Animation Career Research Assignment PDF

Title Animation Career Research Assignment
Author Eric Karpovits
Course Honors Research
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 6
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Animation Career Research Assignment-Video Game Designer What It Is? A video game designer is someone who utilizes several artistic talents, as well as finely-honed technical skills. In an exploding industry, such a video game design, the need for innovative, perceptive and qualified designers is at an all-time high. Career Requirements While some employers require a bachelor's degree in video game design or computer science, a high school diploma is the minimum requirement. You may need to have experience working in computer science, programming, or art. My Thought Process Interests My thought process for choosing this career is that this career appealed to me in my interests, because I enjoy to play video games so it would be an interest to work with them. It would be my passion to work and make them for other people to enjoy. My Values My values for this career is high because video games are a big part of my free time in my life so it has a higher value in my life then maybe someone else. My Strengths On the other hang my strengths are quite low for this career because I have never had the chance to practice my design skills but however I have a great knowledge how videogames are made and how they perform so I would be able to use my knowledge. How I envision this career first 5 years I envision this career for the first five years to be slow because it would take a lot of experience and knowledge to perfect this career but there is always gonna be a demand for video game designers so the career will be steady. How I envision this career in the next 10 years I envision this job to grow even more in the next ten years because video games will always be a high demand to produce and release them so there will be a market for video game designers to work. Video games is one of the top industries right now and a lot of money is being made from it so jobs are available. 3D Modeler What It Is? A 3D modeler is a type of multimedia artist or animator who creates three-dimensional models or visuals of items using a variety of different computer software programs and tools. Career Requirements The education for a 3D modeler should depend upon the industry they plan to enter. For instance, individuals who want to create art for video games should consider

majoring in game design, and should have a strong background in art and multimedia art. Those who wish to become a 3D modeler in a scientific field should major in a science-related degree such as physics with a focus on modeling. In any case, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recommends that those pursuing a career as a 3D modeler earn at least a bachelor’s degree. As the competition for this career grows, those who display more education and experience will have better opportunities and prospects. It is wise to research schools and available programs in-depth before choosing, and it’s also a sound decision to speak with a career counselor about your goals and to determine what education path to take. My Thought Process Interests My thought process for choosing this career is that this career did not appeal to me as much as for example as a video game designer because I am not the best at drawing so it would be a lot harder for me to do this job. My Values My values for this career is also very small but I do cherish it because a good 3D model shows a lot of talent and I appreciate talent into work. Personally though I would not choose to do this job as my top priority. My Strengths My strengths for this career is that I have seen a lot of animated movies and I have personally used the tablets to draw out animations so I have a bit of experience. How I envision this career first 5 years I envision this career in the first 5 years to be slow for the person starting out because it seems like this career needs a lot of experience to actually to start getting recognized. How I envision this career in the next 10 years After that in the next ten if you get recognized and people want to hire you this career will be very good financially since everyone will want to hire. Also I think 3D modelers careers will not disappear any time soon because animation is a fundamental in a lot of things. Art director What Is It? An art director holds a very high position on an animation team, and most creative staff involved on a project report directly to him or her. Not only do art directors have the final say on what footage or stills are to be included in the final cut (as well as helping to coordinate and shape the entire project), but may also be required to train junior staff and manage budgeting requirements. Career Requirements

Art director positions typically require a bachelor's degree in an art or design major such as fine art, visual communications or digital media. Depending on their industry, art directors may have several years of work experience in graphic design, photography, illustration or other fields. My Thought Process Interests My interests for this career choice is medium for this career. The reason is I love to direct people and to control and make the choices. But I am not a big fan of art so I don't think I would love this job too much. My other interests for this job is that I would like to direct in like graphic design to be like an advertiser.

My Values My values for this career are not to high because I have never met an art director or have experienced anything with an art director. Also I don't have a big passion for art so of course my values are lower. But my values would change for the type of field I am art directing. My Strengths My strengths for this career are low and high at the same time. I have never gotten the experience with a lot of art so I think I would be not the best at directing for art. But I have had experience with directing in general to like run projects and stuff like that. I have also ran and persuaded people. So I think my strengths with all the education would be alright, but at the same time if you don't have a large passion for something you will never be the best at it. How I envision this career first 5 years How I envision this career for the first 5 years to be very very slow because I will need all the education and experience in the art field to actually get started of in this career. Also directors have to be recognised to actually have a job so the first 5 years will be tough. How I envision this career in the next 10 years I envision this career in the next ten years to be a lot better since I’ll have all the education and experience needed. However if you don't get famous and recognised as an art director and you are not well known it will be hard to start earning a proper and high paid career. From a personal perspective based on your strengths, perceptions and experience, discuss your interest in the jobs you have researched and why they may or may not be potential career paths for you. Would you find any of these jobs particularly satisfying? Why or why not? Personally I don't think any of these careers are a potential career paths for me. Personally I don’t find animation that fun and I’m not fond of it. I would not find any of

these jobs particularly satisfying because animation is just not my field. I am not good at drawing or anything to do with animation. Research questions 3. Who are the largest employers for this career /field? Who are the largest employers in 3D modeler? The largest employers in animation are such as Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios, DreamWorks Animation, Industrial Light & Magic, and Studio Ghibli. All of them are located in California expect the last one Studio Ghibli which is located in Japan. All of them offer a lot of job opportunities and good pay. 5. What is the average starting salary? What is the average starting salary for an art director. The median annual Art Director salary is $94,682, as of April 29, 2018, with a range usually between $80,992-$114,000, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors. Like who you are working for, and like what type of field you are in for art directing. 8. In which areas of the country could/would one live? In which areas of the country could/would one live for a videogame designer. As you can see United States employs the most video game designers. The top cities in United States is such as San Francisco. So United States would be the easiest move from Canada. 17. Are most of the

workers in this field male or female? (Would this make a difference to you in

choosing this occupation? Why or why not?) Are most of the workers in this field male or female? (Would this make a difference to you in choosing this occupation? Why or why not?) In 3D modelers. It’s around 80% male and 20% female for this career in 3D modelers. Genders would not affect me in choosing the career. 1.What education is needed for this career? (Explain type of education, where one can get it and how long it would take.) What education is needed for video game designer? This option is becoming less prevalent, as more and more colleges are creating game design and game development degrees. Now, a great way to show a company you have the tenacity to stick with a project long-term, and to show a company you’re serious about this career, is to earn a degree in a relevant field. Degrees in fields like computer science and computer programming aren’t bad options if you’re looking to become a game designer. However, since an abundance of colleges now offer actual game design degrees, and game development degrees, we will focus on those for now. Many colleges offer the course video game designer but you can also take it online. Two-years – Associate’s. Then four years – bachelor’s\ 13. What are the responsibilities on the job? What are the responsibilities for art director? In advertising and public relations, art directors ensure that their clients' desired message and image is conveyed to consumers. Art directors are responsible for the overall visual aspects of an advertising or media campaign and coordinate the work of other artistic or design staff, such as graphic designers. Work Cited Artist.html /

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