Syllabus - MATH3305 Section 751 Summer 2021 PDF

Title Syllabus - MATH3305 Section 751 Summer 2021
Course Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Institution Texas State University
Pages 5
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Syllabus for MATH 3305 for Dr. Vera Ioudina...


MATH 3305 Syllabus

Department of Mathematics Texas State University

INTRODUCTION to PROBABILITY and STATISTICS Semester – Summer II 2021 Course – Math 3305 Section – 751 Time – MTWRF 12:00 pm – 1:40 pm Course website -

Instructor – Dr. Vera Ioudina Email – [email protected] Office Hours – MWTRF 1:50 – 2:30 pm

Classes and office hours will be held online. This is synchronously teaching class: we will meet during the scheduled class time using Zoom. Class attendance is mandatory. Access to a web camera and microphone are required for every class session. Course Description: This is a calculus-based probability and statistics course. Topics include probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous random variables, univariate and bivariate distributions of random variables, mathematical expectations, moment-generating functions, and distributions of functions of random variables. Prerequisite: Math 2472 with a grade of "C" or higher. The students are expected to demonstrate differentiation and integration skills. Objectives: The goal of this course is to introduce the concepts and properties of probability, random variables and their probability distributions and help students develop skills to apply them to solve practical problems. As your instructor, I advise you to be an active participant in every class session. This is the only way to succeed! Do your weekly homework assignments and quizzes. Work with your classmates in online discussions. Make online study groups: it is certainly a good idea to work together throughout the semester. Use my Zoom office hours if you have questions or concerns. Teaching Philosophy: Lectures, presentations, discussions, hands-on activities, use of real data, statistical software and online applets. Required Textbook: Mathematical Statistics with Applications by D.Wackerly, W.Mendenhall and R. Scheaffer, Cengage Learning, 7th. During the semester we will cover chapters 1 through 6 from the textbook. It is not required to buy a hard copy of the textbook. The eBook is included to WebAssign, our online homework platform. The textbook options: - (recommended) eBook: WebAssign Instant Access for Mathematical Statistics with Applications, ISBN 9781337901185 - Bundle: Mathematical Statistics with Applications + WebAssign Printed Access Card, ISBN 9780357004791 Required Class Handouts: Please download and print class handouts posted in Canvas, have them ready for every class session. Calculator: Any scientific, graphing or online calculator.

Technology Requirements: - All students are expected to have Internet connection in their personal computers, laptops, touchpads or mobile devices - To install Zoom in your computer or mobile device, use the link - Word, Excel and Adobe should be installed in your personal computer or laptop. Microsoft 365 and Adobe are available for free for all TxState students - Working microphone and camera are required - Please be sure you have working scanning app in your smartphone (Genius scan, Scannable, etc.) or home computer/scanner. Web site: Canvas is our course management system. All announcements, online quizzes, exams, Zoom meetings links, lectures recordings, lecture’s slides, and other studying materials will be posted in Canvas. It is your responsibility to check the course web site regularly. WebAssign will be used for your online homework. It is integrated with Canvas, no external link required. Enroll in WebAssig in Canvas: open the module WebAssign and click the link provided for registration. Zoom links: Class Meetings and Office Hours links with their passcodes are posted in Canvas, ZOOM module. Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory and will be collected using Canvas and Zoom. The summer session is very brief and intensive. Students are expected to attend each scheduled online class meeting. Being present, on time, and participating is important for understanding the material and therefore your success in the course. Getting behind by even one day will cause you to be confused and frustrated and it is very difficult to catch up after getting behind by any more than one day. Don't let that happen! If for some reason you are not able to attend the virtual class meeting, please use video recordings posted in Canvas. If you are absent, you are responsible for all the material covered in class. After two unexcused absences, 0.5 points will be dropped from your final grade for each class session missed. Online Lectures: To attend the lecture at scheduled class time, 12:00 – 1:40 pm on MTWRF, please use the Zoom link and password provided in Canvas. Important: • To be familiar with the class topic and make our online communication more effective, please use the lecture slides posted in Canvas before the class. I will clarify the content with more examples and class activities during the lecture time • You can ask questions during the lecture using the Zoom chart or your microphone. You are expected to be active participants • Class sessions will be recorded and saved; you will be able to watch them again using the link provided • During the online lecture, please have your calculator, handouts and statistical tables ready. Office Hours: I’ll held my office hours as scheduled, on Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 1:50 pm to 2:30 pm using Zoom meetings. Use the Zoom links posted in Canvas. Required Coursework: Weekly homework assignments in WebAssign, class quizzes and group projects in Canvas, four weekly exams and final exam.

Online Homework in WebAssign: It is the most important part of the student’s self-preparation during the summer session. A number of homework problems will be assigned from WebAssign online homework platform. The objective is to help the students develop a more in-depth understanding of the material covered in the lecture. Students are supposed to work out all homework problems. It is extremely helpful to do your online homework problems in writing (whenever appropriate). Keep all your notes and use them in your preparation for the exam. Please use a distributive practice: start working on the homework assignment after each class, don’t wait until the end of the week! Class Quizzes and Group Projects: Every week the students will take two or three short class quizzes and work on group projects during the class time. They will be based on current topics. No make-up for missed class assignments for any reason. Weekly Exams: Four 80 minutes weekly exams will be given online during the scheduled Zoom class meeting and submitted in Canvas. All exams will be video proctored and recorded. You will receive detailed instructions how to take and submit your exam prior to each test. It is allowed to make a compact formula chart and use it during each test. It must be submitted with your exam. All exam grading issues must be discussed with me within one week after this test during our virtual office hours. After the final exam no questions regarding the weekly exams will be looked at. No make-up for missed exams for ANY reason. If you are sick and not able to take an online exam, please contact Dean of Students Emergency Services to get an official excuse: I will re-weight the other exams after receiving an official confirmation. Final Exam: Final Exam is not comprehensive. It will be given online during the scheduled Zoom meeting and submitted in Canvas. You will be instructed about the final exam’s topics and rules. The date and time of the Final exam is Thursday, August 5, 2:00 pm – 4:30pm. The final exam date and time cannot be changed. Please check your personal calendar. No make-up exam will be given. Grading Policy: Your course grade will be based on weekly exams - 45%, homework - 15%, class quizzes and projects – 10% and a final exam - 30%. Grading scale: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (0-59) Technology and software: Graphing or scientific calculator, computer, EXCEL, statistical software and online applets. Resources and Help: Math CATS – DERR 238 Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC) provides virtual tutoring at Special Needs: Students with special needs, as documented by the Office of Disability Services, should identify themselves at the beginning of the semester. Please visit my virtual office hours. Important Dates: Last day to drop the course with no record – July 8, 2021 Last day to withdraw from the University – July 29, 2021

Academic Honesty Statement: Learning and teaching take place best in an atmosphere of intellectual fair-minded openness. All members of the academic community are responsible for supporting freedom and openness through rigorous personal standards of honesty and fairness. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty undermine the very purpose are outlined in the student handbook. All academic dishonesty issues will be taken quite seriously. Please be sure that you are familiar with the University Honor Code Unacceptable academic practices include, but are not limited to, cheating. Various forms of cheating include: - Copying another student’s work - Allowing your work to be copied - Allowing someone other than yourself to submit work in your name - Using unauthorized assistance on an assessment - Allowing someone other than yourself to take an assessment - Giving answers to other students. You have to understand that it is not permitted - to collaborate with other students enrolled in this course when you work on your online exams - to sick any outside help on all exams administrated online - to use external resources not provided by the instructor for use on all exams administrated online - to use online groups and forums to discuss course exams/quizzes and share solutions. Violation of any of these policies may result in the following disciplinary actions: - A zero grade on the assignment or exam - A failing grade or other denial of credit in the course - Reporting to the Honor Code Council - Disciplinary sanctions according to Texas State University’s Honor Code policies.


Tentative Schedule: Please note that this schedule is tentative. Some topics may require more time; therefore, the pace of the class may vary. Dates and topics are subject to change and you are responsible for hearing about any announced changes by regularly checking Canvas. You find the exact homework due dates in WebAssign.

Class Day 07.05 07.06 07.07 07.08 07.9 07.12 07.13 07.14 07.15 07.16 07.19 07.20 07.21 07.22 07.2 07.26 07.27 08.28 08.29 08.30 08.02 08.03 08.04 08.05

Chapter 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4, 4, 7 4 5 5 5


Topic Introduction. Random Sampling. Statistical Distributions Graphs and Numerical Summaries Experiments; Sample Space; Sets and Events. Counting Probability. Theoretical and Empirical Definitions. LLN Probability: Addition and Multiplication Rules. Law of Total Probability Week 1 Review and Exam 1 Discrete Random Variables: pmf, cdf, Expectations. DRV: Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution DRV: Geometric, Negative Binomial and Hypergeometric Distribution. Chebyshev’s Theorem. DRV: Applied problems and simulations. Week 2 Review and Exam 2 Continuous Random Variables: pdf, cdf, Expectations CRV: Uniform, Exponential, Standard Normal Distributions CRV: Normal Distribution. Normal Approximation to Binomial. Gamma and Chi-Square Distributions. Applications. Week 3 Review and Exam 3 Joint Distributions, discrete case. Joint Distributions, continuous case. Covariance, Correlation, Independence Joint Distributions: Applications Week 4 Review and Exam 4 Moments and Moment Generating Functions: Properties and Review. Last day of classes. Final Exam: Thursday, August 5, 2:00 pm – 4:30pm

Homework HW 1 HW 2 HW 3 HW 4 HW 5 HW 6 HW 7 HW 8

HW 9 HW 10 HW 11

HW 12 HW 13 HW 14

HW 15

Important Notes: - Read the course syllabus thoroughly before e-mailing me to ask a question about the rules and procedures of this course. - Please read the Class Communication Rules in Canvas/Course Documents. - When e-mailing me, please show the course number and subject of your message (eg: Math 3305 hw question) as I’m teaching two different courses this summer. - Ask immediately if you need help! I am here to help you learn.


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