SWOT Analysis. Disney PDF

Title SWOT Analysis. Disney
Author Derrick Onyango
Course Global Supply Chain Management
Institution Fanshawe College
Pages 5
File Size 84.5 KB
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This paper is a SWOT analysis of the Strategic Implications of Disney+....


SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis in the Disney business is used to analyze the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is used to examine the business from different angles to make valuable decisions to obtain objective or objectives (Yang, 2019). SWOT analysis may be used to curb difficult situations, examine the techniques used in management and the competitive landscape. SWOT analysis majorly looks at the company's internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is used to analyze one company at a time o obtain a clear result. Strengths This involves all the assets of the company, of any kind, that would be useful to the business during its launch. These focus only on internal strengths. One of the key strengths of Disney business is its name and way of influence. The influence it has on its customers will be able to affect how their consumers think, buy, and act. Some customers may be drawn to the business just because of the name. This may also lower their stress on marketing the business. Other strengths involved in Disney business are; branding that is recognized, positive brand image, and the company's marketing practices. Customers always expect high-quality products and services. Additionally, Disney has an incomparable loyal fan base. Customers will prefer to purchase products from the company, no matter how expensive they are because they feel it is worth it. At the same time, many families would purpose to visit the Disney parks many times in a year. The company’s unique marketing targets and appeal to all the ages is another strength for Disney business. It attracts majorly children who will eventually grow and become adults. These adults still end up loving Disney content or magic when they were yet children. The adults, too,

have their children and introduce them to the Disney world. At the end of it all, Disney can accommodate all the ages. Another strength is the company’s synergistic marketing process (Sturgill, 2019). This enables the products and contentment offerings of the business to flow directly into one another. It makes the customer's purchasing journey circular. In other words, their journey never ends. For instance, a child may want to watch one movie after another due to the favorite characters in the movie. Finally, the existing library content (Yang, 2019). This is brought about by owning the characters that become an integral part of many customers in their childhood and the popular culture as a whole. To make the characters exciting and loved by their customers depends on the way they keep the importance of Disney's primary foundational characters. The rights of the notable characters of popular cultures are owned by Disney business. This enables them to successfully manage every character's story. Weaknesses Another aspect of SWOT analysis is the internal weaknesses. At times, these may lead to the fall of the business if not considered and looked into keenly. The first weakness is that Disney business may have niche content offerings that the customers may not love (Sturgill, 2019). Disney may only produce family-friendly content that may be considered a dynamic extension. This may lead some of the customers not to subscribe to the Disney channel. For instance, a family might have outgrown children who are only interested in things like sports. The second weakness is the negative connotation of society. For example, some customers may believe that there is no need to have another Disney in their homes because they

think that it already influenced society enough. This belief is created by the way it influences culture and society. Another weakness is the company's reputation for selling expensive products and services (Sturgill, 2019). This may make most customers not to subscribe to Disney and will make Disney spend a lot in marketing trying to convince the customers to the company. Finally. Internal competition is another Disney internal weakness (Yang, 2019). Disney may experience a decrease in sales when another streaming Disney platform is introduced. Opportunities Another aspect of SWOT analysis is external opportunities. These are the beneficial external factors considered when starting up a Disney business. The first one is the company's pending acquisition. This will give the company even more profits and power enabling the company to rise above its competitors (Sturgill, 2019). This may also present future bundling opportunities in which Disney business may offer the customers who subscribe to them, a special deal, and even better their savings. The next opportunity is the potential for Disney business to buy the rights for early star walls films, one of the highest-grossing films, from Turner broadcasting. This will increase the content of the business. Another opportunity is the opportunity for Disney business to replace the current streaming services bought by a family. This may fit the needs of the family because it has entirely family-friendly content and is less expensive than the major competitors. The other opportunity is to realize that the children have advanced technologically to mean they control what they watch during their free time. This caused by various reasons. For instance, the use of technology in classrooms. Threats

The external threat is the last aspect of SWOT analysis. These factors may be harmful when starting up a Disney business. The first one is the maturity of the streaming platform market. This is because most customers will be reluctant to shift to a new service. After all, they had already chosen and became used to their preferred platforms. The presence of a strong competitor is another threat to Disney's business (Sturgill, 2019). This is because most customers will not like to switch to another platform since they have learned to enjoy existing platforms. Also, the technological advancement of the children poses a threat to Dubai Disney. Some parents try as much as possible to preserve the innocence of their children and shielding them from the real world because they have become anti-technology. Lastly is the restructuring of the Disney company that might lead to less availability of some content to the general public that may lead to the removal of some customers from the Disney synergistic marketing cycle (Yang, 2019).

References Sturgill, J. (2019). Beyond the Castle: An Analysis of the Strategic Implications of Disney+. Yang, J. (2019, August). Analysis of Business Operation Management under the Harvard Analytical Framework: A Case Study of the Walt Disney Company. In 1st International Symposium on Economic Development and Management Innovation (EDMI 2019). Atlantis Press....

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