The Picture of Dorian Gray PDF

Title The Picture of Dorian Gray
Author Iker López
Course Anglès II
Institution Batxillerat
Pages 8
File Size 139.2 KB
File Type PDF
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The Picture of Dorian Gray...



Iker López

4t C

The picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 1 1. Describe the young man in the picture. The young man of the picture is not handsome, he have a dark curly hair, blue eyes and a strange skin, he is not happy in the picture. 2. When Dorian came and sat with Basil, what effect did it have and why? Basil didn’t paint much better because Dorian is only speaking with Lord Henry and Basil can’t painted good. 3. Why was Basil unhappy when he heard that Lord Henry wanted to meet Dorian? Because Henry can have a bad influence on Dorian Gray. 4. What did Lord Henry do while Basil stood and painted and how did Dorian react? Lord Henry knew so much about life but he didn’t see the other world and he only see the bad, he drink and go to parties so much.

Chapter 2 1. How did a) Dorian and b) Basil feel about the picture and why? Dorian: He liked the portrait very much, but it made him sad because in real life he'll become old and ugly. Basil: He was angry because Henry and Dorian comments bad things about it 2. What happened after Basil saw his painter’s knife? He took his painter’s knife quickly and turned towards the portrait. But Dorian saw him with the knife in his hand, and before Basil could do anything, Dorian stopped him. 3. Why was Basil sad after he closed the door? Because he remembered Lord Henry laughing and he was worried about his friend future.


Iker López

4t C

4. What did Lord Fermor tell Lord Henry about Lady Margaret? Lord Fermor told Lord Henry that Lady Margaret was a very beautiful girl and all the people were in love with her, but she fell in love with a poor, young man, a soldier. 5. What happened to Dorian after Lady Margaret died? Lord Kelso took Dorian to his home in the country and he lived there until his grandfather died. Finally Dorian finished school in London.

Chapter 3 1. How did Dorian meet Sibyl Vane? Dorian met Sibyl Vane in the theatre. 2. Where did Sibyl live and who did she live with? She lives in a poor house with her brother and her mum. 3. How did Sibyl describe her Prince Charming? She describe like a rich and a handsome man. 4. Why was James going to Australia and why were Sibyl and her mother sad? Because he wanted to win a lot of money to take care to the family but he left Sibyl and her mother alone and then they were sad.

Chapter 4 1. What was Basil’s opinion of Dorian’s marriage to Sibyl and why did he think this? He thought that it was a bad idea because he have a position in the society. 2. What happened the night before when Dorian visited Sibyl after the performance? They have their first kiss 3. In Dorian’s opinion, how did Sibyl act badly?


Iker López

4t C

4. What happened at the end of the play? Dorian visited Sybil and said that he didn’t want to see she anymore because he’s an ordinary women. 5. Sibyl wasn’t good actress any more. What was her explanation for this? She explain that she is in love with Dorian and is impossible to represent with he. 6. How did Sibyl react to Dorian’s word to her? She fell to the floor and she started to cry.

Chapter 5 1. What did Dorian see when he looked at the portrait and then in the mirror? He see that it’s everything the same excepting the mouth

2. What did Dorian now understand? It means that all the changes in his life will appear on his portrait and not on his real face.

3. Why didn't Dorian want to look at the portrait and what did he do? Because the man of the portrait was ugly and it made him sad. Because he must see if the changes are still there.

4. What did Dorian see when he removed the cloth in the morning? He see a letter

Chapter 6 1. Why didn't Dorian read Lord Henry's letter? Because sometimes his letters are cruel, and it hurt his feelings.

2. What information was in Lord Henry's letter? The letter said that Sybil is dead.


Iker López

4t C

3. Why was there going to be an investigation? Because he think that Sibyl didn't die accidentally.

4. What did Dorian decide after the thought about Lord Henry's words? He decided that he were not a responsable about the things that Sibyl do

Chapter 7 1. Why was Basil shocked when he spoke to Dorian? Because before that he heard a bad thing and now he spoke to Dorian with anger voice.

2. Why did Basil want to see the portrait? Because there's going to be and exhibition of his pictures in Paris and he want to take his portrait to the exhibition.

3. Where did Dorian decide to hide the portrait? Why did he decide to hide it there? He hides the portrait in the old school.

4. In your own word, explain why Dorian gave his personal servant a note for Lord Henry. Because he want to explain something to he

5. What did the workmen do ten minutes later, and what did Dorian do when they left? Dorian locked the door and put the key in his pocket.

Chapter 8 1. What happened when Dorian was walking home from Lord Henry's house, and what was his reaction? In the street he saw a man, he was carrying a coat and a bag and then Dorian didn’t want to spoke to him. 2. Why was Basil worried? Because Dorian will lose her position in society.


Iker López

4t C

3. What did Basil see when he removed the cloth, and what did he understand? When he removed the picture he saw the real Dorian, he saw a tired, ugly face with evil eyes.

4. What did Dorian do when Basil was dead? He cleaned the knife, put in on the desk and left the study with silence

5. Why was Dorian sure that nobody saw him kill Basil? Because his personal servant was in the kitchen.

Chapter 9 1. What did Dorian see when he entered the living room and what did he plan to do later? He saw Basil’s coat and bag and he planned to burn them. 2. What did Dorian do after he wrote the note, and what happened next? He called his personal servant and he sent him to Alan’s house with the letter. 3. How did Dorian persuade Alan Campbell to help him?

4. What did Dorian do after Alan Campbell left the house? He went upstairs to saw what happened with the body and after he putted the clothes over the picture.

Chapter 10 1. A strange man was walking behind Dorian. Describe the man: He was wearing blue clothes, he had tattoos on his arms and he looked like a sailor. 2. Why was James Vane sure that Dorian was Sibyl’s Prince Charming and what was James Vane going to do? Because James Vane heard an old woman say his name, he was going to kill Dorian.


Iker López

4t C

3. How did Dorian convince James Vane that he wasn’t Prince Charming? He told to James that he couldn’t be the Prince Charming because of his age. 4. What did James do when he heard this and why was he then shocked? He went with Dorian under a street light and he get shocked because he thought that he was going to kill an innocent man. 5. What will James Vane do if his finds Dorian again? He are going to kill he.

Chapter 11 1. What did Dorian see from his living room and why did this make Dorian nervous? He saw James watching him and he became nervous because he knew where he lived. 2. Why was James Vane sure that Dorian was Sibyl’s Prince Charming and what was James Vane going to do? Because an old woman told it to him and James were going to kill Dorian. 3. There was an accident. Describe exactly what happened: A rabbit ran between the trees and Dorian’s friends tried to shoot it but they hit a man. 5. What did the servant tell Dorian about the man in the stables? He told Dorian that the man looked like a sailor, he was wearing blue clothes and he had tattoos on his arms. 6. What happened in the stables, and why did Dorian then feel happy? Dorian recognized James and he felt nervous because he was no more in danger.

Chapter 12 1. Why wasn’t Dorian happy? Because he wasn’t a nice person.


Iker López

2. What did Lord Henry tell Dorian about Alan Campbell? He told Dorian that Alan died two weeks ago. 3. Lord Henry talked about a strange coincidence. What was it? He said that Alan and Basil disappeared the same night. 4. What did Dorian see when he looked at the portrait? The same face with all the same features 5. What did the servants see when they entered the room upstairs? They saw a beautiful picture of a young Dorian and an ugly man dead on the floor. 6. How did the servants understand that the dead man was Dorian? Because he had a ring in the finger

4t C


Iker López

4t C

When we are happy we are always good. But when we are good we are not always happy. I think about this sentence that is so true because in many moments I feel like it. In some moments or days I feel so happy and I’m good with all the things and all the persons that are around me. But other days that I buy something special for me or when my parents make me a presents I’m good because I have anew thing but I’m not happy because I can’t do anything with that or I can’t play in this moment with it. This sentence is so relative and I know that it’s possible that other persons think different but this is my opinion abut that. For finish I’m going to say a sentence that I think is important for my live and is: “For be happy the only thing that do you need to do is the first that you think”....

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