Tips for video - gggggg PDF

Title Tips for video - gggggg
Author S B
Course Behaviour Modification
Institution University of New England (Australia)
Pages 6
File Size 142.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 58
Total Views 131




Tips for video Good ones to watch

Copy the blurb from into to subject (after the project stuff) in unit information

Benefits to tour body from day one timeline %20after%20quitting%20smoking%2C%20a,%2C%20promoting%20heart%2Dhealthy%20habits. Intro, I im Meg, you may have found my video because you want to quit…the time to do it was yesterday…

You got this!

It’s hard, Ive been there…

Such a good crutch for anxiety, stress etc but it actually…insert immediate physiological responses to smoking

Dot points to talk about from intro to conclusion . B. mod principles and benefits (print out) Snap cigarette in half All about changing your environment, social settings, alcohol use

How to upload

Hi there. Your oral-presentation submission need not be good to earn points. Just aim at the marking criteria. Go ahead and submit, if you have not done so. Remember to click on submit. We will have our penultimate Zoom Q & A session this Th at 10 AM. I intend to record it for students who are unable to attent. Best wishes,

John BMod weekly summary May 14 by John Malouff - Thursday, 14 May 2020, 12:42 PM

Greetings from sunny Armidale! You have survived COVID-19 and whatever else life has tossed at you. I salute you for that. This week the class topics were self-management and habit reversal. Many of you have used these methods in your projects. Project reports were due May 12. I hope to make available tomorrow the Zoom Q & A session we had today. We discussed the class topics, the video assignment, exam prep, and using BMod methods in everyday life.

If you want to speak about the same topic as your project, you can, but focus the presentation on how individuals can help themselves achieve the desired outcome using BMod methods. Your intended audience is people who want to make the change in themselves or in their child. So not describe how a therapist can help a client. ,

Thebenefit sar eal mosti nst ant .Assoonasaper sonst opssmoki ngt hei r bodybegi nst or ecoveri nt hef ol l owi ngway s : Af t er1hour I nasl i t t l eas20mi nut esaf t ert hel astci gar et t ei ssmok ed,t hehear tr at e dr opsandr et ur nst onor mal . Bl oodpr essur ebegi nst odr op,and ci r cul at i onmays t ar tt oi mpr ov e. Af t er12hour s Ci gar et t escont ai nal otofknownt oxi nsi ncl udi ngcar bonmonoxi de,agas pr esenti nc i gar et t esmok e. Thi sgascanbehar mf ulorf at al i nhi ghdosesandpr ev ent soxy genf r om ent er i ngt hel ungsandbl ood.Wheni nhal edi nl ar gedosesi nashor tt i me, suffocat i oncanoccurf r om l ackofoxy gen.

Af t erj ust12hour swi t houtaci gar et t e,t hebodycl eansesi t sel foft he ex cesst oxi ccar bonmonoxi def r om t heci gar et t es .

Thecar bonmonox i del ev el r et ur nst onor mal ,i nc r easi ngt hebody’ soxy gen l ev el s ,par t i cul ar l yt ol ungs Af t er1day tat t ackbegi nst o Jus t1dayaf t erqui t t i ngs moki ng,t her i skofhear decr ease. Smoki ngr ai sest her i skofdev el opi ngcor onar yhear tdi seasebyl ower i ng hol est er ol ,whi chmak eshear t heal t hyex er ci s ehar dert odo. goodc Smoki ngal sor ai sesbl oodpr essur eandi ncr easesbl oodcl ot s ,i ncr easi ng t r oke. t her i skofs I nasl i t t l eas1dayaf t erqui t t i ngsmoki ng,aper son’ sbl oodpr essur ebegi ns t odr op,decr easi ngt her i skofhear tdi sease I nt hi sshor tt i me,aper son’ soxy genl ev el swi l lhav er i sen,maki ngphy si cal act i vi t yandex er ci seeasi ert odo,pr omot i nghear t heal t hyhabi t s . Af t er2days Smoki ngdamagest hener v eendi ngsr esponsi bl ef ort hesens esofsmel l andt ast e.I nasl i t t l eas2day saf t erqui t t i ng,aper sonmaynot i cea hei ght enedsenseofsmel landmor ev i vi dt ast esast hesener v esheal . Af t er3days 3day saf t erqui t t i ngsmoki ng,t heni cot i nel ev el si naper son’ sbodyar e depl et ed.Whi l ei ti sheal t hi ert ohav enoni cot i nei nt hebody ,t hi si ni t i al depl et i oncancauseni cot i newi t hdr awal .Ar ound3daysaf t erqui t t i ng,mos t

peopl ewi l lexper i encemoodi nessandi r r i t abi l i t y ,sev er eheadaches,and cr avi ngsast hebodyr eadj ust s . Af t er1mont h I nasl i t t l eas1mont h,aper son’ sl ungf unct i onbegi nst oi mpr ov e.Ast he l ungshealandl ungc apaci t yi mpr ov es ,f or mersmok er smaynot i cel ess coughi ngandshor t nessofbr eat h.At hl et i cendur ancei ncr easesandf or mer smok er smaynot i cear enewedabi l i t yf orcar di ov ascul aract i vi t i es ,suchas r unni ngandj umpi ng. Af t er13mont hs Fort henex tsev er almont hsaf t erqui t t i ng,ci r cul at i oncont i nuest oi mpr ov e. Af t er9mont hs Ni nemont hsaf t erqui t t i ng,t hel ungshav es i gni ficant l yheal edt hems el v es . Thedel i cat e,hai r l i k est r uct ur esi nsi det hel ungsknownasci l i ahav e r ecov er edf r om t het ol lc i gar et t esmok et ookont hem.Thesest r uct ur eshel p pushmucusoutoft hel ungsandhel pfighti nf ect i ons. Ar oundt hi st i me,manyf or mersmok er snot i ceadecr easei nt hef r equency ofl ungi nf ect i onsbecauset heheal edci l i acandot hei rj obmor eeasi l y . Af t er1year Ther i skofhear tdi seasewi l l decr easebyhal faf t erqui t t i ngsmoki ngf or1 y ear ,andar t er i esandbl oodv essel swi l lbegi nt owi denaf t er5y ear s .

Sha reo nP nt ier es t

Oney earaf t erqui t t i ngsmoki ng,aper son’ sr i skf orcor onar yhear tdi sease decr easesbyhal f .Thi sr i skwi l l cont i nuet odr oppastt he1y earmar k. Af t er5year s

Ci gar et t escont ai nmanyknownt oxi nst hatcauset hear t er i esandbl ood v essel st onar r ow.Theses amet oxi nsal soi ncr easet hel i k el i hoodof dev el opi ngbl oodcl ot s . Af t er5y ear swi t houtsmoki ng,t hebodyhasheal edi t sel fenoughf ort he ar t er i esandbl oodv es sel st obegi nt owi denagai n.Thi swi deni ngmeans t hebl oodi sl essl i k el yt ocl ot ,l ower i ngt her i s kofs t r ok e. Ther i s kofs t r ok ewi l l cont i nuet or educeov ert henext10y ear sast hebody heal smor eandmor e. Af t er10year s Af t er10y ear s,aper son’ schancesofdev el opi ngl ungc anceranddyi ng f r om i tar er oughl ycuti nhal fcompar edwi t hsomeonewhocont i nuest o smok e.Thel i k el i hoodofdev el opi ngmout h,t hr oat ,orpancr eat i ccancerhas si gni ficant l yr educed. Af t er15year s Af t er15y ear sofhavi ngqui tsmoki ng,t hel i k el i hoodofdev el opi ngcor onar y hear tdi seasei st heequi v al entofanonsmok er .Si mi l ar l y ,t her i s kof dev el opi ngpancr eat i ccancerhasr educedt ot hesamel ev el asanonsmok er . Af t er20year s Af t er20y ear s,t her i skofdeat hf r om smoki ngr el at edcauses ,i ncl udi ng bot hl ungdi seaseandcancer ,dr opst ot hel ev el ofaper sonwhohasnev er smok edi nt hei rl i f e.Al s o,t her i skofdev el opi ngpancr eat i ccancerhas r educedt ot hatofsomeonewhohasnev ersmoked.

Benefit s

Smoki ngi sahar mf ul habi tt hatcanl eadt osev er eheal t hcompl i c at i onsand deat h.Whenaper sonqui t ssmoki ng,t hebodywi l l st ar tt onat ur al l yheal andr egai nt hevi t al i t yofanonsmok erov ert i me. Someeffect s ,suchasl ower edbl oodpr essur e,ar eseenal most i mmedi at el y .Ot hereffect s,suchasr i s ksofdev el opi ngl ungcancer ,hear t di seas e,andl ungdi s ease,t ak ey ear st odr opdownt ot hel ev el sofanonsmok er . Howev er ,eachy earofnotsmoki ngdecr easesr i sksandi mpr ov esov er al l heal t h,maki ngqui t t i ngsmoki nganex cel l entchoi cef orany onewhost ar t ed t hehabi t ....

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