Thies 1-49 Study Questions PDF

Title Thies 1-49 Study Questions
Author Philip Falkof
Course Hum Dev Inter & Learn Lifespan
Institution University of New Hampshire
Pages 20
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Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank Freud 1. The ________ self-serving drive for pleasure conflicts with society’s norms for acceptable behavior. A. ego’s B. superego’s C. id’s D. latency stage’s

2. The goal of ____________ is to bring into awareness unconscious conflicts, motives, and defenses so that they can be resolved. A. countertransference B. transference C. psychoanalysis D. defense mechanisms

3. Which of the following protects the ego from unpleasant feelings especially and guilt? A. Rationalization B. Reaction formation C. Transference D. Defense mechanisms

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the three levels of awareness identified by Freud? A. Conscious B. Preconscious C. Unconscious D. Repression

5. Which of the following occurs when clients relate to their analysts in ways that are similar to other significant relationships in their lives? A. Transference B. Countertransference C. Rationalization D. Projection

6. Which of the following balances the id’s drives with society’s expectations by making


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank decisions based on the reality principle? A. The superego B. The ego C. Defense mechanisms D. The preconscious

7. Which of Freud’s levels of awareness lies just below the surface, housing material that the individual knows but is not thinking about right now? A. The conscious B. The preconscious C. The unconscious D. The subconscious Erikson 1. While Freud emphasized internal psychosexual conflict in personality development, Erikson recognized that __________________ plays a significant role in shaping a child’s sense of self. A. self-absorption B. integration C. the social environment D. the physical environment 2. According to the text, ____________ occurs when adolescents assume a preordained role without question. A. identity formation B. autonomy development C. identity foreclosure D. psychosocial development

3. ________________ in adolescence is a cornerstone of Erikson’s theory. A. Psychosocial development B. Self-absorption C. Trust D. Identity formation

4. Each of the eight stages of the human lifecycle is marked by a _________________ that is resolved on a continuum between opposing positive and negative outcomes.


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank

A. self-absorption crisis B. normative developmental crisis C. crisis involving trust versus mistrust D. psychological moratorium

5. Which of the following developmental crises is experienced in school-aged children and is represented by the developmental struggle “I can make friends and do things well versus nobody likes me and I’m stupid”? A. Industry versus inferiority B. Autonomy versus shame and doubt C. Intimacy versus isolation D. Initiative versus guilt 6. Which of the following developmental crises is experienced in preschool and is represented by the developmental struggle “I can control my busyness versus what I do is bad”? A. Industry versus inferiority B. Autonomy versus shame and doubt C. Intimacy versus isolation D. Initiative versus guilt 7. Which of the following developmental crises is experienced in young adults and is represented by the developmental struggle “I share who I am with special others versus I am alone and I have nothing to share”? A. Industry versus inferiority B. Autonomy versus shame and doubt C. Intimacy versus isolation D. Initiative versus guilt

True/False Questions 1. According to Erikson, personality is formed as a result of the resolution of normative developmental crises, leaving people with both strengths and weaknesses. A. True B. False

2. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is based on the premise that humans interact with an ever-widening circle of people, beginning with mother and ending with humankind in general.


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank

A. True B. False 3. Identity diffusion means being productive and learning from failures. Feeling like a nobody, no sense of direction or commitment to a set of values A. True B. False 4. Self-absorbed adults are productive members of society, guiding the younger generation, caring for elders, and contributing their talents for the betterment of all. Generative adults, not self-absorbed A. True B. False Piaget 1. ________ consist(s) of the dual processes of assimilation and accommodation. A. Concrete operational B. Adaptation C. Preoperational D. Formal operations

2. Piaget believed that there are natural limits to building structures through _______________. A. accommodation B. adaptation C. assimilation D. formal operations 3. Which of the following is NOT one of the key concepts in Piaget’s constructivist theory? A. Organization B. Adaptation C. Mental structures D. Assimilation: part of adaption

4. ____________________, also called cognitive structures, begin with reflexes in infancy and evolve into schemata and then into more complex structures called operations. A. Formal operations B. Mental structures C. Concrete operational


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank D. Preoperational structure 5. When people _________, they incorporate an experience into existing schemata and structures. A. accommodate B. assimilate C. organize D. develop 6. The term __________ implies that all humans construct their understanding of the world in predictable ways. A. mental structures B. adaptation C. organization D. universal constructivist 7. Which of the following means not just that everyone goes through the same stages, but also that when someone is in a particular stage, that stage pertains to all areas of his or her cognitive development at the same time? A. “Universal” B. “Constructivist” C. “Organization” D. “Adaptation” True/False Questions 1. Operations are made up of both schemata and cognitive structures. A. True B. False

2. The term universal constructivist implies that all humans construct their understanding of the world in unpredictable ways. Predictable ways, not unpredictable A. True B. False 3. Piaget believed that the two phases of formal operations are the Sensorimotor Period (Newborn to 24 Months) and the Preoperational Period (Ages 2–7).


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank Early (11-14 yrs old) and later (15-19 yrs old) A. True B. False 4. Adaptation is an ability to effectively negotiate environmental demands. A. True B. False Vygotsky 1. According to Vygotsky’s basic concepts of the developmental process, a child’s ________ proceeds by social interactions. *unsure of answer* A. egocentric speech B. inner speech C. cognitive development D. proximal development

2. To understand cognitive development, Vygotsky argued that any function in a child’s cultural development appears twice, on two planes. Which of the following is one of these developmental planes? Also interpsychological: social exchanges with others A. intrapsychological category: inner speech to guide behavior B. inner speech C. sociocultural D. sociocultural category 3. Early in the cognitive development process, egocentric speech is associated with ________________ behavior. A. sociocultural B. internal C. emotional D. external 4. Vygotsky used the term _______________ to explain how external activity becomes internal activity. A. proximal development B. scaffolding C. egocentric speech D. internalization


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank 5. Vygotsky believed that _______________ plays a major role in development. A. motor skill B. language C. memory D. visual acuity

6. Vygotsky argued that all higher functions (e.g., memory, thinking, problem solving) begin as _______________. A. relations between individuals B. ideas C. egocentric speech D. biological processes

7. Vygotsky referred to the difference between what people can do independently and what they can do with help as the _______________. A. zone of proximal development B. assistance zone C. interpsychological category D. intrapsychological category True/False Questions 1. Vygotsky defined the zone of proximal development as the distance between a person’s actual developmental level and the higher level of potential development. A. True B. False

2. Vygotsky thought that very little of the elementary biological processes are transformed into higher psychological functioning by developmental processes. He thought that elementary bio processes are transformed, not very little A. True B. False

3. According to Vygotsky, brain development provides the physiological basis for the appearance of external or egocentric speech, which gradually becomes the inner speech children use to guide their behavior. A. True


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank B. False 4. According to Vygotsky, the less that children use inner speech to guide their actions, the more competent they become. A. True B. False


Multiple Choice Questions 1. In his 1979 book The Ecology of Human Development, Bronfenbrenner proposed that ____________ plays a role in children’s development. A. education B. intelligence C. the culture at large D. interpersonal skills

2. According to Bronfenbrenner’s concentric structures, ______________ are the immediate social context of a child’s life—that is, the people with whom a child interacts on a regular basis. A. exosystems B. microsystems C. macrosystems D. mesosystems

3. According to Bronfenbrenner’s concentric structures concept, _________________ are embedded in the mesosystem. A. microsystems B. macrosystems C. exosystems D. sub-mesionicsystems

4. The ________ represents the dominant beliefs and ideologies in the culture. A. mesosystem B. macrosystem


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank C. microsystems D. reciprocal interactions

5. Interactions between levels of concentric structures are referred to as _________. A. human interrelationships B. normal discourse C. mesosystems D. reciprocal interactions 6. Bronfenbrenner considered the _______ to be the innermost structure in the concentric arrangement. A. microsystem B. mesosystem C. family D. child

7. Institutions such as local governments, businesses, services, and media are considered to be part of the _________. A. microsystem B. mesosystem C. exosystem D. macrosystem

1. The mesosystem contains community groups such as the school, neighborhood, and other social organizations. A. True B. False

2. The model of the ecology of human development is responsible for our recognition of the complex effects of social and economic status (SES) of families and communities on children. A. True B. False

3. Human ecology is the study of the complex interrelationships between humans and their social environments.


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank

A. True B. False

4. Bronfenbrenner examined the effects of the id and the ego on children’s development. Freud examined A. True B. False

Maslow 1. The first four of Maslow's basic needs are referred to as ______________. A. deficiency needs B. esteem needs C. growth needs D. self-actualization 2. Need for ________ includes esteem needs, love needs, and belongingness needs. A. safety B. self-actualization C. psychological contentment D. achievement 3. Those self-actualization needs that are associated with truth, beauty, justice, and so on are referred to as _________. A. safety needs B. physiological needs C. esteem needs D. growth needs

4. According to Maslow's ____________________ theory, lower order needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs can be addressed. A. esteem needs B. growth needs C. deficiency needs D. hierarchy of needs 5. Unsatisfied ____________________ needs come to dominate a person’s life; everything is subordinated to efforts to satisfy them.


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank

A. esteem B. physiological C. love and belongingness D. self-actualization

6. Once physiological and safety needs are met, people can turn to giving and receiving affection, building friendships, and establishing roots—in other words, to meeting ____________________ needs. A. esteem B. psychological C. love and belongingness D. self-actualization

7. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of self-actualized people? A. They exercise sound judgment. B. They accept themselves and others. C. They avoid or ignore problems. D. They display independence and creativity.


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank True/False Questions 1. According to Maslow's theory, the lower, more basic needs need not be satisfied before higherlevel needs can be addressed. A. True B. False 2. According to Maslow, if all the previous needs are satisfied, humans still experience feelings of discontent and restlessness unless they are doing what they believe they are uniquely suited to do. A. True B. False

3. The great value of Maslow’s work lies in its emphasis on psychologically healthy people. A. True B. False 4. Unsatisfied physiological needs come to dominate a person’s life; everything is subordinated to efforts to satisfy them. A. True B. False Pavlov, Skinner, and Bandura 1. _______________ refers to the pairing of a stimulus and a response. A. Negative reinforcement B. Behaviorists C. Self-efficacy D. Classical conditioning 2. According to the theory of operant conditioning, ______________ is when something unpleasant is removed, not when it is applied. A. response B. negative reinforcement C. reinforcement D. punishment 3. According to the text, _________________ occurs through observing others.


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank A. classical conditioning B. social cognitive learning C. operant conditioning D. stimulus and response

4. The phrase, “Control the reinforcers, control the behavior” is suggestive of __________ theory. A. Pavlov’s B. Bandura’s C. punishment D. Skinner's 5. Learning theorists are known as ____________. A. behaviorists B. reinforcers C. ecologists D. human ecologists 6. The concept of a “role model” is consistent with which theory? A. Classical conditioning B. Social cognitive learning C. Operant conditioning D. Stimulus and response 7. Classical conditioning and the control of stimuli are associated with which theorist? A. Pavlov B. Skinner C. Bandura D. Freud 1. Bandura coined the phrase self-efficacy to describe our belief in our own ability to affect a desired outcome. Created concept of role model A. True B. False

2. Operant conditioning refers to how the consequences of a behavior increase or decrease the likelihood that the behavior will happen again. A. True


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank B. False 3. Skinner considered negative reinforcement to be the same thing as punishment. A. True B. False 4. Bandura’s work with social cognitive learning has very little implication for health teaching. A. True B. False Culture Multiple Choice Questions 1. A __________ includes communication, personal space, social organization of family and other groups, concept of time, relationship to actual or perceived control of authority, and biological variations. A. developmental contextualism B. cultural competence C. cultural assessment D. culture 2. In __________, four forces are at work: physical setting, social influences, personal characteristics, and the influence of time. A. developmental contextualism B. cultural competence C. cultural assessment D. meta-analyses 3. According to the text, developmental contextualism means that culture and human development __________. A. are discrete elements B. are inseparable C. slightly overlap D. have no relationship

4. Developing cultural competence is very important for healthcare providers. Culturally competent care refers primarily to __________. A. adapting care to patient’s culture


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank B. sensitizing patients to the culture of healthcare C. imposing majority culture on patients D. the requirement to be sensitive and empathetic

5. __________ includes behavioral patterns, beliefs, attitudes, values, traditions, and other aspects of a group of people that are passed from generation to generation. A. Race B. Genetics C. Character D. Culture 6. In developmental contextualism, __________ include the home, classroom, and workplace. A. physical settings B. social influences C. personal characteristics D. influences of time

7. In developmental contextualism, __________ include families, peers, and significant others. A. physical settings B. social influences C. personal characteristics D. influences of time

True/False Questions 1. It is important to remember that white, middle-class America is its own culture, and has developed over a period of time, while borrowing and integrating influences of other cultures. A. True B. False 2. Culturally competent care is the ability to be help the patient adjust to the predominant culture within the healthcare setting. Adaption of the nurse A. True B. False


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank 3. After the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, U.S. psychologists who traveled there to help found that traditional Western therapeutic methods, such as individualized therapy, were especially helpful. Very unhelpful A. True B. False

4. Understanding the attitudes, customs, and behaviors—in other words, the culture—of individuals is important if you are to interact positively with them. A. True B. False


Multiple Choice Questions 1. Research on gender differences primarily relies on meta-analysis. This means that __________. A. researchers use small data sets to identify differences B. researchers use the means and standard deviations to draw conclusions C. researchers rely mostly on observational data D. researchers rely mostly on modeling for their analysis 2. In 1974, Maccoby and Jacklin reported four areas of male-female differences. Which of the following is NOT one of the areas reported? Aggression not passivity A. Verbal ability B. Quantitative ability C. Spatial ability D. Passivity

3. The text suggests that there are __________. A. significant differences in at least four major areas between genders B. major differences in language and quantitative areas between genders C. few real differences between genders D. real differences in language only between genders


Quick Look Nursing: Growth and Development Through the Lifespan Study questions adapted from Thies Test Bank 4. According to the text, boys have a slight advantage throughout the lifespan with regards to ___________. A. all language skills B. spatial tasks that...

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