Theories of Personality Reviewer PDF

Title Theories of Personality Reviewer
Author Annazehl Fernandez
Course Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Institution Adventist University of the Philippines
Pages 6
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Theories of Personality Reviewer Freud: Psychoanalysis 1. Freud suggested that the latency period was rooted in our phylogenetic endowment 2. According to Freud, the ego is conscious, preconscious, unconscious 3. In Freudian theory, dreams are seen as wish-fulfillments 4. Freud gave several reasons why he abandoned his seduction theory. Which of the following was NOT a reason? He realized that his highly suggestive therapeutic tactics had elicited false. Memories of seduction. 5. The classical Freudian anal character possesses all of the following traits EXCEPT for? Passitivity 6. Concerning the male and female Oedipus complexes, Freud felt more confident of his views on the male Oedipus complex 7. After World War I, Freud made which revision to his theory of personality? He placed greater emphasis on the aggression instinct. 8. The aim of Freud’s destructive instinct is self-destruction 9. Madison is frequently berated by his domineering employer. Madison is too timid to confront his employer, but he takes out his frustration by mistreating his dog, children, and wife. According to Freud, this is an example of displacement 10. The paintings and sculpture of Michelangelo best exemplify Freud’s concept of sublimation 11. The id is primarily involved in which of the following activities, according to Freud? Thumb-sucking behaviour 12. Which of these progressions is most consistent with psychoanalytic theory? Punishment of a child’s sexual behaviour leads to suppression of sexual. Behavior which leads to anxiety, which leads to repression. 13. According to Freud, the genital period begins at puberty 14. The event that eventually led to Freud’s achievement of fame was his publication of The Interpretation of Dreams. 15. Freud’s oral-sadistic stage is characterized by the emergence of teeth.

16. According to Freud, a girl’s wish to be a boy or have a baby is an expression of penis envy. 17. “Freudian slips” are a product of preconscious and unconscious forces 18. Freud regarded precepts such as “Love thy neighbour as thyself” as reaction formations 19. The superego, said Freud, strives for perfection 20. Freud believed that unconscious ideas influence behaviour even when one is unaware of them. 21. Which statement is correct, according to Freud? Repression reduces anxiety 22. Freud said that in girls, the castration complex takes the form of penis envy 23. According to Freud, all people possess two major instincts or drives. They are sex and aggression 24. The most basic Freudian defense mechanism is repression 25. Freud believed that a little girl’s Oedipal wish for a baby is a substitute for the phallus 26. Although Freud’s theory rates somewhat high on its ability to generate research, it rates low on falsifiability and operational definitions 27. Freud believed that the superego develops from the ego 28. According to Freud, ideas that slip in and out of awareness with greater or lesser degrees of ease are preconscious 29. Freud’s notion of the Oedipus complex is compounded, or made more complicated, by the bisexual nature of the child. 30. Freud claimed that during the Oedipal period, a boy feels sexual love only toward his mother 31. A young man gets sexual gratification by kissing and caressing women’s shoes. What statement best describes this situation, according to Freud? The sexual object has been displaced. 32. Seeing deficiencies in others that one unconsciously feels within oneself is an example of which Freudian defense mechanism? Projection 33. Freud believed that condensation and displacement are ways of distorting dream content 34. An example of Freud’s notion of projection might be “I like him fine, but for some reason he hates me”

35. Amy, an 18-month-old child, resorts to taking her baby sister’s bottle even though she has previously been weaned. This behaviour illustrates which Freudian defense mechanism? Regression 36. Freud believed that the ego begins to evolve from the id soon after birth. While the ego is developing, the id remains stationary 37. Asking a patient to verbalize thoughts, no matter how absurd, irrelevant, or embarrassing, is the Freudian technique of Free association 38. According to Freud, a teenager preoccupied with self and personal appearance is exhibiting secondary narcissism. 39. Freud’s hypothesis that during prehistoric times a group of brothers, denied the right to have sexual relations with their mother or sisters, joined together to kill their fater, gelt guilty, and thus instigated strong prohibitions against sexual relations with and murder of family members could best be used to explain the latency period 40. Robin protects herself against the threat of change by constantly clinging to objects and behaviors left from her early childhood. It thus appears that Robin is relying primarily on which Freudian defense mechanism? Fixation 41. Freud’s lifelong optimism and self-confidence may have stemmed from being his mother’s favourite child 42. Freud believed that boys and girls have a different psychosexual development because anatomical differences between the genders 43. The “royal road to the unconscious” was thought by Freud to be dreams 44. Freud’s notion of the superego includes a conscience and an ego-ideal 45. Freud’s free association technique evolved from Breuer’s cathartic method 46. Freud held that the pain of anxiety is most likely result in defensive behaviour 47. Freud believed that parapraxes, or “Freudian slips”, revealed unconscious intent 48. Freud saw himself primarily as a scientist 49. Freud claimed that pleasure-seeking people with no thought of what is reasonable or proper are dominated by the id 50. After the female Oedipus complex is resolved, Freud claimed that it is replaced by the super-ego

51. According to Freud, dreams have meaning on two levels. The more important level concerns the latent content 52. According to Freud, most of our mental life is unconscious 53. Bettelheim argued that psychoanalysis should be seen as a Human science Things to remember: 

What makes Freud’s theory so interesting?

1. Sex and aggression 2. Mythological and lonely hero 3. Brilliant command of language 

He relied more on deductive reasoning

Psychoanalysis could not be subjected to eclecticism

March 6 or May 6, 1856

Mother/son relationship was the most perfect, most free from ambivalence of all human relationships

Jean-Martin Charcot

Hysteria – a disorder typically characterized by paralysis or the improper functioning of certain parts of the body

Josef Breuer

Catharsis – the process of removing hysterical symptoms through “talking them out”

Male hysteria from charcot

Hysteria – wandering womb

Wilhelm Fliess

Freud and Breuer had a professional disagreement and became estranged personally

Freud suffered both professional isolation and personal crises

His realization that he was now middle-aged and had yet to achieve the fame he so passionately desired

Why Fliess could no longer believe in Freud’s seduction theory? 1. Had not enabled him to successfully treat even a single patient. 2. A great number of fathers, including his own, would have to be accused of sexual perversion because hysteria was quite common even among Freud’s siblings. 3. Freud believed that the unconscious mind

could probably not distinguish reality from fiction. 4. He found that the unconscious memories of advanced psychotic patients almost never revealed early childhood sexual experiences. 

Ernest Jones – official biographer

Max Schur – personal physician

Levels of Mental Life: unconscious, preconscious, conscious

Phylogenetic endowment

Provinces of the mind: id “das es” it, ego “das ich” I, superego “das uber-ich” over-i

Id – pleasure principle

Ego – reality principle

Superego – moralistic and idealistic principle

Conscience – guilt

Ego-ideal – inferiority feelings

Drives – sex; libido, aggression, anxiety

Erogenous zones – the mouth and anus are capable of producing sexual pleasure

Sadism, masochism

Ultimate inorganic condition is death

Final aim of the aggressive drive is self-destruction

Neurotic anxiety; unknown danger

Moral anxiety; stems from the conflict between ego and superego

Realistic anxiety; closely related to fear. Unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger.

Defense mechanism

Repression is the most basic defense mechanism

Reaction Formation - exaggerated character and by its obsessive and compulsive form

Displacement – people can redirect their unacceptable urges onto a variety of people or objects so that the original impulse is disguised or concealed

Fixation – the permanent attachment of the libido, onto an earlier, more primitive stage of development; demand a more or less permanent expenditure of psychic energy

Regression – rigid and infantile; temporary

Projection – paranoia – a mental disorder characterized by powerful delusions of jealousy and persecution


Sublimation – usually benefits both the individual and society

Adler: Individual Psychology 1. The most important factor for the child in Adler’s family constellation is subjective perception of self and environment 2. Adler’s notion of moving backward is similar to Freud’s notion of Regression 3. The “sole criterion of human values,” Adler said, is Social Interest 4. Jared develops tension headaches while trying to meet a deadline at work. This tactic allows him to escape responsibility for meeting the deadline and to receive sympathy from his boss and coworkers. According to Adler, Jared’s headaches are examples of An organ dialect 5. Which of the following assumptions is NOT part of Adler’s theory? All human motivations for behaviour are unconscious in origin 6. Adler refers to the overemphasis on the importance of being manly as the masculine protest 7. According to Adler, _____ is the most reliable means of revealing style of life early recollections 8. Unlike Freud’s psychoanalysis, Adler’s individual psychology assumed that people are mostly responsible for their personalities 9. Unlike Freud, Adler believed that narcissism is a form of neurosis 10. Unlike other psychiatrists of his time, Adler treated large middle and lower class patients 11. Adler’s concern for the whole person led to his studying psychiatry 12. According to Adler, the behaviour of psychologically healthy individuals is motivated mostly by conscious goals and drives 13....

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