The huge delta region formed at the confluence of the Ganges and Brahmaputra River systems PDF

Title The huge delta region formed at the confluence of the Ganges and Brahmaputra River systems
Author Zahidul Islam
Course Introduction To World Civilization
Institution North South University
Pages 1
File Size 39.4 KB
File Type PDF
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delta of ganga...


T he huge del ta regi on formed at the confl uence of the Ganges and B rahmaputra R iv er systems now referred to as B angl adesh - w as a loosel y i ncorporated outpost of v ari ous empi res centered on the Ganget ic plai n for much of the fi rst mi l l enni um A.D . Musl i m conversi ons and settl ement i n the regi on began i n the 10th century, pri mari ly from A rab and P ersi an traders and preachers. Europeans establ i shed tradi ng posts i n the area in the 16th century. Eventual l y the area know n as B engal , pri mari l y Hi ndu in the w estern secti on and mostly Mus li m i n the eastern hal f, bec ame part of B ri ti sh Indi a. P arti ti on i n 1947 resul ted i n an eastern w i ng of Paki stan in the Mus li m-maj ority area, w hi ch became E ast P aki stan. C al l s f or greater aut onomy and anim osi ty between the eastern and w estern wi ngs of P aki stan l ed to a B engali i ndependence movement. T hat movement, l ed by the Awami League (A L) and supported by India, w on the i ndependence w ar for B angladesh i n 1971. T he post-independence A L government faced daunti ng chal lenges and i n 1975 it w as overthrow n by the mi li tary, t ri ggeri ng a seri es of mi l i tary coups that resulted in a mi l it ary-backed gov ernment and subsequent creati on of the B angl adesh Nati onal ist P arty (B N P ) i n 1978. T hat government al so ended i n a coup i n 1981, fol l ow ed by mi l i tary-backed rul e unti l democrati c el ections occurred in 1991. The B N P and AL hav e alternated in pow er since 1991, w i th the exc epti on of a mi li tary-backed, emergency c aretaker regime that suspended parl i amentary el ections pl anned for January 2007 i n an eff ort t o reform the pol i tical system and root out corrupti on. T hat government returned the country to ful ly democ ratic rul e i n December 2008 wi th the el ection of the A L and P ri me Mi nister S hei kh HA S INA . In January 2014, the incumbent AL won the nati onal el ecti on by an overw hel mi ng maj ori ty after the BN P boycotted the electi on, w hi ch extended HA S IN A's term as pri me mi ni ster. In D ecember 2018, H A SI NA secured a third consecuti ve term (fourth overal l ) w i th the AL coal i ti on securi ng 96% of av ai l able seats, ami d w i despread cl ai ms of electi on i rregul ari ti es. With the hel p of i nternati onal devel opment assi stance, B angl adesh has reduced t he poverty rate from ov er hal f of the popul ati on to l ess than a thi rd, achi eved Mi ll enni um Devel opment Goal s for maternal and chil d heal th, and made great progress i n food securi ty since independence. The ec onomy has grown at an annual average of about 6% for the l ast tw o decades and the country reac hed World B ank l ow er-middl e i ncome status i n 2014....

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