Medical Terminology CH 1-7 PDF

Title Medical Terminology CH 1-7
Course Medical Terminology for the Health Professions
Institution Texas A&M University
Pages 35
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Chapter 1 -7 terms...


Medical Terminology CH 1-7 Chapter 1 Pronunciation Sound

Letter c (before a, o, u)


c (before e, I, y)




g (before a, o, u)


g (before e, I, y)


ph pn pt (initial) rh, rrh

f n t r

x (initial)

z Common Roots Definition

Root Arthr/o Cardi/o Enter/o Gastr/o Hepat/o Neur/o Hem/o Hemat/o My/o Muscul/o Angi/o Vas/o Vascul/o Derm/o Dermat/o Cutane/o Pneum/o Pneumon/o Pulmon/o

Joint Heart Small Intestine Stomach Liver Nerve Blood


Creation, cause

Muscle Vessel (blood vessel)



Example Cardiac (KAR-dee-ak) Contra (KON-trah) Cut (KUT) Cephalic (she-FAL-ik) Cilium (SIL-ee-um) Cyst (SIST) Chiropractor (KAI-roh-PRAKtor) Gamma (GAM-ah) Goiter (GOI-ter) Gutta (GUT-tah) Genetic (jeh-NET-tik) Giant (JAI-int) Biology (bai-AW-loh-jee) Pharmacy (FAR-mah-see) Pneumonia (noo-MOHN-yah) Pterigium (tir-IH-jee-um) Rhinoplasty (RAI-noh-PLAStee) Hemorrhage (HEH-moh-rij) Xeroderma (ZER-oh-DERmah) Examples Arthroscope, arthritis Cardiology, pericardium Enteropathy, dysentery Gastrointestinal, gastritis Hepatology, hepatitis Neurology, neuralgia Hemorrhage Hematoma Myocardial, myalgia Musculoskeletal, muscular Angioplasty, angiectomy Vasospasm, vasectomy Vasculopathy, vasculitis Dermoscopy, dermis Dermatology, dermatitis Subcutaneous Pneumotomy Pneumonia, Pneumonitis Pulmonologist, cardiopulmonary Pathogenic

Hydr/o Morph/o Myc/o Necr/o Orth/o Path/o Phag/o Plas/o Py/o Scler/o Sten/o Troph/o Xen/o Arthr/o Suffix -ac -al -ar -ary -eal -ic -tic -ous -ia -ism -ium -y -icle -ole -ule -ula -iatrics -iatry -iatrist -ist -logist -logy


Suffix -algia -dynia -cele -emia -iasis -itis -lysis -malacia -megaly -oid -oma -osis -pathy -penia -ptosis -rrhage


Water Change Fungus Death Straight Suffering, disease Eat Formation Pus Hard Narrowing Nourishment, development Foreign Joint Common Suffixes Definition Pertaining to

Hydrophobic, dehydration Morphology Dermatomycosis Necrosis Orthodontist Pathology Aphagia Hyperplasia Pyorrhea, pyemia Scleroderma Stenosis Trophology, hypertrophy Xenograft Arthroscope, arthritis Example Cardiac Skeletal Muscular Pulmonary Esophageal Medic Neurotic Subcutaneous

Pneumonia Autism Tissue, structure Pericardium Condition, procedure Hypertrophy Small Ventricle Arteriole Pustule Uvula Medical Science Pediatrics Psychiatry Specialist in the medicine of Psychiatrist Specialist Dentist Specialist in the study of Psychologist Study of Psychology Symptoms, Diseases, and Conditions (Suffixes) Definition Example Pain Myalgia Gastrodynia Hernia Hydrocele Blood Condition Leukemia Presence of Lithiasis Inflammation Arthritis Loosen, break down Hemolysis Abnormal softening Osteomalacia Enlargement Hepatomegaly Resembling Keloid Tumor Melanoma Condition Thrombosis Disease Myopathy Deficiency Leukopenia Drooping Nephroptosis Excessive flow Hemorrhage

-rrhagia -rrhea -rrhexis -spasm Suffix -centesis -gram -graph -graphy -meter -metry -scope -scopy Suffix -desis -ectomy -pexy -plasty -rrhaphy -stomy -tomy Prefix AAnAntiContraDe-


Prefix AntePreProBradyTachyPostRePrefix AbAdCircumPeriDiaTransEEcExEctoExoExtraEnEndo-


Flow Rupture Involuntary contraction Tests (Suffixes) Definition Puncture Written record Instrument used to produce a record Writing procedure Instrument used to measure Process of measuring Instrument used to look Process of looking Treatments (Suffixes) Definition Binding, fixation Removal Surgical fixation Reconstruction Suture Creation of an opening Incision Negation (Prefixes) Definition Not

Down, away from Time/Speed (Prefixes) Definition Before Before, on behalf of Slow Fast After Again Direction/Position (Prefixes) Definition Away Toward Around Through Out


In, inside

Menorrhagia Diarrhea Metrorrhexis Myospasm Example Amniocentesis Cardiogram Cardiograph Cardiography Cephalometer Cephalometry Arthroscope Arthroscopy Example Arthrodesis Vasectomy Retinopexy Rhinoplasty Herniorrhaphy Colostomy Dermotomy Example Aphasia Anemia Antibiotics Contraceptive Dehydration Example Antepartum Precondition Probiotic Bradycardia Tachycardia Postpartum Rehabilitation Example Abduct Adrenaline Circumcision Pericardium Diagnostic Translate Evoke Ectopic Exhale Ectoderm Exoskeleton Enema Endocrine

IntraEpiSubInterPrefix BiHemiSemiHyperHypoMacroMicroMonoUniOligoPanPolyMulti-

Upon Beneath Between Size/Quantity (Prefixes) Definition Two Half Over Under Large Small One Few All Many

Prefix ConSynSymDysEuSingular -a -ax -ex -ix -is -ma -on

-um -us

Other (Prefixes) Definition With, together

Intravenous Epididymus Subcutaneous Intercostal Example Bilateral Hemiplegia Semilunar Hyperthermia Hypothermia Macrotia Microdontia Monocyte Unisex Oligomenorrhea Pancytopenia Polygraph Multicellular Example Congestion Syndrome Symmetry Dysentery Euphoria

Bad Good Singulars and Plurals (Prefixes) Plural Singular Example -ae Vertebra Larva -aces Throax -ices Cortex Appendix -es Neurosis Diagnosis -mata Sarcoma Carcinoma -a Spermatozoon Ganglion Datum Bacterium Ovum -i Nucleus Alveolus Thrombus

Plural Example Vertebrae Larvae Throaces Cortices Appendices Neuroses Diagnoses Sarcomata Carcinomata Spermatozoa Ganglia Data Bacteria Ova Nuclei Alveoli Thrombi

Chapter 2 Term Acute Chronic


General Subjective Terms Definition It just started recently or is a sharp, severe symptom It has been going on for a while now

Exacerbation Abrupt Febrile Afebrile Malaise Progressive Symptom Noncontributory Lethargic Genetic/Hereditary Term Alert Oriented Marked Unremarkable Auscultation Percussion Palpation Term Impression Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Benign Malignant Degeneration Etiology Remission Idiopathic Localized Systemic/Generalized Morbidity Mortality Prognosis Occult Pathogen Lesion Recurrent Sequelae Pending Term Disposition


Prophylaxis Palliative Observation Reassurance Supportive Care


It is getting worse All of a sudden To have a fever To not have a fever Not feeling well More and more each day Something a patient feels Not related to the specific problem A decrease level of consciousness (an indication that the patient is really sick) It runs in the family General Objective Terms Definition Able to answer questions; responsive; interactive Being aware of who they are, where they are, and the current time It really stands out Another way of saying normal To listen To hit something and listen or feel the vibrations To feel General Assessment Terms Definition Another way of saying assessment What the health care professional thinks the patient has A list of conditions the patient may have based on the symptoms exhibited and results Safe Dangerous; a problem To be getting worse The cause To get better or improve; does not mean cure No known specific cause; it just happens Stays in a certain part of the body All over the body (or most of it) The risk for being sick The risk for dying The chances of things getting better or worse Hidden The organism that causes the problem Diseased tissue To have again A problem resulting from a disease or injury Waiting for General Plan Terms Definition What happened to the patient at the end of the visit; often used at the end of ED noted to reference where the patient went after the visit Literally to unload, it has two meanings: 1. To send home 2. Fluid coming out of a part of the body Preventative treatment Treating the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause Watch, keep an eye on To tell the patient the problem is not serious or dangerous To treat the symptoms and make the patient feel better

Sterile Term Proximal Distal Lateral Medial Ventral Antral Anterior Dorsal Posterior Cranial Caudal Superior Inferior Prone Supine Contralateral Ipsilateral Unilateral Bilateral Dorsum Plantar Palmar Sagittal Coronal Transverse Term Physician Pediatrician Surgeon Anesthesiologist Physician Assistant (PA) Nurse Practitioner (NP)

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Speech Therapist Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Respiratory Therapist Dietician Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)


Extremely clean, germ-free conditions Body Planes and Orientation Definition Closer into the center Farther away from the center Out to the side Toward the middle The front The back Toward the top Toward the bottom Above Below Lying down on belly Lying down on back Opposite side Same side One side Both sides Top of the hand or foot The sole of the foot The palm of the hand Divides the body into slices from right to left Divides the body into slices from front to back Divides the body into slices from top to bottom Health Professions Definition Health Providers A skilled health care provider who attended and graduated medical school A physician with special training in caring for children A physician qualified to treat patients surgically, that is, by means of operation or invasive procedure A physician with special training in pain sedation and pain control A midlevel healthcare provider who works under the license of a supervising physician; requires postgraduate training A nurse with postgraduate training that serves as a midlevel health care provider; works under the license of a supervising physician Specially trained in the emergency care of a patient before and/or during transport to medical facility Specially trained in evaluating and treating problems with speech and/or swallowing Specially trained in evaluating and treating problems with performing daily activities at home, school, or work Specially trained in evaluating and treating physical impairments including disabilities or recovery from an injury Specially trained in treating patient’s respiratory issues under the guidance of a health care provider Specially trained in evaluating the nutritional status of a patient and developing an appropriate diet plan Trained and certified to provide basic care to a patient

Trained and certified to provide basic care to a patient Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Registered Nurse (RN)

Medical Assistant

Pathologist Medical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomist

Radiologist Radiology Technician Ultrasonographer Pharmacist Pharmacy Technician Patient Service Coordinator Medical Transcriptionist

Section Chief Complaint History of Present Illness Review of Symptoms Past Medical History Past Surgical History Family History Social History

Abbreviation CCU ECU ER ED ICU PICU NICU SICU PACU L&D OR Post-op Pre-op


An advanced level nurse who has completed an associate’s or bachelor’s degree; often assists with patient care planning and patient education Trained to carry out basic administrative and clinical tasks under the guidance of a health care provider Laboratory and Pathology A physician with special training in both evaluating causes and effects of disease and in laboratory medicine Trained in performing laboratory testing on bodily fluids Trained in the removal of blood from the body for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes Radiology A physician specially trained in evaluating images of the body to diagnose illness or injury Trained to perform radiologic testing or administer radiation therapy under the direction of a health care provider Trained in performing ultrasound imaging on a patient Pharmacology Trained and licensed in preparing and dispensing medicine Trained to assist a pharmacist with pharmacy-related tasks Clinical Support Handles administrative tasks and coordinated patient care Trained in converting voice-recorded dictations of health care providers into text format Sections of a Health Record Definition The main reason for the patient’s visit The story of the patient’s problem Description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem Other significant past illnesses, like high blood pressure, asthma, or diabetes And of the patient’s past surgeries Any significant illnesses that run in the patient’s family A record of habits like smoking, drinking, drug abuse, and sexual practices that can impact health Abbreviations Definition Coronary Care Unit Emergency Care Unit Emergency Room Emergency Department Intensive Care Unit Pediatric intensive Care Unit Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Surgical Intensive Care Unit Post-Anesthetic Care Unit Labor and Delivery Operating Room After surgery Before surgery Male

Female (R) (L) (B)

Right Left Bilateral (both sides) Increased Decreased



Vital Signs Temperature Blood Pressure Heart Rate Respiratory Rate Height Weight Body Mass Index Intake/Output: the amount of fluids a patient has taken in Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis Treatment Prescription History and Physical History Chief Complaint History of Present Illness Review of Symptoms Past Medical History Family History No Known Drug Allergies Physical Exam Patient Years Old History of Primary Care Provider Follow up Shortness of breath Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation No acute distress (no intense symptoms) Cardiovascular Regular rate and rhythm (normal heart rate) Clear to auscultation (normal sounding lungs) Well developed, well nourished Alert and oriented Within normal limits Not otherwise specified Not elsewhere classified Per os (by mouth) Nil per os (nothing by mouth) Per rectum (anal) Intramuscular Subcutaneous Intravenous Central venous line Peripherally inserted central catheter Instructions


Clinic note

Author Medical professional

Twice daily Three times daily Every x hours/days Daily Four times daily At night Before meals After meals As needed As desired Summary of Health Record Notes Location Purpose Format Clinic Documents a SOAP visit

Consult note

Physician, usually a specialist

Clinic or hospital

Emergency department note

ED medical staff

Emergency department

Admission summary

Hospital medical professional


Discharge summary

Medical professional


Operative report


Daily hospital note

Medical professional


Inpatient Health Care Facility

Provides an expert opinion on a more challenging problem Documents an emergency department’s visit Documents the admission of a patient to a hospital


Describes when and why the patient was admitted Documents a surgery in detail Documents a daily hospital visit


Unique Features New patient; includes more history, separate form Repeat patient; streamlined note Can be in the form of a letter to the PCP


The A includes the emergency department’s course


S,O = very thorough A = differential diagnosis P = further testing and care A+P= problem-based approach Starts with A



S = focuses on how patient’s condition has changed since the previous note A = sometimes includes a differential diagnosis

Radiology report


Pathology report



Medical professional

Explains reason for image, how the image was performed, and what was seen, the radiologist’s assessment and sometimes a recommenda tion Provides reasons for test, what was seen on the test and an assessment Provides directions for a medication


Usually includes only S,O and A but may include a P is it recommends that further studies should be performed



1 = medicine’s name 2 = instructions to the patient 3 = how much medicine should be given 4 = refills, if any 5 = health care professional’s signature

Chapter 3 Term Integumentary System Epidermis Dermis Fat


Hair Sweat Scale Nail Oil


Anatomy of the Integumentary System Root/Definition The skin Outermost, visible layer of skin Thicker and lies below the epidermis; home to hair follicles, nerves, and glands Adip/o Lip/o Steat/o Cutane/o Dermat/o Derm/o Trich/o Pil/o Hidr/o Squam/o Onych/o Ungu/o Seb/o Sebace/o Words Associated with Pathology (Change/Color)

Term Hidden Hard, Horny Dry Thick Yellow Red White Black

Term Abrasion Albinism Albino Alopecia Anhidrosis Comedo Cyanidrosis Depigmentation Dermatalgia Dermatodynia Dermatolysis Erythema Erythroderma Hemathidrosis Hidropoiesis Hyperhidrosis Hyperkeratosis Hypermelanosis Hyperpigmentation Hypohidrosis Hypomelanosis Hypopigmentation Leukoderma Macerate Onychophagia Pruritus Rhytiderma Sebopoiesis Seborrhea Trichomegaly Urticaria Xanthoderma Xeroderma Xerosis

Term Macule, macula (freckle) Patch (vitiligo) Papule Plaque Nodule


Root Crypt/o Kerat/o Xer/o Pachy/o Xanth/o Erythr/o Leuk/o Alb/o Melan/o Subjective Dermatological Terms Definition Scraping away of skin Lack of pigment in skin causing patient to look white A person afflicted with albinism Baldness Lack of sweating A hair follicle that is plugged up with sebum Blue sweat Loss of pigmentation Skin pain Skin pain Loose skin Redness Red skin Sweating blood The formation of sweat Excessive sweating Excessive growth of horny skin Excessive melanin in the skin Excessive pigment in the skin Diminished sweating Diminished melanin in the skin Diminished pigment in the skin White skin To soften the skin Eating or biting the nails An itch Wrinkled skin Formation of oil (sebum) Discharge of oil (sebum) Abnormally thick hair Swollen raised itchy areas of the skin Yellow skin Dry skin Condition of dryness Objective Primary Lesions Definition Flat, Nonpalpable Small, flat, discolored area Larger, flat, discolored area Elevated, Palpable, Solid Mass A small solid mass A solid mass on the surface of the skin A solid mass that extends deeper into the skin

Tumor Vesicle Bulla Pustule Abscess Term Erosion Ulcer Excoriation Fissure Scale Crust Term Vascular lesion Cherry Angioma Telangiectasia Petechia Ecchymosis Cicatrix Keloid Term Epidermal Tumors Nevus Dysplastic Nevus Verruca Term Culture and Sensitivity Biopsy Excisional Biopsy Incisional Biopsy Dermatoscope Dermoscopy Term Adipocele Dermatofibroma Erythrocyanosis Keratogenic Keratosis Necrosis Onychia Onychcryptosis Onycholysis Onychomalacia Onychopathy Onychophagia Pachyderma Paronychia Steatoma


A larger solid mass Elevated, Fluid-filled A smaller blister A larger blister A pus-filled blister A localized collection of pus in the body Secondary Lesions Definition Loss of Skin Surface Loss of skin A sore A scratch A crack in the skin Skin flaking off Material on Skin Surface A dried substance Vascular Lesions Definition Wounds related to blood vessels A small blood vessel tumor The overexpansion of the end of a blood vessel A small bruise A larger bruise Scar Overgrown scar tissue Epidermal Tumors Definition Tumors on the skin Mole A mole with bad changes or formations Wart Diagnostic Procedures Definition Growing microorganisms in isolation to determine which drugs they will respond to Removal of tissue to examine it Removal of an entire lesion for examination Removal of a portion of a ...

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