Theories of Personality - Adler PDF

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Sample Questions Theories of Personality, 7e 1) Adler believed that personality development was shaped by A) the mutual cooperation of the mother–infant relationship. B) the constant striving of the id impulses to be recognized. C) social and interpersonal elements. D) Both A and C Answer: D 2) Adler A) criticized society’s restrictive gender roles. B) believed that masculine dominance did not occur naturally. C) proposed that schools could potentially address healthy development of both sexes. D) All of the above Answer: D 3) Adler believed that biology is A) the sole determinant of the basis of positive striving. B) one of the factors that creates the basis for positive striving. C) unrelated to the basis for positive striving. D) disregarded entirely with emphasis instead upon cognition. Answer: B 4) In the description of Malala Yousafzai in the beginning of chapter 4, the text states that Malala was distressed by a childhood memory of social conditions, seeing children who were trying to survive by scavenging scraps from a garbage dump. What would an Adlerian psychologist call these negative evaluations of her social conditions?

A) Felt-minus B) Felt-plus C) Inferiority drive D) Id complex Answer: A 5) Adler’s theory is called A) psychoanalysis. B) social analysis. C) individual psychology. D) learning theory. Answer: C 6) Which statement best describes the relationship between Freud and Adler? A) Freud influenced Adler. B) Adler influenced Freud. C) Freud and Adler each influenced the other. D) Neither Freud nor Adler influenced the other. Answer: C 7) When comparing Adler’s theory to classical psychoanalysis, we see that Adler placed more emphasis on A) society and culture. B) ego and superego conflict. C) hypnosis as a methodology. D) aggression. Answer: A 8) According to Adler, the basic human motivation is to strive toward

A) a better situation. B) sexual fulfillment. C) balance between the conscious and the unconscious. D) inner peace. Answer: A 9) Adler’s term, “__________,” has become widely known. A) transference B) psychic determinism C) collective unconscious D) inferiority complex Answer: D 10) Adler suggests that a person’s identity can be adversely affected when the person perceives the inability to overcome a “felt minus” situation. Adler claims that this perception puts a person at risk for A) perceiving oneself as a victim. B) a superiority complex. C) exaggerated transference. D) fictional finalism. Answer: A 11) What were Adler’s views on the therapeutic value of first memories and dreams? A) First memories were not significant in therapy, although dreams were considered the “royal road to the unconscious.” B) Dreams and mistaken memories represented areas of repressed conflict. C) Emotions evoked in dreams and first memories were ignored in therapy. D) Dreams and first memories were useful in identifying the patient’s problem. Answer: D 12) The creative choices that people make to overcome perceptions of inferiority include fictional finalisms such as

A) a strong, healthy body if the person is ill. B) a fortune, if the person feels held back by lack of money. C) admiration, if the person feels underappreciated. D) All of these could constitute fictional finalism examples Answer: D 13) In his explanation of the concept of organ inferiority, Adler emphasized A) the inheritance of personality. B) the subjective experience of the child. C) the impact of physical limitations on the development of intelligence. D) determinism. Answer: B 14) According to Adler, the healthy way to deal with physical inferiorities is through A) denial. B) repression. C) compensation. D) social support. Answer: C 15) According to Adler, a child who suffers from a childhood crippling disease A) will probably become neurotic. B) will probably become psychotic. C) will probably not be affected psychologically because physical and psychological issues are separate. D) may have a variety of outcomes, depending upon his or her attitude toward the disability. Answer: D 16) A child who fights with playmates may be expressing A) organ inferiority.

B) masculine protest. C) the aggressive drive. D) superiority striving. Answer: C 17) Adler’s concept of the “aggressive drive” is most closely associated with the emotion of A) guilt. B) shame. C) embarrassment. D) anger. Answer: D 18) An inferiority complex is A) a normal stage of development. B) a result of compensation for organ inferiority. C) an unhealthy outcome. D) a sign of mental health. Answer: C 19) Which statement most accurately compares “superiority striving” and “perfection striving,” as Adler used these terms? A) Superiority striving is neurotic; perfection striving is healthy. B) Superiority striving is healthy; perfection striving is neurotic. C) Superiority striving and perfection striving are similar and both are neurotic. D) Superiority striving and perfection striving are similar and both are healthy. Answer: D 20) Organ inferiority, the aggressive drive, masculine protest, superiority striving, and perfection striving are A) stages that occur, one after the other, in the development of normal personality.

B) stages that occur, one after the other, in the development of unhealthy personality. C) stages in the development of Adler’s thinking about personality. D) various diagnostic categories. Answer: C 21) In Adler’s theory, a superiority complex is A) a sign that a person has achieved a high level of mental health. B) a requirement to become a therapist. C) unhealthy. D) not mentioned. Answer: C 22) Of the following, Adler most strongly emphasized A) determinism. B) the creative self. C) spirituality. D) sexuality. Answer: B 23) Imagining what would make up for the negatives in our lives is, according to Adler, A) fictional finalism. B) a neurotic defense mechanism. C) characteristic of neglected children only. D) a superiority complex. Answer: A 24) Which phrase corresponds most closely to Adler’s concept of “fictional finalism”?

A) What we think will satisfy our sense of what is lacking in our lives

B) Pretending that we have finally reached the goal C) A book or journal in which we imagine the last year of life and write about it D) A false theory, which has been finally given up Answer: A 25) A person who has a fixed, unchanging, inflexible “fictional finalism” is probably A) an artist. B) a healthy personality. C) a neurotic. D) old. Answer: C 26) When considering each person’s unique style of life, Adler identified three undesirable styles and one healthy style. Which of the following represents these styles most accurately? A) Getting types represent a healthy style of life B) Ruling types want other people to take care of them C) Avoiding types seek to dominate others D) Socially useful types have a well-developed sense of “social interest” Answer: D 27) Adler’s term that best describes an individual’s unique personality is A) family constellation. B) style of life. C) compensation. D) social interest. Answer: B 28) Of the following, the most important key to understanding a person, according to Adler, is contained in his or her

A) dreams. B) attitudes toward people. C) first memories. D) physical characteristics. Answer: C 29) Which of these questions would Adler ask in order to understand a person? A) “At what age were you toilet trained?” B) “Do you dream in color or in black and white?” C) “What is your earliest memory?” D) “What does this inkblot look like?” Answer: C 30) Which phrase did Adler use to refer to people who do not develop in a healthy way? A) Mistaken styles of life B) Psychologically underdeveloped C) Neurotic misfits D) Retarded Answer: A 31) People who continually put down others as worthless have A) a mistaken style of life. B) a ruling type of personality. C) a deprecation complex. D) All of the above Answer: D 32) The three mistaken styles of life identified by Adler are A) gluttony, greed, and crime.

B) neurosis, psychosis, and retardation. C) ruling, getting, and avoiding. D) masculine protest, aggressive drive, and organ inferiority. Answer: C 33) A person who is excessively passive and dependent has probably adopted a(n) __________ style of life. A) avoiding B) getting C) ruling D) socially useful Answer: B 34) People who suffer from agoraphobia are __________ type people, in Adler’s typology. A) avoiding B) getting C) ruling D) socially useful Answer: A 35) Which type of personality is most healthy, according to Adler? A) The socially useful type B) The getting type C) The ruling type D) The avoiding type Answer: A 36) According to Adler, a socially useful style of life is A) impossible in modern society. B) typical of extraverts.

C) a mistaken style of life. D) healthy. Answer: D 37) According to Adler, a person’s style of life is determined by A) parents. B) the person’s own goals. C) D) biological factors. Answer: B 38) Adler believed that a person’s style of life was in place by age A) 2. B) 5. C) 12. D) 25. Answer: B 39) Adler recommended that parents should A) indulge their children. (There’s no such thing as a spoiled child!) B) avoid pampering their children. C) teach their children about sex roles. D) punish any early signs of homosexuality. Answer: B 40) Which statement best describes the attitude of Adlerian psychologists toward parents?

A) Parents can learn to be more effective through training programs. B) Parents have much less impact on their children than is generally supposed.

C) Parents should limit their families to no more than two children. D) Parents know what is best for their children. Answer: A 41) The term “family constellation” refers to A) the genetics of personality. B) the number, age, and sex of siblings. C) the fact that grandparents are also important in determining personality. D) the family’s beliefs about who is the “star.” Answer: B 42) Adler called attention to the importance of A) sexuality. B) age. C) birth order and siblings. D) pets. Answer: C 43) Oldest children are __________ by the arrival of later children, according to Adler. A) rewarded B) made higher in status C) deprived of their pacemaker D) dethroned Answer: D 44) According to Adler, the first-born child is likely to be A) a male. B) pampered. C) neglected.

D) high in social interest. Answer: B 45) Adler described the first-born child as the __________ for the second child. A) parent substitute B) role model C) pacemaker D) fantasy sexual object Answer: C 46) The most favorable birth order, according to Adler, is the A) first-born. B) second-born. C) youngest child. D) only child. Answer: B 47) Adler described the youngest child as likely to be A) pampered or spoiled. B) high in social interest. C) deformed. D) rebellious. Answer: A 48) What does research reveal about the differences Adler proposed regarding birth order effects? A) Research has demonstrated that contrary to Adler’s views, parents do not treat children differently as a function of their birth order. B) Research supports Adler’s claim that second-born children are the highest achievers. C) Research has demonstrated that firstborn children are more oriented toward their parents. D) Research has not supported a firstborn child’s “dethronement” when the second child is born.

Answer: C 49) The effects of birth order are A) consistently found, by research, to confirm Adler’s predictions. B) universal across cultures and socioeconomic levels. C) significant for achievement, supporting Adler’s theory, but not for other aspects of personality. D) often significant in research, but with varying effects in different studies. Answer: D 50) Frank Sulloway examined birth-order effects in famous historical figures such as Copernicus and Darwin. Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of Sulloway’s work discussed in your text? A) History and the lives of historical figures are open to multiple interpretations. B) Other empirical research demonstrated opposite findings from those of Sulloway. C) Sulloway was too empirical in his approach. D) Sulloway was biased in choosing to study the people he examined. Answer: C 51) Adler’s major criterion for psychological health is A) the absence of anxiety. B) social interest. C) high achievement in school. D) creativity. Answer: B 52) From Adler’s point of view,

A) a healthy personality has compensated for perceived inferiorities by engaging in social interaction. B) a healthy personality is one in which inferiority had never been experienced. C) it is unnecessary to involve the notion of social interest when discussing the determinants of a healthy personality.

D) compensating for a felt “plus minus” in any way possible defines a healthy personality. Answer: A 53) According to Adler, all neurosis stems from inadequate A) ambition. B) self-confidence. C) social interest. D) intelligence. Answer: C 54) The three major tasks of life, according to Adler, are A) school, marriage, and parenthood. B) life style, financial security, and achievement. C) self-esteem, reputation, and challenge. D) love, work, and social interaction. Answer: D 55) According to Adler, which of the following is one of the three tasks of life? A) Artistic achievement B) Social interaction C) Political interest D) Education Answer: B

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.5

Topic: Three Tasks of Life

74 and 75

56) Adler suggested that if there is a fourth life task in addition to the three he named, it is

A) reproduction. B) politics. C) art. D) recreation. Answer: C

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.5

Topic: Possible fourth task of life


57) Unlike Freud and Jung, Adler considered the relevance of psychoanalysis to

A) schools. B) women. C) therapy. D) dreams. Answer: A

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.1

Topic: Adler’s theory in schools


58) Adlerian therapy aims to increase people’s

A) self-disclosure. B) ambition. C) social interest.

D) ability to recall dreams. Answer: C

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Evaluate It

Learning Objective: 4.1

Topic: Adler’s theory and therapy


59) According to Adler, the key to understanding dreams is

A) whether they are in color or in black and white.

B) what the person ate before going to sleep. C) whether the dream includes other people or only the dreamer. D) the emotion created by the dream. Answer: D

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.1

Topic: Dreams


60) Which statement best describes Adler’s views about the mind and the body?

A) They are separate. Psychology should study only the mind. B) Mental activity can be explained entirely in terms of physical changes in the body, especially the nervous system.

C) They are closely interrelated. Mental conflict can lead to physical illness. D) The body is most important. If physical health is sound, there will be no mental conflicts. Answer: C

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Evaluate It

Learning Objective: 4.1

Topic: Relation between mind and body



1) Adler’s theory emphasizes the uniqueness of each person.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Evaluate It

Learning Objective: 4.1

Topic: Uniqueness


2) Adler’s theory was influenced by the fact that he was very healthy as a child.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.1

Topic: Biography of Alfred Adler


3) Adler thought that the impact of physical handicaps on personality depends on a child’s subjective experience.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Evaluate It

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Organ inferiority

68 4) It is unhealthy to try to compensate for physical handicaps, according to Adler.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Organ inferiority and compensation


5) Adler criticized the traditional gender roles of his culture.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Gender roles


6) Adler used the terms “aggressive drive” and “perfection striving” to refer to essentially the same

psychological process.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill level: Analyze It

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Adler’s Evolving Ideas about Striving to Improve


7) When inferiority feelings are not overcome and growth stagnates, they are called inferiority


Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Inferiority complex

66 and 67

8) A superiority complex is a sign of mental health.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Superiority complex

66 and 67

9) Having a fictional finalism is a sign of mental disturbance, according to Adler.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Fictional Finalism


10) People generally have a clear, precise image of their guiding life goal, according to Adler.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.2

Topic: Fictional Finalism


11) Unity of personality is important in Adler’s theory.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.3

Topic: Unity of personality


12) Adler thought that Freud had underestimated the importance of repression.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.3

Topic: Adler vs. Freud on repression


13) Early memories provide important information about personality, according to Adler.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.3

Topic: Early memories


14) Adler believed that a person’s style of life was in place by age 4 or 5.

Answer: TRUE

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Learning Objective: 4.3

Topic: Development of Style of Life


15) Erroneous first memories are not useful for understanding a person.

Answer: FALSE

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Skill Level: Evaluate It


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