The Dukan Diet - Assignment 2 PPT PDF

Title The Dukan Diet - Assignment 2 PPT
Course Big Fat Myth
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 3
File Size 104.4 KB
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According to the medical news today, The Dukan Diet is a high-protein, low-carb weight loss diet that is claimed to produce rapid weight loss without hunger. This protein-based nutritional approach designed by Pierre Dukan, a French nutritionist and dietitian.This diet proposes a healthy eating plan based on how primitive hunter-gatherers used to eat. It includes 100 foods, of which 72 are sourced from animals and 28 come from plants. The person can eat as much as they like, as long as they only eat those 100 foods. Dukan diet is based on the theory that a lot of protein can help people lose weight because: 

it is low in calories

it makes a person feel full

digesting protein uses more energy and therefore more calories

Restricting the intake of carbohydrates and fats puts the body induces a starvation-like state, which forces the body to use fat stores for energy.

The Dukan Diet begins with calculating your goal weight based on your age, weight loss history, and other factors.How long you stay in each phase depends on how much weight you need to lose to reach your goal. There are the four phases of the Dukan diet. The duration of each depends on how much weight you need to lose. The first one is Attack Phase, which takes 1 to 7 days to complete. You start the diet by eating unlimited lean protein plus 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day. Such as: Lean beef, Lean pork, Poultry without skin, Fish and shellfish, Eggs, Non-fat dairy products, Small amounts of lemon juice and pickles, 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of oil daily for greasing pans. Besides, at least 1.5 liters of water must be consumed daily. Secondly, Cruise Phase. It can last to 1 to 12 months. In this phase, you should alternate lean protein one day with lean protein and non-starchy veggies the next. Such as Broccoli, Bell peppers, Eggplant, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Green beans, Onions, leeks, Spaghetti squash and 1 serving of carrots or beets daily Plus 2 tablespoons of oat bran must be taken every day. Thirdly, Consolidation Phase, it has the period of 5 days for every pound lost in phases 1 and 2. During this phase, you should unlimited lean protein and veggies, some carbs and fats,

one day of lean protein weekly, 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran daily. Like Fruit, Bread, Cheese, Meat. The last one is Stabilization Phase. The period of this is indefinite. Follow the Consolidation Phase guidelines but loosen the rules as long as your weight remains stable. Oat bran is increased to 3 tablespoons per day.

As we know, food seem to provide the amount of nutrients and energy of body needs to maintain daily work or study. The course material of lesson5 says ‘Food is composed of 3 primary macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.’ (2019) Protein intake of our body can through taking meat, seafood, egg, milk, nuts and seeds. Protein are also made of amino acids that can help people to build muscles to become stronger. Carbohydrates are the basic energy needs of body from rice, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, breads and sugar. Then fats stored in our body from high-calorie food, “burn fat” is when our body do not have any food, fat storage is working.

There are few concerns about the weight loss method. Since the diet bans certain food groups, such as grains and fruit, it is nutritionally incomplete, although the high-protein Dukan Diet can produce fast weight loss. Evaluators have also criticized it for being difficult to follow and inconvenient, as everything must be prepared from scratch. Other issues may include: The initial weight loss is mainly water. And the rules are strict and the choices can be boring, so it is hard to follow. Also, a rodent study carried out by researchers at the University of Granada in Spain has suggested that a high-protein diet may lead to kidney disease in the long term. So far, no research has proven that high-protein diet such as the Dukan diet is safe or effective. Besides, its benefits are not confirmed by research. In conclusion, it is a quick weight loss diet that works, but it forces you to avoid many healthy foods unnecessarily. I do not think this is a weight loss method although it is quite effective.

Bibliography Brazier, Y. (2017, April 3). Dukan diet: Should I try it? Retrieved from MedicalNewsToday: Spritzler, F. (2018, December 12). The Dukan Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss? Retrieved from healthline: Jackson-Cannady, A. (2020). The Dukan Diet. Retrieved from WebMD: BFM:Lesson5-Digestion and Absorption 1(2019), School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science, UNSW....

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