Guided Career Research PDF

Title Guided Career Research
Author Bella Bravo Moran
Course New Student Experience
Institution Valencia College
Pages 4
File Size 183.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 30
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explore and research possible careers that match your talents and interests....


Guided Career Research Directions: Read and answers all of the questions below. After you are finished, save this document and upload into Canvas before the due date. One and two sentence responses will result in the deduction of points for this assignment. Do not copy and paste information in sections where you are asked to describe information in your own words.

Explore Your Talents From Strengths Quest Assessment.

1. List your top two (2) Signature Themes in the space provided. 1 Click here to enter text. 2 Click here to enter text. 2. Find top two (2) signature themes in your signature theme report. For each theme, select two (2) different observations or suggestions that you think will help you identify or affirm your career choice. Why will this be helpful to you? Signature Theme #1: Click here to enter text. Observations or Suggestions: Click here to enter text.

Signature Theme #2: Click here to enter text. Observations or Suggestions: Click here to enter text.

Explore Your Interests and Values From the MyPlan Assessments in LifeMap in Atlas.

3. What are your top two interests according to your results from the Interest Inventory Report? Interest #1: Enterprising. Interest #2: Artistic.

4. Review the descriptions of your top two interests in your Interest Inventory Report. Describe the type of work environment(s) suited for individuals with these interest areas.


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5. What are your two highest core work values according to the results from the Values Assessment Report? List them in the space provided. Value #1: Recognition 4.3 Value #2: Achievement 4.0

Connect the Dots - Talents, Interests, & Values Reflection 6. Think about your future career and degree/major. HOW does your assessment results align with your future career and educational goals? I want to study to be a FBI Agent, and apparently, my results do not go with my career. Maybe my interest in being a good leader for my colleagues' works scares me a little because it has nothing to do with my artistic side. Perhaps I need to find something that I'm passionate about.

Explore Two Careers 7. What two careers are you interested in exploring? Consider two distinct careers and/or positions. FBI Agent and Business Manager. *Already sure about one career? Research two different paths under a career umbrella (e.g. pediatric and oncologist nursing) *Unsure about your career? Review the list of suggested careers in My Career Planner under “Career Match” and select careers that seem interesting.

Research Career #1: Using Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center Directions: Use Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center (from Valencia’s library database) available in the module to respond to questions 1-7. If you cannot find your exact career, click here to Ask a Librarian to chat, text or email your question.

8. Provide the name (or title) of the article you selected in Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center and the link to the article: (If you cannot find an article with the same title as your career, select one that is closely related.) 

Name or title of the article: FBI Agents


9. What is the salary range for this career (position)? $76,681

10. In your own words, describe the career (position), including details about the job functions and/or tasks. (Minimum of 75 words to include specific examples and details from the articles.) A special agent of the FBI is challenged to investigate and defend federal laws. FBI agents enforce more than federal laws and conduct investigations on various topics in the following categories: counterterrorism, counterintelligence, cyber investigations, public corruption, civil rights, organized crime, crime, financial institution fraud, and many more. Agents are assigned to a case, investigate, and report their findings to the United States Attorney's Office. They must be responsible and worthy people to comply with the laws and labor they are asked to do.

11. What skills, personality traits, and experience are required of individuals in this position? Discuss the skills, personality traits, and experience in a paragraph. Their skills are foreign language, interpersonal, and research. Their personality traits are organized, problem solving and realistic. Their experience must have a minimum of 2 years of full-time professional work experience (or one year if you have earned an advanced degree) 12. Is there a minimum degree (bachelors, master’s, or doctoral) required for this profession? No ☐ Yes ☒ If yes, what minimum degree is required? Include the degree level (example: associates, bachelors, master’s, or doctoral) and degree name (example: Psychology or Biomedical Sciences). Bachelor’s Degree. 13. What unions and/or associations do individuals in this profession join? List two (2).

FBI agents are not represented by unions, but some join the Association of Former Intelligence Officers.

Research Career #2: Using Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center Directions: Use Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center (from Valencia’s library database) available in the module to respond to questions 8-14. If you can’t find your career, click here to Ask a Librarian to chat, text or email your question.


14. Provide the name (or title) of the article you selected in Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center and the link to the article: (If you cannot find an article with the same title as your career, select one that is closely related.) 

Name or title of the article: Business Managers.

15. In your own words, describe the career (position), including details about the job functions and/or tasks. (Minimum of 75 words to include specific examples and details from the articles.) All types of companies have managers to formulate policies and manage the activities of the company. Business managers plan, organize, direct, and coordinate the operations of companies in business and industry. They can monitor an entire company, a geographic territory of company operations, or a specific department within a company. There are nearly 2.3 million managerial jobs in the United States. Business managers are often responsible for the long-term planning of their company or department.

16. Does this career require licensures and certifications (or have other special requirements)? None. 17. What is the salary range for this career (position)? $100,930.

18. In your own words, describe the job outlook and job prospects for this career? For the outlook, they must be faster than average. Job prospect must be fair. 19. List the names of two (2) occupations that are interesting to you and are similar to this career. General and Operations Manager and Business Manager.

Connect the Dots: Career Research Reflection 20. How has researching your future career changed or affirmed your perspective on your current career goals? This duty seemed very effective because I was able to investigate more about what I wanted to study. I clarify many ideas.


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