Author Rizky Rahmayanti
Pages 15
File Size 23 KB
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TAWURAN DI KALANGAN PELAJAR Rizky Rahmayanti ’ Ade lina Suryani Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Kikicindo@gmail. com, [email protected] Abstrack The essence of a student is learning and studying. However, the development experienced by students varies. Dependi...


TAWURAN DI KALANGAN PELAJAR Rizky Rahmayanti ' Ade lina Suryani Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Kikicindo@gmail. com, [email protected] Abstrack The essence of a student is learning and studying. However, the development experienced by students varies. Depending on the factors that influence the teaching and learning process. Not always developments in students lead to positive things. Sometimes some students actually show a negative development, one of which is the brawl that is rampant by students in various regions today. The brawl that was carried out by a group of teenagers seemed to no longer be a strange news and conversation in our ears. brawl as if it was considered normal and carried out routinely. Violence is already considered a very effective problem solver by teenagers. This is clear evidence that adolescents are free to do things that are anarchic. Of course this bad behavior is not only detrimental to people involved in fights or brawls themselves, but also harms others who are not directly involved. This study aims to find out what is the factor that causes the brawl between students, knowing what motivations students engage in brawls, and knowing the consequences of student brawls. This study resulted in the assumption that brawls between students belonged to horizontal conflicts, because brawls between students were a conflict between one school student group and another. And the consequences of brawls between students themselves are detrimental to personal, other people, schools, families, and public facilities. Keyword: Brawl, adolescence, conflict Abstrak Hakikat seorang pelajar adalah belajar dan menuntut ilmu. Namun, perkembangan yang dialami pelajar berbeda-beda. Tergantung pada faktor-faktor...

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