and differences

Review Test 1 Units 1& 2


Unit 3 3A Things I need every day

everyday items

simple present

Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Lemons


3B Is it yours?

describing items

possessive pronouns possessive adjectives

Upcycling: Finding New Uses for Old Things


3C Practical English


Everyday shopping

Unit 4 4A This is my house

parts of a house

articles: a, an, the

Living on the Ice


4B Inside a house

describing rooms


A Room of My Own


4C Practical English


Finding a place to live

Review Test 2 Units 3 & 4


Unit 5 5A How I met you

relationship-related words

simple past statements

Truth or Dare?


5B What we do

Phrases with get

indefinite pronouns

Charity Events


5C Practical English

Join the group!


Unit 6


6A I lost my wallet!

verbs in the past tense

simple past questions

6B I don't feel well

health problems and remedies

should for advice

6C Practical English



It all started with a lost hammer … 86 Common Cold Remedies around the World

Talking about health-related issues

93 99

Review Test 3 Units 5 & 6


Unit 7 imperatives modals for request

7A In the kitchen

verbs related to cooking

7B Eating out

adjectives for describing food so, too, either, neither

7C Practical English

Foods That Are Better Homemade 104 Hong Kong Food Guide

110 116

Writing a review

Unit 8 8A Anything special?

weekend-related expressions

present perfect

Weekend Fun with Fido

8B Going far away

words for describing the weather

present perfect vs. simple past

Around the World in Eleven Years 126

8C Practical English

At the airport



Review Test 4 Units 7& 8


Unit 9 9A Life events

life events

modals for prediction: will, might

The Milestones of Life


9B I'm well prepared


infinitives of purpose

What's Your Job Like?


9C Practical English


Good news, bad news

Unit 10 10A I'll show you around

buildings and structures

comparative adjectives

Building on the Past


10B Amazing views

geographical features

superlative adjectives

Exploring Hang Son Doong


10C Practical English

Writing a postcard


Review Test 5 Units 9 & 10


Unit Tests


Midterm & Final Tests


Test Answer Key


Workbook Answer Key



I’m from … Lesson 1

Warm up

Lesson objectives – – – –

To discuss countries and nationalities To talk about places one is from or is living in To ask and answer questions using the verb be To give a short introduction of yourself

1. Draw attention to different countries by asking students where they are from (cities, countries) and what places the students have visited. You can talk about different countries, famous cities or tourist destinations, and different countries’ food. Sample questions Where are you from? Do you like to travel? Which countries have you been to? Which cities did you visit? What’s famous in Rome? What food did you try there?

Vocabulary Countries Germany Mexico South Korea Australia Egypt Brazil Italy Canada Spain Turkey Sweden United Kingdom Japan Vietnam China Portugal Greece France Thailand Switzerland

2. Introduce the topic of today’s lesson: countries and nationalities.

Nationalities German Mexican South Korean Australian Egyptian Brazilian Italian Canadian Spanish Turkish Swedish British Japanese Vietnamese Chinese Portuguese Greek French Thai Swiss

Grammar the verb be

1 VOCABULARY A 1. Ask students the questions in 1‐A. Have students talk about which countries they’ve traveled to and which countries they would like to visit. Discuss the most popular places that students have visited or would like to visit.

Sample answers Capital cities

1. Have students read the names of the countries listed in 1‐B and identify any countries they don’t know. Review and explain the words that students are not familiar with. 2. Ask students if they know the difference between countries and nationalities. Ask some questions to elicit common rules for forming nationality adjectives. Sample questions What country is Juan from? What is his nationality? How did the spelling change to form the nationality adjective? If I’m from Italy, what is my nationality?

3. Have students fill in the blanks with the missing countries and nationalities. 4. 1-02 Play the audio and check the answers as a class. Answers

A 1. Tell students they will listen to three conversations. 2. 1-04 Play the audio. Have students read the directions in 2‐A and check the correct sentences. 3. Check the answers as a class. Answers 1. Have students look at The World Quiz on pages 4‐5. Tell students they will take a quiz about flags, cities, landmarks, and currencies of different countries. 2. Ask students to read the sample answers for the first question of each section of the World Quiz. Explain the sample answers briefly and instruct students to form their own answers using the sample answers as a guide. 3. Split students up into pairs and have them take turns asking and answering the questions from the quiz. Encourage students to answer in complete sentences. 4. 1-03 Play the audio and check the answers as a class. Find out who did the best on the quiz. Answers

1. Tell students they will listen again. 2. 1-04 Play the audio. Instruct them to read the questions and write answers to the questions. 3. Check the answers as a class. Answers

PRONUNCIATION Play the audio. Instruct students to listen to each set of words carefully and repeat them. Have them notice the change in stress. 2. Split students up into pairs. Have them practice saying the words focusing on the word stress. 1.

Sample answers


3 GRAMMAR A 1. 1-06 Play the audio and instruct students to fill in the blanks. 2. Check the answers as a class. Answers

1. Split students up into pairs. Have students discuss which pronouns are used with am, are, and is. Answers

B 1. Split students up into groups of four. Have students take turns introducing themselves to their group members using the information from 4‐A. 2. Tell students to take notes on their group members during this activity as they will be using these notes for the next activity.

More ideas

Which be verb is used with the pronoun she? Which pronoun is used with am? When you ask someone a question, do you say ‘are you’ or ‘am you’?

2. Refer to the grammar reference on page 124 to introduce the lesson’s key structure: the verb be. You can review the structure by referring to the sentences in 3‐A or the listening scripts.

What’s your favorite food? What kinds of movies do you like? What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? What types of hobbies do you have? Do you have any pets? Do you know how to play any instruments?

C 1. Have students look at the tip box at the bottom of 3‐C to review the correct conjugation of the verb be. 2. Instruct students to complete the grammar exercise in 3‐C. 3. Check the answers as a class.

1. Have students split up into pairs with people who are not from their previous group. Instruct students to take turns telling their partner about the members of their previous group.

Answers Sample answers

A 1. Tell students they will write a short introduction about themselves and then use it to introduce themselves to other students. 2. Read the directions for 4‐A together. Discuss what kinds of things you talk about when introducing yourself to others. Then have students fill out the form with their own information.

the class.

More ideas

I’m from …


Lesson 2

Warm up

Lesson objectives – To talk about meeting family members from around the world – To talk about weddings and relatives – To identify specific information from reading or listening

1. Review vocabulary from the previous lesson by brainstorming some names of countries and their nationality adjectives. Then ask students if they know anyone, such as a friend or relative, who is from or lives in another country. Sample questions


Do you remember any countries from the previous lesson?

Family members father-in-law mother-in-law daughter parent husband


niece Do you have any friends from other countries?

Other words and phrases

2. Introduce the topic of today’s lesson: international weddings. girlfriend


Grammar the verb be

grocery store



5 READING A 1. Have students answer the questions in 5‐A. Encourage students to answer in complete sentences. Sample answers

More ideas Ask students some of the following questions to prepare them for the

What relatives come to a wedding? Who else can you see there? What do you call the man/woman getting married? What does the married couple call each other’s parents? Have you ever traveled abroad for a wedding? How was that wedding different from weddings in your country?

Language tips Wedding roles

Family members

B 1-07 Have students read through the passage silently (or play the audio and have students follow along). Review and explain the words that students are not familiar with. 2. Have students complete the family tree in 4‐B based on the reading. 3. Check the answers as a class.



C 1. Tell students to look at the sentences in 5‐C. Make sure they understand the sentences. 2. Direct students to mark the sentences true or false based on the passage and correct the false sentences. 3. Check the answers as a class. Answers

1. Have students look at the words in the box in 5‐D and make sure they understand their meanings. Have them fill in the blanks with the correct words. 2. Check the answers as a class. Answers

between fiancé and fiancée.

1. Tell students to draw their family tree including their family member’s names, ages, occupations, or any other details. 2. Split students up into pairs and have them take turns asking and answering questions about their family members. 3. If time permits after the pair activity, have students present their family trees and introduce their family members to the rest of the class.

Comprehension questions for reading

Graphic organizer People at the wedding Ming, 26

James, 30

James’s parents run a big grocery

1. Have students talk about family gatherings. Discuss when they see their family and relatives, and who comes or doesn’t come to these gatherings. James’s sister

Language tips

share who they talk to the most and who they like or look up to. Encourage students to give reasoning when answering the questions.

A 1. Tell students they will do a listening activity based on the passage. Have them look at the names and pictures in 6‐A and talk about who the people are. Have students refer to the sample sentence below the pictures. Encourage students to answer in complete sentences. Answers

1. Tell students they will listen to the people in the pictures congratulate the bride and groom. 2. 1-08 Play the audio. Instruct students to label the pictures in the order of who is speaking. 3. Check the answers as a class. Answers [ 1 ] Chenglei & Min

Language tips


I’m into … Lesson 3

Warm up

Lesson objectives – To discuss hobbies and leisure activities – To discuss degrees of like or dislike

1. Raise interest in vocabulary related to hobbies and free time activities by asking and answering some questions related to the topic. Sample questions What do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they? What activities do you like to do with friends? What activities do you do by yourself? What are your most common weekend activities...

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