TED Talks. Inglese Orale PDF

Title TED Talks. Inglese Orale
Course Lingua inglese 1 orale
Institution Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
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1.Reading, At ease with acupuncture. Why promote a multinational sportswear brand by wearing their logo when you can promote yourself instead? Apparently, these days, you're nobody unless you have a personal brand identity; we're sending out signals all the time, so we should make sure they're the right signals. She wants to explain how she is developing her personal brand. 1. Firstly, just by writing that blog, she is bulding her brand because it gives her a presence on social media and a way of communication with the world; in fact, her blog is read by a lot of people. However, unfortunately, she is not doing so well when someone comes to her profile because the details of her are minimal, for example the email address. This is not with the name and the surname but it's just invented. 2. The next thing to look at is the brand itself. Who she is? What does she stand for? What makes her stand out from her collegues? She score a bit higher, she thinks. People often use words like 'emphaty', 'expertise' and 'supportive' and infact this is her appoach to acupuncture. She have a reputation for quality.

2.Reading, Carees and work, jobs for the future. This is a study into future working patterns that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics has just published. The report focuses on the areas with there is a increase of the opportunities. (health care, social care and trllege or university. RETAIL SALES-shopping will never go out ofasportation). • NURSING-with the other healthcare workers, the demand (richiesta) for nurse grew up of the 26 per cent over the next ten years. The minimum qualification required to be a nurse is two years from a co fashion even when the economy is suffering. There will be 16 per cent increase in the number of sales assistant; this is a good new for everyone who didn't do very well the high school, this job don't ask any academic qualification. • PERSONAL CARE AIDES-with our ageing population (invecchiamento), more elderly people will need more workers.This work is in residential centers. The predicts is that they will need 70 per cent more workers that the present. Again, like the retail sales, this work is good for people with fewer (meno) academic skills. • HOME HEALTH AIDES-you could be responsible for visinting people in their own homes to help with basic personal care. There is a similare increase of this job and the personal care aides. It don't needs academic qualification as well. • CUSTOMER SERVICE-it's still a good area to get into, there is a increase of 15 per cent for the next ten years. You'll need a high scholl diploma. • FOOD PREPARATION AND SERVING-peolple always find jobs in this sector, increase of 14 per cent. While you might not earn a great salary, the food industry gives opportunities to get workplace or combine study and work.

TRASPORTATION: TRUCK DRIVERS (camion)-the job is that you have to spending youre time on the road away from home. To do this job you need to find a driving courses to receve a driving licence. The study reckons an increase of 20 per cent. POST-SECONDARY TEACHERS-the report says that in the future colleges and istitutes will need candidates who have professional experience and qualifications in that field. The report says that there will be an increase of 15 per cent of openings for post secondary teachers.

3.Reading, what do you need? In 1954, a book called Motivation and Personality was published by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow's hierarchy suggest that people have five different stages of needs. 1. First, the most basic needs for survival, phisiological like food and water. 2. Then the need for physical and economic safety. 3. After this is the level of social needs, relationships like family and friendship. 4. The fourth level is the esteem (stima) of ourselves. 5. After we can reach the self-actualization at the end of this personal growth. This is the ability of an individual to achieve their full potential. The hierarchy is often shown like a pyramid. The key idea in the theory is that we can't be successful in a level unless we have fullfilled (soddisfatto) the needs in the previous level. One of the ways in which the theory is applied in business and managment is in understaning how to manage motivation. Also it has been influential in marketing, brands and advertising. - However, there have been other studies that have criticized Maslow's theory. Some have suggested that Maslow didn't take into account of the geopolitical situations in the different country.

SUCCESS AND FAILURE4.Ted Talks, Success is a continuos journey. The speaker learned that success isn't a one way strett, success is a continuos journey. It's not just to achieve success, but this ted talks is about sustain it. To do this right, we have just to take into account these eight principles. Why so many paople reach success and then fail? Because reaching success we think that we've made it and then we can sit back in our confort zone. 1. reaching success, i worked hard, i pushed my self, but then i stopped because i've made it. 2. Reaching success, i always tried to improve myself but then i stopped because i tried enought, 3. reaching success, i always had good ideas but then i stopped and the only thing that came was creative block. 4. Reaching success, i was always focused by clients but then i stopped and and i was focused by the money. 5. Reaching success, i always did what i loved but then i stopped because i was the president of the company So he went to the doctor and he said that he wasn't happy even he could buy everything he want. He was depressed. And the doctor put him an antidepressants. And yeah, he was good and he wasn't no longer interested to the company's problem, and even he wasn't no lomger interested to the clinets. So, the clients took their money to others. The business drop like a rock. After this he could do the projects that he loved and he did all the things that took him back to success, in seven years. Business grew bigger than ever and he stopped taking anti-depressants.

4. Reading, Lessons for life Total success is not an option that you can generally follow day by day. You have to take into account success and failure, because they go hand in hand. You cant have one without the other. 1. One most common mistake is not planning ahead. The mistake is leave everything until the last minute. 2. Before that mistake, there is the not sufficient knowledge (conoscenza) about what you are doing. 3. A third kind of mistake is not so easy because maybe there is not a single cause. An example is with the New Coke, a varaiation of the original Coca Cola. This was a mistake because everyone prefered the orginal one. Then Coca Cola recognized the mistake and returned in the classical one. The most important thing that you have to do when you fail is accept it because it's your fault. When you finally understand what was wrong and why you can stop look back and finally you can look ahead.

EXERCISE5.Ted Talks, Got a meeting? Take a walk. Nowadays people are sitting 9.3 hours a day, wich is more than we're sleeping. Sitting is so prevalent and this is not ok. Sitting has become the smoking of our generation. Of course there are consequences about healt. (breast cancer, colon cancer, diabete). You can change this changing your social interation. For example, not a meeting in a conference room meeting but a meeting while you're walking. This can change your life. But what actually happen is that you cant have all the things. So, one came at the cost of the other. She understands few things: 1. First, it works of sure. 2. Second, with this thing we can look the world really differently and reframen the problems. So, with this talking-walking the ideas became doable, sustainable and viable. So she started to do this talking and she said that we'll be surprised at how fresh air bring fresh thinking.

5.Reading, What's in a name? In this reading is highlighted the big business of the sponsorship in sports. On a global scale, sports sponsorship is estimated to be worth (valore) tens of billions of dollars a year. It's all about getting the company's name. But there is a new phenomenon in sports business: television and broadcast. The media companies are eager (desiderioso) to show the events with the national and international audiences that some sports are able to achieve. The media companies are willing to pay large sums. Media content today is divided into two types: 1. live events (like sports events) 2. everything else. And the future of this company will be in the firts type. An example is with the name of st. james park. This is the name of the home of the club/stadium in Newcastle United from 1892 and it had been changed just for money. After all, the name was changed again with the original one, this because is difficult promote your company when there is controversy involved.

VALUES6.Ted Talks. Please please people. Let's put the 'awe' back in 'awesome'. How many times have you used the word 'awesome'? Do you remember what you were describing when you used the word? No, i don't think so. Sadly (purtroppo), the word awesome replaced ( ha sostituito) words like 'great' or 'thank you'. But in the dictonary, the word awesome mean admiration, something majestic. So when you used that word for something normal and mundane it's wrong and you're taking away the very power of the word. For example the great pyramids is awesome, the grand canyon, D-day, apollo 11, sharks, bee, the internet.

6.Reading, Ethical consumption. •

Question every time i get a coffee it comes in a single-use cup. Isn't it wasteful? Answer→ Is wasteful just like the ceramic cup. The ceramic cups deals with the manufacture, the energy we used in washing and the high number that get broken. The takeaway coffee includes the throwaway and also the landfill rubbish. It turn out (si scopre) that each cup is as eco-friendly or indeed unfriendly as the other. Solution→So if you want to have ethical cunsumption there are many coffee companies that sell portable cup, your own cup.

Question designer goods (beni di design) are unaffordable for normal people and i cant be the only one that buy fakes one. Is this really unethical? Answer→more of us cant resist to buy the last model of something with a famous logo. And if we want to have it but not to spend a lot of money we are buying the fake one and this is a normal behaviour (comportamento). However, fake versions are associated with organized crime and they deprive companies of income (società di reddito). As a consumer, maybe your purchase falls apart or blows up (esplode). Solution→perhaps (forse) a better question to ask is would i be really unhappy if i just stopped worrying about designer stuff?

Question are the importation unethical and that flying produce CO2 emissions and climate change? Answer→ less importation can cut back carbon emissions. We can ate for example the seasonal and locally produced food. Solution→ But rather than arguing (discutere) with your patner about where your food are from and the importantion, you should be looking at how they are grown. Because the pesticides and fertilizers is truly disastrous for the environment (ambiente).

INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY7.Ted Talks,The sore problem of prosthetic limbs The boy who speaks tells us that he was born in sierra leone (Noth Africa). In the 90s in sierra leone entire villages were burned. Eight thousand people were left without arms or legs due to an amputation. Fortunately, his family and he escaped. After that fact, looking at the people he loved, one thing that deeply troubled he was that many of the amputees would not use their prostheses. The reason is that their prosthetic sockets were painful, even the developed world. Sockets often leave sores and blisters. So, if the prosthetic socket is uncomfortable, you'll not use your leg and this is unacceptable in our age. For his PhD (doctorate of researching) he designed prosthetic sockets quickly and cheaply that are more comfortable. He used magnetic resonance to capture the shape of the patient's anatomy; he used the 3D printer to create it. His desire was to create tools to help those people.

7.Reading,The real value of Digital Tools (utensili digitali) Nowadays, digital technology is a familiar part of the school environment. For examples, with the tablets and the digital whiteboards; there is been a massive investment in hardware and software in education, Due of that, still peolpe who are qualified in ICT. BUT the most young people use digital technology for recreation and that can't help to work with the digital economy. The issues: 1. to not teach how digital resources work but teach computer coding and programming. 2. to not teach the tools themselves but teach how we can use it. 3. teach with the tools (for example the digital whIteboard) and in the same time teach with a traditional teaching style where the teacher talks to a passive group of students. The reality is that the digital technology can inspire a new teaching and learning style. Students can develop problem solving skills. In addiction, is good for the students change the timetable. Therefore, the digital tools are important not only like deliver content to students but also like change the classroom interation. Events like European e-Skills Week are opportunities to show that.

BALANCE8.Ted Talks, How to make the work-life balance work. This speech start with a reference to the advice from St Benedict gave his followers, and this advice is based to the work-life balance. The speacker give us an example: his life. There was a period in which he was drinking too much. Eating too much and working hard and he used to neglecting (trascurare) the family. So, i stepped back and i spent a year with his family. And there, he learned about work-life balance with no work, so that was so useful; after he went back to work. He learned that the balance is about the simple things: for example for him is playing with his children.→the point :balance doesn't mean upheaval your life. Balance is with the simple things and that can change the society and the society's definition of success. Nowadays, success is person with a lot of money. He give us FOUR observations about work-life balance: 1. so many people talk about rubbish and don't talk about the big issues. For example they talk about the flextime and paternity or dress-down friday. The first step here is acknowledging (riconoscere) the situation that we are in. The reality of the society is that there are so many people who work hard to buy things that they don't need to. 2. We need to take control of our lives because if we just are waiting that governments and corporations are going to solve this issues for us, well, we are waisting time. Someone else will design our balance and you can don't like it. 3. We have to be careful with the time frame because we don't have a lot of time to think about balance. We have to reach that in a small time frame to enjoy it. 4. We have to approach (avvicinarci) balance in a balance way (dobbiamo avvicinarci all'equilibrio in modo equilibrato). Not like his friend that told him that he got it and he find the balance incorporating gim in his life. Balance is more: emotional side, intellectual side, spiritual side.

8.Reading, Leisure time aroud the world. (tempo libero) Cultural influence→where you live and the culture you live in affects (influisce) what you choose to do in leisure time. In Western culture there is a clear distinction beetwen work and leisure, they associate fulfilment (realizzazione) with leisure. In Eastern culture has fulfilment that come with work. • Climate,infrastructure and gender influence→people who live in cold or wet places spend their time indoors. Or in Africa, live music and dancing events are more popular than in North America because they have limited electricity. • Age and sociale background influence→nowadays, more than ever, the most division is by age. The generation that has grown up with Internet spend their leisure in online activities, no matter their cultural background. For companies in the leisure industry this kind of information are not simply interesting but key to their growth. The picture is complicated even further the leisure activities are changing all the time. •

CREATIVE THINKING9.Ted Talks, Doodlers, unite! Her story: she spend a lotnof time teaching adults how to use visual language and doodling in the workplace. She encounter a lot of resistance because doodle are considered anti-intellectual and our culture is focused on verbal information. The way our society perceives doodling is different than the reality. In the 17th century: a doodle was a fool. 18Th: it became a verb, to swindle (truffare). 19Th: it was a corrupt politician. Today:to dawdle (gingillare), to dilly dally, to monkey around, to make meaningless marks, to do nothing. But this is wrong: there is a psychological aversion, by freud in 1930s. Freud told us why is so important doodling: whit this we could analyse people's psyches. Doodling is a incredibily powerful tool (strumento). Definition: doodling is to make spontaneous marks to help yourself think. Peolple who doodle when they're exposed to verbal information retain (conservano) more information than non-doodling people. We think doodling is something you do when you lose focus, but doodling is a pre-emptive measure to stop lose focus. There are four ways that learners have to do to take some information:visual, auditory, reading, writing and kinaesthetic (cinestetica). The learners have to engage two of this ways or one coupled with an emotional experience. Doodling engages all four learning modalities and maybe one emotianl experience. There is an anthropological research into the artistic activily of the children wich says that all children has the same evolution in logic. It means doodling is native. The doodle is the bases of our greatest cultural assets (beni culturali) es. frank gehry (architect) Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi. So, it can be a portal through literacy, the doodle has never been the nemesis of intellectual thought, but it has been the allies.

9.Reading, the left-right brain debate There is a popular theory, the our creativity and other aspects of our personalities are determined by the side that in our brain is dominant. In this reading we have two person that discuss about the question: if is the leftright brain idea useful? Educationalist, Kirk Monroe→he said yes. Many times there are some brain fuctions that we can clearly associate with one of the sides. For example, language is in the left side and visualizazion in the right (the technique of making mental images). Also, animals the same with some behaviour like feeding (alimentazione) or escaping from predators. She is agree to CW to say that we use the whole brain to process things but said that is helpful to recognize the dominant side in your brain and after to improve the other one that is not dominant. Psychologist, Cary Wilson→he said no. Because is exaggerated say that it can describe whole presonalities.If you go online, you can find some tests that will tell you if you are a right-brain creative, artistic influenced by emotions or if you are a left-brain thinker who's logical. Even you can find famous person: albert einstein in the left-brain and Da Vinci in the right-brain. The Psychologist believe that is not useful but is harmful put people into categories. In fact, there are some other studies showing that both sides of the brain are active and neither side is stronger than the other. He is agree with the last part of the speech of KM, so that is helpful to understanding more about how we think but there is no scientific bases, don't take them seriously.

5 WAYS TO LISTEN BETTER10.we are losing our listening. We spend 60 per cent of our communication time listening but we retain just 25 per cent of what we hear. Listening is a mental process, we could use some techniques. The fisrt one is pattern recognition: if he says your name you recognize noise from signal, your name...

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