Syllabus W22 - COMP 2150 PDF

Title Syllabus W22 - COMP 2150
Author steve smith
Course Object Orientation
Institution University of Manitoba
Pages 6
File Size 122.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 307
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COMP 2150: Object OrientationWinter 20221 Course descriptionDesign and development of object-oriented software. Topics will include inheritance, poly- morphism, data abstraction and encapsulation. Examples will be drawn from several pro- gramming languages.Prerequisite: COMP 2160; and one of COMP 21...


COMP 2150: Object Orientation Winter 2022


Course description

Design and development of object-oriented software. Topics will include inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction and encapsulation. Examples will be drawn from several programming languages. Prerequisite: COMP 2160; and one of COMP 2140 or COMP 2061. Please read the following note on prerequisites and anti-requisites:


Topics Basic Object Oriented (OO) programming Pointers, inheritance and polymorphism C++ basics and details Inheritance and polymorphism in C++ Different types of inheritance and substitution Methods and encapsulation Java interfaces OO in a dynamic language Orthodox Canonical Class Form (OCCF) Multiple Inheritance

Additional topics may be covered if sufficient time exists in the course.



Instructors Section: A01 A02 Instructor: Ali Neshati Olivier Tremblay-Savard Lectures: Tues/Thur 2:30-3:45 pm Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30-11:20 am Email: [email protected] [email protected]


Contacting your instructor

Students should post all the questions of a non-personal nature in the discussion forum of UMLearn. Using the forum will ensure that all students have access to the same information. When emailing your instructor for questions of a personal nature (only): Put [COMP 2150] in the subject followed by a meaningful email title. Send the email from your student email address. Include your full name in the body of the email. Generally, we will try to reply within one business day of receipt of the email. Sometimes the reply may come sooner or in some instances later than this, with a normal response within three business days; see also the Departmental Email Guidelines.

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Classes Winter 2022 situation

With the current pandemic situation, the University followed public health guidance and asked courses to be delivered remotely where possible. The University continues to monitor the developments of the latest pandemic situation and will provide an update as to whether in-person activities can be safely offered as per public health guidelines after February 26. Like all other University-wide announcements, we anticipate that the activity plans (be they remote or in-person) for after February 26 will be made by email as well as posted on the University website. Please keep an eye on these two sources for the announcement over the next few weeks as well as direction from your course instructor. Please understand that the following syllabus describes the current plan under the current circumstances. Changes to this syllabus might be necessary depending on the university’s future decision to resume in-person activities or to extend remote teaching.




This course will contain both asynchronous and synchronous activities.


Recorded lectures (asynchronous)

All of the course content will be pre-recorded and available in the form of videos. Recorded lectures for the week will be made available every Monday at 8 am on UMLearn. You are responsible for watching the recorded lectures every week, preferably before the synchronous classes (see next section).


Synchronous classes

There will be approximately one or two synchronous class(es) per week (depending on which section you are enrolled in), where we will engage in discussions and work on activities related to material in the recorded lectures. No attendance will be taken during these classes. We plan to use Webex for the synchronous classes, reserving the right to switch to a different video conferencing tool should unanticipated issues arise. Dates for the synchronous classes will be posted on UMLearn. You are encouraged to share your webcam during these synchronous classes. If you choose to do so, you must be presentable as if at the University.



You will be responsible for watching all the material presented in the pre-recorded lectures. Discussions in the synchronous classes will be a complement to the pre-recorded material. Relevant material should be reviewed before each synchronous class.


Course website


Recommended (NOT REQUIRED) textbook

Budd, Timothy, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, 3rd Ed., AddisonWesley.



Important dates

A tentative course timetable is available on the website (Course Schedule W22 - COMP 2150.pdf). Also, please see the Important Dates section of the U of M General Calendar for information on holidays, exams, and voluntary withdrawal dates.


Evaluation 4 assignments: 7.5% each (total: 30%) 2 midterms: 15% each (total: 30%) 1 final exam: 40%



There will be four assignments involving the design and implementation of object-oriented systems in more than one language. While we will be covering portions of the required languages in class, students will be expected to pick up the practice of working with these languages on their own while doing assignments (including how to compile and run them on various platforms). Each assignment will carry equal weight. You must adhere to the assignment guidelines to ensure your assignment will not be rejected. Assignments will be handed in using an assignment submission folder in UMLearn. Comments and marks will be displayed in the assignment submission folder and also recorded as grades. 8.1.1

Late submission penalties

Assignments will be due at a precise date and time. Late assignments will be penalized at 1% per hour (or part hour) that it is late for the first 48 hours. No assignments will be accepted after 48 hours.



There will be two midterm exams during the semester. These midterm exams could be held online or in person, depending on the university’s decision on whether in-person activities can be safely offered at the date of the midterm. Please consult the Course Schedule document and the UMLearn calendar for the dates of the midterms. The midterm exams will be held during regular class times. There will be no alternate or make-up midterm exams.



Final exam

The final exam will be 3 hours in length. The exam will be scheduled by the Registrar’s Office, in the time period of April 26th to May 3rd . You are reminded that you are obligated to make yourself available for the writing of the final exam.


Academic misconduct

Academic misconduct is a very serious offense and will be dealt with in accordance with the University’s discipline bylaw. Examples of academic misconduct include: submitting assignments which are not entirely your own work or providing your work to another student or students use of unauthorized material during a test or examination writing an examination for another person having another person write an examination for you ‘personation’ (i.e. providing your UMLearn login information to anyone else) discussing questions / answers or sharing any details, voluntarily or not, about quizzes / exams during the examinations or after completing them An online declaration form, which states that the work being submitted is completely your own, will be available on the course homepage (UMLearn). This form must be signed (electronically) before submitting the first assignment. Please also take a look at the student academic misconduct FAQ.


Due dates and medical notes

Due dates are firm. You are responsible for submitting your work on time and handing in the correct files. Computer or network problems are not valid excuses for submitting work late. You are strongly advised to submit assignments early: the submission folders on UMLearn will accept multiple submissions, and only the last (most recent) submission will be graded. Students who are unable to fulfill a course requirement for medical reasons will not be required to submit medical notes, unless multiple absences/missed deadlines occur. However, students are required to contact their instructor or academic advisor by email to inform them of the missed work and discuss alternative arrangements. If you are unable to meet an academic requirement for your course(s) because of medical reasons, please do the following:


If possible, contact your instructor for term work such as a quiz, midterm/test, assignment, lab exercise at least 24 hours prior to the due date. If you are unable to do that before the due date, you need to contact your instructor within 48 hours of the date of the missed academic work at the latest. In the case of a missed final exam (scheduled in the final examination period), you need to contact an academic advisor in your faculty of registration within 48 hours of the date of the exam. It is your home faculty that decides whether or not you are eligible to write a deferred exam.


Important notes about remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

The information contained in this syllabus represents the current plan under a best-case scenario. Unexpected circumstances or technical problems could make it necessary to alter some parts of this syllabus. If changes are necessary, they will be communicated on the course website in UMLearn. For this reason, it is your responsibility to regularly check the announcements, the calendar and the discussion forum in UMLearn. Students enrolled in this course must ensure they satisfy the following minimum technological requirements: A computing device where one can create and edit documents. A stable internet connection capable of streaming videos and downloading software, and allowing you to take online exams. Access to a web-cam and microphone.


Determination of letter grades

The minimum percentage grade required for D, C, C+, B, B+, A, and A+ will be 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, and 90%, respectively, plus or minus 5%. Adjustments will be made only to ensure grades are assigned fairly. For example, if three students received 67%, 69.95%, and 70.00%, with no others in that range, then the minimum B grade would be adjusted to 69% rather than 70% to avoid unfairly giving different letter grades for 69.95% and 70.00%.


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