There is a fine line between pranking and bullying essay PDF

Title There is a fine line between pranking and bullying essay
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There is a fine line between pranking and bullying essay. discussing and analysing the difference and where the border goes...


Subject: English

Name: Tina 1STC


There’s a fine line between pranking and bullying The line between pranking and bullying someone can be easily misunderstood. The definition of bullying is “unwanted or aggressive behavior towards someone”.[ CITATION Laz16 \l 1044 ] When you prank someone, either on the internet or in the real world, it should be fun for both parts. However, have you thought that maybe the other person does not find it funny when you prank them, but rather feel hurt? The differences between pranking and bullying have been a discussion for many years, but where goes the line? Some years ago, bullying was not taken as a very serious problem, and was rather looked upon as more extreme pranks. However, in this day and generation, bullying is taken more seriously and the line between bullying and pranking is becoming a major topic especially in school environments. It is said that there is a fine line between pranking and bullying, but when is this ‘fine line’ crossed? [ CITATION Laz16 \l 1044 ].

Words hurt more than physical Vocal abuse hurt more than physical abuse. They say sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can’t hurt me, this is not true. While physical bullying is taken more seriously as it can be discovered by anyone rather easily, it is in fact the mental bullying that destroy someone the most. Bullying can affect someone both physical and mentally. While physical injury caused by bullying can be fixed rather easily, it is in fact the mental bullying that is difficult to restore from. Mental bullying can affect someone’s emotional health, give mental problems, affect their mental health and give difficulties adjusting to school, it can even cause someone to self-harm or take their own life. Bullying is not the cause of suicide itself, but it is a factor that can trigger the victim’s brain and emotions into thinking they are worthless, causing some of them to have suicidal thoughts. These affects after bullying are not a shortterm problem, it is a long-lasting effect that may last long way in to adult hood. There is obviously a deep connection between bullying, mental health and what this can do to someone’s body and mind. [ CITATION Ste18 \l 1044 ].

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Subject: English

Name: Tina 1STC


Bullying and pranking over social media It is difficult to distinguish between bullying and pranking in social media. What you take as a joke, others may take as an insult. It is proven that cyberbullying is far easier than bullying someone face to face. Many cyberbullies do not realize that their bullying online will have consequences not only for the victim, but also themselves. The posts, comments and pictures the cyberbullies post online will reflect badly upon them later when they apply for college, job and if they are traveling outside the country. Not only are these consequences they may face, but if sexual nature is involved, they may be registered as a sex offender. They may think using a fake name or a fake email will prevent them from getting caught, but there are many ways to track them down. In addition, if someone does not wish to face these consequences, they should think twice about bullying someone on social media, it will have consequences one way or another. [ CITATION Ste18 \l 1044 ][ CITATION Cyb18 \l 1044 ].

People react different to pranking and bullying In addition, when pranking, people will take it in different ways, some will take it as a joke while others may feel bullied. If you are pranking a friend, they will take it as a joke and a sign of your close friendship, meanwhile, if you prank someone who is not that close of a friend of you, they may take it as bullying. Therefore, you should be careful about who you are pranking, since everyone react in different ways. Another fact is that bullying also get different reactions according to who the victim is, their age, background and social life. Some victims may feel they are getting bullied because of their looks, wealth, ethnicity, social status or grades. One victim may not react at all and just go one with their day as normal. As said in the paragraph above “bullying is not the cause of suicide itself, but it is a factor that can trigger the victim’s brain and emotions’’, this meaning that another victim may get triggered into doing dangerous things like self-harm or even suicide. Would you want to be the cause of someone’s self-harm, death or in general being the source of their awful life? Furthermore, you should not bully someone online or offline, because you never know how the victim will react and what the consequences will be. [ CITATION Ste18 \l 1044 ] [ CITATION Gon13 \l 1044 ].

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Subject: English

Name: Tina 1STC


Conclusion It is said that this “fine line” can be easily crossed, however in reality, it cannot. If you know what is considered bullying and what the consequences may be, you will easily be able see where this line goes. If you do not see where this fine line goes, and do not want to bully or face the consequences, just follow what has been said in the text above. We can see that there is a connection between bullying, pranking and people’s mentality based on the facts that has been presented above. And yes, for some people there may be a “fine line” between these two subjects, however, if you know what the differences between pranking and bullying is, then it should not be a problem to avoid such unnecessary problems. In this text I have discussed and looked at different type of bullying and what consequences they may have. I discussed about what vocal abuse does compared to physical bullying, the difficulty of understanding what is bullying and what is pranking in the social media and the difference reactions caused by bullying. These are all facts that makes it easier to distinguish between bullying and pranking. In conclusion, I disagree when they say there is a “fine line” between bullying and pranking based on the facts that I have presented above. Once you know the differences, it is not considered a “fine line” anymore.

Bibliography Cyber Bullying Statistics. (u.d.). Hentet 10 30, 2018 fra Bullying Statistics: Gonchar, B. M. (2013, 11 8). When Do Pranks Cross the Line to Become Bullying? Hentet 10 21, 2018 fra The learning network: Lazariko12. (2016). When Do Pranks Cross the Line to Become Bullying? Hentet 10 27, 2018 fra Steemit beta: Steele, A. (u.d.). The Psychological Effects of Bullying on Kids & Teens. Hentet 10 25, 2018 fra Masters in psychology guide:

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Subject: English

Name: Tina 1STC


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