The spirit catches you and fall down reflection PDF

Title The spirit catches you and fall down reflection
Course Social Work Practice with Groups, Organizations and Communities
Institution The University of Tennessee
Pages 2
File Size 56.8 KB
File Type PDF
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The Spirit Caches you and you fall down reflection assignment....


After reading The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, answer the questions below on the Discussion Board. Then, respond to two of your classmates' postings. Your responses to classmates should be more than a simple statement of agreement or disagreement. Instead, write at least 4 to 5 academic sentences engaging your classmate about ideas presented in their post. Your post as well as your responses to classmates should use APA style for any references. 1. Identify a system (individuals, families, groups, organizations) that you would assess as culturally insensitive or ineffective. o Provide specific examples related to their interactions with or on behalf of Lia and her family to support your choices. 2. Identify a system that you found to be culturally sensitive or effective. o Provide specific examples of their interactions with or on behalf of Lia and her family to support your choices. 3. Using the strengths perspective, identify Lia’s strengths and explain your reasoning for your analysis. 4. The only American who fully won the Lees' trust was Jeanine Hilt, their social worker. Why did Jeanine succeed where so many others had failed? 5. Were you surprised by the quality of care and affection given to Lia by her foster parents? o How did Lia's foster parents feel about Foua and Nao Kao? o Was foster care ultimately to Lia's benefit or detriment? 6. Discuss any personal reactions that you had as you read the book: o How has the story affected you overall? o What impact will it have on your future social work practice?

One organization that is obvious throughout the book is Merced Community Medical Center (MCMC). I found it interesting that this hospital has a large number of Hmong patients and don’t have interpreters as staff or have very little knowledge about the Hmong culture. Even though when interacting with the Lee family numerous times throughout their hospital visits and knowing this family doesn’t speak English much less understand what documents they are signing, they don’t do much to help this family understand the treatments that need to be administered to Lia or help the family comprehend the documents they are signing. I also think CPS and the interpreter (Sue Xiong) who came to take Lia were culturally insensitive- they did not tell the Hmong family where they were taking Lia and the interpreter didn’t communicate well enough to the Lee family what exactly was going on and who was taking Lia. Nao Kao was under the impression that the police was taking Lia not the CPS. Lia’s neurologist (Terry Hutchison), he understood that the Lee’s were having a hard time understanding and administering all the different medications that were given to Lia at MCMC so he gave Lia one medication and stuck with it.

A strength that I noticed in Lia was recognizing and displaying when she knew she was about to have a seizure to her parents. Even though Lia was young, she always displayed certain behaviors that let her parents know she was about to have a seizure. Another strength I saw in Lia was she had a lot of love for her family and even her foster family. Even though she had been in a traumatic event Lia showed love to her foster family. Jeanine took the extra step to also understand how to administer the medications. Jeanine worked with Foua and Nao Kao frequently to educate them about Lia’s medications. Jeanine also worked closely with Foua so that she can administer the new medication on her own. I was surprised by the quality of care and affection given to Lia by her foster parents. Lia’s foster parents knew that Foua and Nao Kao were good caregivers and loved Lia. They did not believe Lia should have been taken away from her family. I think foster care ultimately was to Lia’s disadvantage. It points out in the book that even though Lia was receiving her treatment carefully she had more seizures in foster care than she did at home. I also think the trauma that came along with Lia being took away from her family caused a lot of stress on her body and made her sicker. But I also think that being placed with Dee and Tom Korda gave the Hmong family extra support. I liked what Dee stated in the book “We didn’t mean anything to her at first, but she learned to love us. She knew how to love and let people love her.” Both of these families I think learned a lot from each other and grew a personal relationship with each other. I think the story has made me realized that there are so many different cultures and they really do influence a person’s views on medicine. For my future social work practice, I will make it a point to understand someone’s religious and culture views and advocate on behalf of them so their views are understood. Also, ensuring that I have adequate interpreters whenever I do meet with clients who speak different languages....

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