Template for Career Research Assignment-2 PDF

Title Template for Career Research Assignment-2
Author Chelise Williams
Course Career Development In Psychology
Institution Brigham Young University-Idaho
Pages 6
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Research assignment template that could be used for not only this class, but other psychology research papers. ...


Career Research Assignment The Career Clinical Psychologists work with individuals who show signs of emotional distress that could be caused by a mental disorder. After meeting with the client and evaluating their situation, it is the clinical psychologist’s role to implement a treatment plan as well as conduct regular appointments with the patient. I am extremely passionate about becoming a clinical psychologist because of the mental obstacles I have been able to overcome in my own life with the help of clinical psychologists. I wish to be able to change the lives of those who are emotionally unstable and be the crutch that supports them in the worst of times. Job Description/Duties Before one can become a successful clinical psychologist, they must understand the anatomy and functions of the brain. With this knowledge, psychologists can evaluate and better understand the mental processes of those who are suffering from a mental illness. Although some clinical psychologists participate in research studies, most focus on meeting with clients. When people think of psychologists, they imagine two people in a comfortable room as one cries to the professional who is silently taking notes. In reality, a therapy session does not follow that model. First, Clinical psychologists must converse with the potential client to gain background information on their situation. Psychologists use the DSM-V as a tool to help diagnose patients with their specific mental disorders. Once a patient is diagnosed, treatment can begin. It is the job of the Clinical Psychologist to implement a treatment plan through psychotherapeutic services, such as meeting regularly to discuss emotions as well as progress being made. These appointments are also used for the therapist to teach the client how to change their pattern of thinking to improve their mental


wellbeing. Most clinical psychologists follow a cognitive- behavioral approach which requires much effort from the patient to shift their mindset. Not only do clinical psychologists have the ability to conduct research or perform treatment through the cognitive behavioral approach, but some administer hypnosis, lead therapy sessions for more than one individual whether it be family members or other clients with similar needs, or even guide the patient through exposure therapy to diminish fears, anxieties, and phobias. Required Education As previously stated, the job of a clinical psychologist cannot be successfully performed without the knowledge of mental processes and the functions of the brain. Much schooling and preparation is required before taking the step into the clinical work field. It is recommended that a perspective individual obtain a bachelor’s degree in the area of education, sociology, or psychology prior to earning a Master’s degree in Psychology. Some clinical psychologists choose to purse their education even further by aiming for a PhD or a Doctor of Psychology degree. After the typical 4 years of advanced education leading to a bachelor’s degree, another two years will be spent obtaining a master’s degree, and lastly, to obtain a PhD or PsyD, one must attend school for an additional 5-6 years, including participation in an internship. Not only will an internship be performed, but while working toward a PhD, a residency training program is typically required, which generally lasts up to three years. Once a degree in this field is earned, a clinical psychologist will be deemed a license allowing them to begin their career. Income


“According to the 2016-17 Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median national annual salary for clinical psychologists is $68,900” (Harper). Although the national annual salary is calculated, each state is unique in the sense of income. Depending on the success one has, clinical psychologists can work up to earning more than $115,000 annually. Industrial Organizational psychologists receive the largest income, followed by general psychologists, while clinical psychologists remain at the bottom of the leader board. There are so many subsections of clinical psychology that we cannot put a number value on each specific occupation. Clinical psychologists who work as researchers tend to make more money annually than do the psychologists who meet with patients on a regular basis. Depending on the location of a clinical psychologist’s office, some gain more clients than others do. Typical Day No two days are the same in the field of clinical psychology as new patients are constantly flowing through. The environment can vary for clinical psychologists whether they be working in a mental institution, a hospital, a prison, or a private practice. Regardless, clinical psychologists will typically meet with a wide array of patients over the course of their day. In between each session, it is the psychologist’s responsibility to reflect on the progress of the client as well as a plan on how to move forward. A lot of preparation typically goes into meetings with patients as each session must be centered around their personal needs. Communication is one of the most essential aspects of any field of psychology. It is also a part of a psychologist day to communicate with other professionals who may also be treating the same patient, such as psychiatrists. Lastly, it is important to write up psychological reports of the patient indicating their improvement and details of each appointment.


Pros and Cons In my opinion, there are quite a few pros and cons to this job. Although the occupation is centered around helping others overcome their most difficult challenges in life, it is also an occupation that is not blind to the real world. As a clinical psychologist, you see pain on a daily basis. It can often be difficult to remember that there is good in the world when you are constantly surrounded by, and diagnosing, the bad. Clinical Psychologists are the most exposed to brutal mental illness and suffering. As a clinical psychologist, it is our responsibility to maintain the trust between us and the clients. Regardless of anyone’s financial, emotional, mental, or physical state, we simply cannot deny them their right to respect. Clients are forced to generate an excessive amount of trust in psychologists as when they elaborate on their mind sets and emotions, they are extremely vulnerable. We are being trusted as clinical psychologists to not only respect their pain, but know how to hold it. By meeting with distraught clients, we are committing ourselves to allowing them a session to momentarily pour out they’re most frustrating and debilitating demons and allow us to hold them in a safe place. One of the cons to being a psychologist of any sort is that people come in with false hopes. Patients will come in and expect to be immediately fixed, without putting in any of the work for themselves. Being a psychologist can be so immensely emotionally draining as you witness serious levels of pain, but it is also an opportunity to be grateful for your clear mind when you have it. Hours The hours of a clinical psychologist are somewhat flexible. Some are able to set their own hours in accordance with the needs and availability of their patients. The psychologists who are


employed in mental institutions or other healthcare facilities may work night shifts and even weekends. Most psychologists work fulltime, maintaining a full schedule of clients. The flexibility of this career will benefit me as a female who also has an aspiration to become a mother. When I am not occupied with familial duties, I plan to work full time, but once I am a mother, the flexibility will be extremely valuable. Work Environment Clinical psychologists can be employed in multiple different settings. I plan to be employed at a hospital or mental institution. The work environment of a clinical psychologist is heartwarming as the patients who we work with generally show improvement. The work environment of a mental institution can sometimes be intimidating because of the seriousness of the mental distress that the patients are experiencing. It takes the strength of a psychologist to make the patient feel comfortable with showing vulnerability and moving toward the path of improvement. Psychologists need to work with their co-workers when in a hospital setting. When diagnosing a mental disorder and beginning treatment, it often takes more than one perspective to accurately and most efficiently help the patient. If the psychologist works at a private practice, they are not typically surrounded by very many other psychologists. The work environment will vary depending on the location that the clinical psychologist chooses to work in. Future of Career The prominence of mental illness has increased immensely in the past couple of years. As teenagers are faced with more distress and the overwhelming popularity standard that social media requires, mental illness can take over easier. This causes the need for experienced psychologists to grow as more and more people need their help. Psychologists are in high


demand and continue to be. Within the next couple of years, I can only imagine that the job of a clinical psychologist will be even more necessary. Some may also argue that clinical psychology’s stability is lacking as other areas of psychology are improving. With the innovative technology of today, neuropsychology continues to improve and does appear to be more stable in the job sphere than clinical psychology does. Less and less people are interested in communicating through introspection as in today’s day and age, technology is seen as the most efficient solution. Regardless of the specific field of psychology, there will always be a strong need for compassionate and empathetic psychologists.

References “Psychologists.” Psychologists: Career, Salary and Education Information - CollegeGrad.com, collegegrad.com/careers/psychologists. Orwin, Michael. “My Job Explained: Clinical Psychologist.” Bright Knowledge, Bright Knowledge, Nemko, Marty. “The Future of Clinical Psychology.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 23 Jan. 2016 Larson, Stacey. “Psychology: Understanding Confidentiality .” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association Harper, Ben. “Psychologists.” Psychologists: Career, Salary and Education Information CollegeGrad.com, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor


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