tiếng anh nâng cao và hữu ích cho ielts của bạn từ 6.5 PDF

Title tiếng anh nâng cao và hữu ích cho ielts của bạn từ 6.5
Author Thanh Trúc
Course Engineering
Institution S.A. Engineering College
Pages 11
File Size 157.9 KB
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tiếng anh nâng cao và hữu ích cho ielts của bạn từ 6.5...


UNIT1 Part 1 1. Could you tell me something about your family? My family is a nuclear family. My family consists of parents and two siblings. brother got married and moved out. my sister is a senior. 2. What do you like doing most with your family? I keen on the whole family to spend time together in the evenings. sit together and watch our favorite movies. 3. Who are you close to in your family? I am close to everyone in my family. But the person I'm closest to is my mother. Since I'm a girl, I confide everything with my mother most of the time 4. In what way is your family important to you? Well, family is my world. I believe that family comes first and that’s why my family is the most important aspect of my life. 5. How would you describe yourself? I am a person who gets along with everyone. Besides that, I am also a very decent and serious person. I always respect parents and elders. 6. Who do you take after (resemble) in your family? I think I'm the most like my mother. because I have a fair skin and red lips. In addition, I am very similar to my mother in terms of character because both are sociable people. 7. Do you have a large or small family? I come from a small family. I live with my parents and two siblings. I have a nuclear family because I live in a city far away my grandparents' house.

8. Do you get along well with your family? Of course. I get on well with my family. we are a happy family and respect each other's opinions and lifestyle. 9. How much time do you spend with your family? I usually try to finish all work in the afternoon so that in the evening I have free time to sit with my family talking, watching movies, eating dessert together. 10. Are people in your country generally close to their family? Yes, most of the people are close to their families in Viet Nam. Be it a "nuclear" or an "extended" family, Viet Nam people understand the importance of family. Part2 Describe a family member who you really admire. I love and admire all of my family members, it's hard to pick just one. But if I had to choose, the person I would choose would be my dear father. He is the most hardworking person I have ever met. You know, as a farmer, he has to get up very early to go to the fields before sunrise. He worked until it was dark before coming home. he has to work 10 or 12 hours a day. Farming is very hard work especially in the summer the temperature is extremely hot but he has to work outdoors and endure the terrible heat of the summer. It's a nightmare my dad has to go through every summer. Despite being very busy, my father always tries to make time for his family. My father can be said to be a very dedicated husband and father. he always puts his family first and can do anything for his family My father is a good role model for me to follow. Dad made me understand the value of hard work. So if I could only choose 1 family member, my dad would always be my first choice Part3

Modern families 1. In what ways have families changed in the last hundred years?

I strongly believe that people have witnessed the drastic change in family standards over the past century. The most striking thing is the reduction in the number of members in a family. Previously, a family had many generations with their children living together, but since 1961, the family planning policy was promulgated by the government and widely applied throughout the country. As a result, the two-child model became popular, but some couples even decided not to have children. In addition, men are now obliged to share house chores and grow up their children with women, and the number of stay-at-home dads has increased dramatically over the past decade. 2. Should we rely heavily on families or is it better to try to be independent? I am absolutely sure that self-reliance is not only an essential talent as we grow older, but it must also be established from an early age. It motivates us to be more confident and responsible for our ambitions in the face of harsh social realities. For example, when away from home for advanced studies or when hospitalized alone. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't rely on family. Family is always the most strong backing that we can lean on when we are exhausted or under pressure. What I want to say, such a free material and spiritual resource, why don't we take advantage of it? 3. What can the younger generation learn from the older generation? The younger generation can learn valuable life lessons from older generation who has experienced a great deal of setbacks and triumphs. Specifically, we can ask them for advice about work, study, love and many more. We may avoid making mistakes and grow ourselves more readily with the help of these guidelines. Personally, I am most interested when listening to adults tell about the old times, when wars and starvation occurred. At that time, I felt that I had broadened my horizons and learned a lot about the culture and history of the nation.

Friendship 1. What do you expect from a good friend?

To be honest, my expectation from a good friend is that she has to be a good listen, honesty, and supportive. Because honesty is the key foundation in trust. A good friend always understands and knows what I need. She will trust and be with you when you through thick and thin. Finally, I expect her to be more like a family member than an outsider. 2. Are friends as important to you as family? I do not think that it would be true to compare both family and friends. Family is more important to me, but friends are just as crucial. They're all solid backs that I can rely on when I'm having a hard time. Family is the person I trust the most who raised me and taught me to grow up. While friends are people who can share and help me when I need. 3. Do you think friendships change as we get older? How? Yes, I believe so. As we age, we have fewer friends. Because many factors such as work, family, children lead no longer have much time for friends, so only friends are considered the closest. But for a long time, we will realize most of them remain loyal and close friends.

UNIT3 Part1 1. Do you work or are you a student? Currently, I am a sophomore at HUFI, majoring in English linguistics . 2. Why did you choose that major? Personally, I strongly believe that the sector of English linguistics will a sunrise industry. So I choose it 3. What is the most difficult thing about your studies?

Well, It’s the workload. I mean there are so many assignments and students are always under a lot of pressures from deadlines. 4. What do you learn while studying your major? Since I am majoring in English linguistics, I have to study a lot about subjects related to English. I think that will give me the skills I need to get a job after I graduate. 5. What are you going to do after graduation? After graduation, I think the employment rate is very low so I plan to travel long term. After finishing the travel, I will start looking for a job.

6. Who was your favorite teacher when you were in high school? In high school, my favorite teacher was a literature teacher who had a very inspiring voice. I never doze off in her class. 7. Do you like teaching? I enjoy teaching. because it is a job that imparts knowledge to others. I can see their progress. that makes me feel so happy 8. What did you like about your school when you were young? Personally, I like my high school yard because it has a lot of shade. When i study outdoors, it can block the harsh summer sun 9. What subject was the most difficult for you? oh, I absolutely hated chemistry in high school. because it has to memorize all the symbols of the element. it makes me confusing 10. What was your favorite subject? I really like the feeling when I sing and play the guitar at the same time. So I really like music. It give me time to rest my brain. Part2 Topic: Describe your dream job I have always wanted to become an English teacher which is one of the most essential and dispensable occupations in human life. In order to fulfill my dream, I tried hard to get into HUFI University. After that, I will have to obtain the Bachelor’s Degree in English Linguistics and the Certificate

of Pedagogy. Besides, I also have to strengthen my English knowledge and teaching skills in class. Teaching English involves doing thorough research on methods of learning Teachers need to prepare enough knowledge to convey before going to class and most importantly, students will be engaged in the lesson. Teacher is a good job but faces a lot of stress, such as: grades, teaching methods, students, … Although it has many challenges, I always choose to pursue my dream. Becoming an English teacher is not easy because students who want to graduate from university must have an IELTS certificate. It's a much-needed credential to be a teacher. To be honest, there are many reasons why I chose to be a teacher as my future job. First of all, I'm a person who loves to pass on what he knows to people. Second, If I become an English teacher, I will work hard so that the next generation will use English as their second language. It is still a long way to go to my dream career, and I am sure I will always learn new and necessary things to be a good teacher Part3 Education 1. Do you think science subjects are more useful than arts subjects? Absolutely, I believe the sciences are much more important because of the variety in their practical applications. Today's society is developing continuously in the electronics industry. Therefore, the sciences help us invent useful machines or make medicines that help our lives to be more and more advanced and convenient. However, art is equally crucial. It is a means to help connect people with each other and bring many unexpected benefits. 2. Are students mature enough to choose what to study themselves or should their parents decide for them? In my opinion, this is still a rather painful problem that occurs in most Asian families and parents doing everything for their children like that will generate a very high level of dependence. Therefore, they should let them consider their own passions and interests to choose a major that is really suitable. Parents should only be the ones behind to give advice so that their children have more basis for the right choice. The fact also shows that students learn according to their wishes are more confident, responsible and successful in life than those who are constrained and forced into the framework set by their parents.

3. In your country, does having a university education help you have a better career? Certainly. Going to college brings us many other benefits, not just getting a better job. Specifically, going to university not only helps us upgrade our specialized knowledge, but when we are there, we will have many opportunities to participate in outside activities to improve soft skills, which employers require. However, this is the fastest way, not the only way. I mean, look at Bill Gates, he didn't go to college, he just persevered in following his dreams, doing what he was best at and still succeeding in the end. Career 1. What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country? In my opinion, nowadays business is very popular with young people. Entrepreneurship is quite attractive to young people because they always yearn for financial freedom to meet their hobby needs. 2. What factors will people consider when seeking a job? I think that there is a variety of factors people will consider when hunting for a job. Firstly, salary is the essential one that most people will consider since they believe that their value can be judged by what they are paid. More importantly, People will focus on the work environment, promoting opportunity, the benefits they will have when they get a job. Factors that help them develop themselves and cultivate work experience. 3. Do you think that more and more people will work at home? The trend of working from home is gradually becoming a trend because the Internet has become an important part of modern life and some jobs don’t call for working in a fixed office, such as being a designer, writer, accountant. More importantly, health is most people's first consideration and working at home is a safe way to the spread of Covid epidemic. In addition, working at home is very time-saving and money-saving because they can focus more on their work instead of facing traffic jams on the road.


Part1 1. What’s your mother tongue? My first language is Vietnamese, beside, I can also use English to communicate 2. What other languages do you speak? Well, I speak Vietnamese, which is my mother tongue, and English as well. 3. Do you think learning languages is important? Absolutely. Learning languages, especially English, It is more and more popular in communication between countries 4. Do you think that English is difficult to learn? Of course, not only English but most other languages are very difficult to learn, I mean, it has too many vocabulary to learning 5. Why did you learn English? To be honest, I learn English because it is a very popular language nowadays. Besides, I learned it because of my passion for English since childhood 6. How do you learn English? I usually watch TV shows, or movies in English to improve my vocabulary and listening skills 7. Do you think a foreigner should learn your country’s language when they arrive there? Yes, definitely. Since language is part of the culture of country. learn it as well as understand more about the culture and locals there better. 8. Do you often use a dictionary? Of course, dictionaries are an integral part of my language learning process. It's very important in my progress 9. What do you use dictionaries for? Because I study English, I often use a dictionary to get help with spelling, pronunciation, grammar, synonyms, antonyms, and more 10. What kinds of dictionaries do you think are most useful? In my opinion, I think an electronic dictionary is a very useful tool for language learners like me. it's both fast and inexpensive Part2 Describe a language other than English that you would like to learn. Besides English, the language I want to learn is Chinese. because Chinese is the 2nd most popular language in the world after English. I can speak Chinese any country in Asia, they can understand what I mean. but the hardest thing about learning Chinese is that I can't write kanji because it's very difficult, but the grammar part of Chinese is also very easy because its structure is similar to our mother tongue. I like learning Chinese because Chinese is one of the most popular languages in the world. According to statistics, there are more than 1.5 billion native speakers today. And Chinese is also the most used language on the internet.

and maybe China will become an economic powerhouse and that is my advantage in the future Part3 • Language 1. Is it considered important in your country to learn foreign languages? Of course, I think that learning foreign languages is essential for my country. Because when you study a subject at university, you also need a foreign degree to graduate. If you graduate with honors but do not have a foreign language certificate, you will not be eligible to graduate. In short, learning a foreign language is vital for us to complete our university studies 2. In your opinion, what is the best way to learn a language? in my view, to learn a foreign language in the best way, we should be exposed to it every day by listening to music, watching movies in the language we are learning. This way we can get used to the intonation and pronunciation of native speakers. Moreover, we can learn many new words through watching movies to increase vocabulary. all in all, the daily acquisition of English helps us to improve our English effectively • English as a global language 1. How do people in your country feel about English being the world language? In today's life, English is considered as the main language in the world. Depending on the different needs of each person, they learn English for different purposes. Some people learn it because it is their mother tongue, others learn for the sake of their work. In Vietnam, English is considered a foreign language. so I think English is used for individual purposes 2. Does everyone in your country speak English? In Vietnam, English is commonly used in big cities. however, in some small cities and rural areas, only a few people can speak English. It is also said that some people can speak English because the nature of their work requires it, whereas older people cannot speak or use English as well as younger people.

UNIT6 Part1

1. What do you use the Internet for? I mainly use the Internet for study and entertainment such as looking up studyrelated documents and keeping in touch 2. How important is the Internet to you?

Very important. I use it almost all the time from study to entertainment. without it, my life would be turned upside down 3. How often do you do online shopping? Yes, I shop on the Internet nearly every day. I usually order my lunch on app Baemin and Now Food 4. What websites do you usually use? I have a long list of favourite websites. For learning, I need electronic dictionary, google. For entertainment, I warm to use youtube to watch my favorite movies 5. What is your favourite website? I have a long list of favourite websites. For learning, I need electronic dictionary, google. For entertainment, I warm to use youtube to watch my favorite movies 6. Do you prefer desktops or laptops? I prefer using laptops because they are portable and more convenient. I can take it anywhere I want with laptop 7. Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer? Definitely, nowadays computer literacy is vital. For the most part, human activities depend on it. Computers also help people to work more efficiently and smoothly. 8. Does everyone have access to the Internet in your country? I think so. however, people in urban areas have broader Internet access than rural areas. I'm not sure everyone is connected. Part2 Describe a piece odd electronic equipment that u find useful Today, every household is full of different types of electronic devices. We are used for many other items. I have a beautiful refrigerator of a famous brand. It's just the right size and I've been using it for the past 10 years. This is a great electronic device and runs day and night. In fact, this is the only electronic device in my house that works continuously. Ten years ago, my dad and I went to an electronics store to buy a refrigerator to give my mom for her birthday. The outer shell of the refrigerator is made of steel with a black color that looks very eye-catching. it means a lot to my mother because before the refrigerator in my family it was very difficult to preserve food. it is very useful because we can use the food in the days when the leftovers are not used up, not as wasteful as before, prevent the growth of bacteria, and thanks to the freezer we can Make ice to drink cold water. I found this refrigerator so handy that it can preserve food for a long time and is very durable and good. Really it is a boon for us. Million thanks to the inventor of this wonderful creation. Part3

Technological developments 1. Do you think older people are scared of new technology? I do not think so. because new technology it brings many benefits to people. such as mobile phone, the elderly can use it to contact their distant children. Besides, TV is also a useful tool, it helps them update information very quickly. In short, I think older people will find it useful in their lives 2. Do you think young children should have mobile phones? I don't think so, young children should not be exposed to mobile phones too early, because phones will destroy their beautiful childhood. If young children have a phone, they will stay at home to play on the phone and over time they will become addicted, causing extremely serious consequences such as neglecting school. so I don't agree with children's use of phones...

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