Taak engels portfolio PDF

Title Taak engels portfolio
Author Alexander Devoght
Course Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen
Institution Thomas More
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1) Corporate Social Responsibility: Consumers Will Remember Companies That Led In 2020 The impact of coronavirus, along with economic, social and political upheaval across the U.S., is ushering in a new era for corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR has been evolving over the last decade, but current events are bringing about rapid change and heightened consumer expectations. Audiences have long demanded that companies contribute to the greater good through their business practices and by leveraging their influence. As millions of Americans now face the everyday impacts of economic decline and uncertainty, many are looking to companies to foster solutions. Recent calls for racial justice are further proof that CSR must be ingrained into every level of your business. Consumers and employees see through platitudes and hold companies accountable when their stated values and actions do not align. As a result, companies are listening and doing more than issuing statements by examining their hiring practices for diversity and inclusion. The current climate also presents challenges as many businesses fight for survival, but CSR can be an important part of recovery. CSR can power profitability because people will appreciate and remember companies that stepped up to lead in 2020 and beyond. As CEO and founder of a company constantly improving its own CSR, I’ve found there are three important characteristics of a successful and impactful CSR business model. Act as a problem-solver. CSR in 2020 requires companies to think more broadly about their impact. We’ve all seen — and probably participated in — volunteer days when employees gathered to build a house or serve meals at a local shelter. These projects are wonderful, but CSR requires taking these efforts up a level and asking, for example, how we can have an even greater long-term impact on generational poverty, affordable housing and hunger. For example, given that my company is headquartered near the zip code with the highest levels of poverty in our state, we’ve chosen to focus on fighting child hunger. We’ve delivered more than 20,000 meals in our own backyard and across the country. As financial and volunteer support continues, we will power a mobile food truck-style system to deliver free meals while recruiting like-minded businesses and organizations to partner with us. CSR can’t be about checking a box. Audiences are raising the bar in what they expect from corporations, and they should. Businesses have the expertise and resources needed to create meaningful change. Be authentic and transparent. Now is the time to turn inward and examine your brand and values and their alignment with CSR. Remember: A brand is not a logo or an identity, but rather, a gut feeling that someone has about you. If your brand and CSR are not in alignment, you run the risk of alienating audiences and undermining brand trust. CSR must be aligned to your mission and vision and ultimately embedded in your DNA.

A recent study defined authenticity as “recognizing and believing that an act is derived from sincerely caring for others, rather than deriving from duty or responsibility.” Consumers are doing their research and looking for companies that walk the talk. It is important to consumers that they support businesses that reflect their own values. Many large companies create CSR and sustainability reports, and more investors are using this information to direct their investment strategies. Companies must dedicate themselves to CSR and measure and report their efforts to build trust with customers, clients, investors and the public. It is not about supporting a specific event or program, but using the time, talent and treasure to achieve systemic positive change. Encourage employee-led engagement. Many organizations state their dedication to a culture that values and empowers employees. Your employees, then, must be an important part of CSR. I recommend regularly polling employees to identify issues that are important to them and examining which of those issues align with corporate values and opportunities to have significant impact. Businesses can build trust with employees, particularly millennials and Generation Z, through CSR. Younger employees remain suspicious businesses’ statements about making a positive impact on society, according to findings published in the Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2019. Nevertheless, employees want to work for companies that take a stance on important issues. This, of course, means that CSR is a valuable recruitment tool. Employees want you to give them opportunities to make a difference, not only for the company, but for communities. As CSR continues to evolve, we’re seeing consumers demand more action, authenticity, transparency and measurable impact. This year, with all of the challenges it presents, gives businesses like yours the opportunity to step forward with solutions that make a tangible difference for people who are struggling.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2020/07/31/corporate-social-responsibilityconsumers-will-remember-companies-that-led-in-2020/

Keywords : Evolving Chances solutions Meals for children Employees community

Vocabulary list : 1) To leverage : Ten volle benutten: to get as much advantage or profit as possible from something that you have Vice President urges students to leverage technology, create opportunities out of the pandemic 2) Foster: bevorderen: to encourage something to develop It is essential that all children who need a foster family… 3) Ingrained: ingebakken: a habit, an attitude that has existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change Reducing ingrained racism with virtual reality. 4) Align: uitlijnen: to arrange something in the correct position Get today's Align stock news. 5) To gather: verzamelen: to come together, or bring people together, Use The Web To Gather News by Bruce Garrison. 6) Inward: ingetogen: inside your mind and not shown to other people Gulf states turn inward as they face diminishing resources. 7) Alignment: uitllijning: arrangement in a straight line Alignment among business executives and CIOs is hard to come by. 8) To empower: machtigen: to give somebody the power or authority to do something The EU and its Member States must empower their cities and regions. 9) Suspicious: verdacht: feeling that somebody has done something wrong, illegal or dishonest, without having any proof. A house fire which killed three people in Bolton is being treated as "suspicious" by police. 10) Tangible: tastbaar: that can be clearly seen to exist BJP leaders want more tangible schemes in Assam.

2) China-US trade war: Beijing escalates tit-for-tat with Washington China has introduced tough new laws which restrict the export of "controlled items". The rules primarily focus on the export of military technologies and other products that might harm China's national security. The export controls are widely believed to be in response to similar actions by the US. TikTok, Huawei and Tencent are among the casualties of Washington's Chinese technology crackdown. There are concerns the new regulations, which came into effect on Tuesday, could escalate the ongoing trade war with the US.Trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies began in 2018 but have ramped up this year. Tech cold war President Donald Trump's administration has introduced executive orders against a range of Chinese firms arguing they could share data with the Chinese government. China's new export laws are "a reaction to this escalation of the tech war and it's China looking to cover its own advantages", said Alex Capri, visiting professor at the National University of Singapore. Speaking on BBC's Asia Business Report, Mr Capri added: "The other thing I find really interesting is China has placed AI and algorithms under these export controls."This was prompted by the US ban on TikTok. The Chinese government does not want to share this AI."Mr Capri believes the ongoing trade war between the US and China will follow the "same trajectory" under Joe Biden. "We're in a cold war with China - it's a tech cold war," he said. What do the new laws do? The Export Control Law establishes several categories of “controlled items”, which include nuclear, military items and “dual use” items that can be used for both civilian and military purposes. The law also covers items that are considered vital to the protection of China’s national security. Exporters must apply for a license in order to export any item listed on a control list or subject to temporary controls. Data associated with the controlled items is also covered by the law. The law imposes penalties of ten times the value of the offending transaction up to $760,000 (£569,000). It also allows for the punishment of overseas organisations or individuals, suggesting Beijing might attempt to use it to restrict the sale of sensitive technology globally.

Rare earth Prices for rare earth minerals have increased in anticipation that the law could affect their export. China is the world’s biggest supplier of rare earth minerals, which are used in products ranging from consumer electronics - like smart phones - to wind turbines. "China has a massive overwhelming advantage when it comes to rare earths," said Mr Capri. "Essentially, over the past 30 years, the ability to extract rare earths lies with China. It's going to be hugely important when it comes to jet fighters, automotive, etc."

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news Keywords : National security Regulations Trade war Export Control law License Rare earth minerals

Difficult words : 1) Widely: Breed: by a lot of people; in or to many places Once we have the vaccine and it's widely available. 2) casualties: Slachtoffers: A person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident. There were no reports of casualties. 3) prompted: Gevraagd: To make somebody decide to do something. Has coronavirus prompted you to up-skill or change careers with a TAFE course, given our uncertain economy? 4) ongoing: Gaande: Continuing to exist or develop. The numbers are going up all over the country.

5) establishes: Gevestigd: To start or create an organization, a system, etc. that is meant to last for a long time. The vote to establish the subcommittee was carried 613 in favour, 67 against and 8 abstentions. 6) vital: Zeer belangrijk: Necessary or essential in order for something to succeed or exist. A score is allocated to each of these Vital Signs as they are measured. 7) temporary: Tijdelijk: Lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time; not permanent. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, E-Verify and Form I-9 have created some temporary policies to help employers. 8) imposes: Opleggen: To introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be used. China imposes swingeing tariffs on Australian wine. 9) to restrict: Beperken: To limit the size, amount or range of something. Public meetings are restricted to 10 people maximum from two households. 10) overwhelming: Overweldigend: Very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it or decide how to react. We are now worried about overwhelming the hospital system.

3) EU will not fall into Brexit 'negotiating trap', UK told Irish foreign minister also calls for avoidance of blame game as ‘truth of Brexit’ becomes clear The EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, arrives to continue Brexit talks in London on Monday. Senior Irish and French ministers have warned that the EU is not going to fall into a Brexit “negotiating trap” being laid by the UK as both sides entered into what the British foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, has described as “the last week or so” of substantive talks. Simon Coveney, who has had a leading role in the first phase of negotiations over the Irish border, said at the same time both sides must avoid engaging in a blame game as the “truth of Brexit” and its subsequent challenges become clear. He added that there was a big incentive to get a deal done but two big issues remained unresolved. “The truth of Brexit is now being exposed in terms of the challenges of it,” Coveney told Radio Ulster. “This is something that the UK and the EU have to find a way forward on as opposed to focus on a blame game as regards who is at fault.” France’s European affairs minister, Clément Beaune, said Downing Street was misguided if it believed that running down the clock would work to No 10’s advantage, citing the experience of the last four years of Brexit talks. “We have a bit of time left but still a long way to go and if the UK believes that [the limited] time left works in its favour as it has in the past few years, that is not the case,” Beaune said. On the issue of access to UK waters, Beaune said Downing Street would not be allowed to “lay down the law” in the negotiation. “We are still very far from an agreement,” he said. “There can be no agreement unless there is one that gives sustainable and wide-ranging access to British waters … Our terms are known, they are not new.” Speaking at an event for parliamentarians from across Europe, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, conceded that there was some anxiety about the prolonged negotiations, with the Netherlands, Belgium and France all asking the European commission to trigger nodeal preparations in recent weeks. She said: “We hope that these talks will come to a happy ending. We don’t need an agreement at any price. We want one but otherwise we’ll take measures that are necessary. In any case a deal is in the interest of all. “Some member states are now becoming unsettled. There’s not much time left.” Merkel hinted at the trade-off being offered in the negotiations between access to the EU’s single market in electricity and EU rights to catches in UK fishing waters. She said: “Perhaps for some the most tangible are concrete questions, from the British point of view access to energy markets, from our view access to British fishing grounds.”The EU had always maintained there could be no trade deal unless the contentious issue of fishing was first agreed.

Although the sector contributes just 0.2% of the UK economy, it is a huge political issue for struggling coastal communities who rely on fishing and voted for Brexit. Coveney suggested the UK was using it as leverage in other parts of the trade talks and was alive to the potential for Britain to agree compromises in other areas including state aid and governance and then use that to squeeze a last-minute compromise on fishing out of the EU. “What we are not going to do is to get an agreement in all of these other areas and then allow a situation where the UK side say: ‘Look, we’re not going to allow this whole thing to collapse over fish,’ and for us to essentially give Britain what they want over fish,” he said. Coveney said this would be a “British negotiating trap”, adding: “We’re not playing that game. If there isn’t an agreement on this the whole thing could fall on the back of it.”It is thought the remaining dispute over fishing lies in both the length of a potential deal and the access of EU boats and fishing stocks in British coastal waters. According to reports, the EU’s offer on fishing – to return between 15-18% of fish stocks caught by EU fleets in British waters – was dismissed as “derisory” by British negotiators. However, sources say the negotiations are focused on the quotas of each of the 140 species of fish. “It’s percentages of different types of fish – rights to cod in the English Channel is more important to Britain than, say, rights to mackerel in the North Sea,” said a source. Downing Street said the negotiating teams led by Michel Barnier and David Frost worked until “late last night” in London but warned there would no compromise in the UK’s position on winning back control of fishing waters. “We want to try and reach a free trade agreement as soon as possible. But we have been clear that we won’t change our negotiating position and we have been clear what that position is,” said Boris Johnson’s spokesman.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/nov/30/eu-not-fall-into-brexitnegotiating-trap-fishing-uk-told

Keywords : Trap Two issues Far from an agreement No deal preparations Fishing trap Free trade agreement

Difficult words: 1) Foreign: buitenlands: in or from a country that is not your own Montenegro's foreign ministry says it won't reverse its decision. 2) Substantive: inhoudelijk: dealing with real, important or serious matters How to Identify Substantive News Articles? 3) Engaging: Innemend: interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention Having an engaged digital audience base that converts and read your online or mobile newspaper regularly is rewarding. 4) Incentive: stimulans: incentive (for/to somebody/something) (to do something) something that encourages you to do something Leaders from the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) share their views. 5) Sustainable: duurzaam: involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment Read current events articles on sustainable agriculture and sustainable living. 6) Anxiety: angst: (about/over something) the state of feeling nervous or worried that something bad is going to happen Anxiety comes in many different forms 7) Unsettled: onrustig: that may change; making people uncertain about what might happen Unsettled's community-driven travel experinces & programming are for professionals. 8) Contentious: omstreden: likely to cause people to disagree This article outlines a rigorous method for studying the ways that news media frame contentious issues. 9) Contributes: bijdragen: to give something, especially money or goods, to help achieve or provide something As a complimentary service, members of GCCA Core Partner organizations are invited to contribute articles, white papers, and company news.

10) Cod: Kabeljauw: a large sea fish that is white inside and used for food “I don't see much good news for cod

Other used sources: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ https://www.interglot.nl/...

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