Test 1 for Medical terminology PDF

Title Test 1 for Medical terminology
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 2
File Size 65.5 KB
File Type PDF
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Theleplasty – the surgical repairing of the nipple Neurohypohophysis - the part of the pituitary gland involving the nerves Sphygmometrograph – an instrument for recording and measuring the pulse Phleborrheography – the recording of the flowing of something from the veins Pinealism – a condition caused by malfunctioning of the pineal gland Myosiatric – p.t. the healing of the muscles Vasedematogram – a record of the swelling of the vessels Encephaloplastotropic – preferentially affecting the surgical repairing of something.t. the brain right answer is preferentially affecting the formation of the brain (encephal is the combining form – al is not a termination to mean pertaining to) Anthropokinetics – the science of the movement of the human Podagral – p.t. gouty pain in the feet Cyclokinetotherapy – treatment by means of the movement of the ciliary body Thrombocypopenia – a deficiency of blood platelets Dacryocele – the protrusion of the tear sac Neurotropism – the tendency to preferentially affect the nerves Ophtalmostat – something which stops the eye Omphalolytic – p.t. the disintegration of the navel Hematothorax – a collection of blood in the chest Onychoptotic – p.t the downward displacement of the nails Desmologic – p.t. the study of ligaments Melectatic – p.t. distention of the limbs Coxarthria – an abnormal condition involving the joints of the hip Tenonostosis – the ossification of a tendon Adenomalacia – the softening of a gland Cephaloplegia – the paralysis of the head Sclerostomy – the making of an opening in the sclera Spondylsclerosis – the hardening of the vertebrae Blepharostenoticist – one who specializes in the science of the narrowing of the eyelids Cheiroschistoid – resembeling the splitting of the hand Keratitic – p.t. the inflammation of the cornea Prospocerebrum – the part of the cerebrum involving the face rachiopathorrhaphy – the suturing of something involving a disease of the spine gonalgia – pain in the knees otokineticocyte – a cell of something p.t the movement of the ear chondrinogenetic – p.t. the production of a substance of the cartilage lithoclast – something which breaks a calculus astragalomegalodynia – pain involving the enlargement of the talus coremia – an abnormal presence of blood in the pupil trichodysplasia – the defective formation of the hair myelorrhagia – the rapid flowing of something from the spinal cord cirsorrhectogenous – prodyced by the rupturing of a varix sanguineous – p.t. a substance of blood angiasthenia – the lack of strength of the vessels

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

costedematoscopize – to examine the swelling of the ribs acrodermatitis – the inflammation of the skin of the extremities haemomusculus – a collection of blood in the muscle mastopexy – the fixation of the breast myringotropin – a substance that nourishes the tympanic membrane phacorrheogenic – producing the flowing of something from the lens ostectopia – the displacement of the bone lienomegaliastic – p.t. the abnormal presence of the enlargement of the spleen...

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